Is this what Christian Love looks like? I'm disgusted and full of sadness.

Ben Masada

New member
Ng; you're not very clear on what your position is on "homosexuals" and or "Christians as practicing homosexuals" beyond the above generalities.

Well, they are doing no differently from the founder of their religion aka Paul. (Acts 9:11:26; Romans 7:8-25)


Is this what Christian Love looks like? I'm disgusted and full of sadness.

:eek:linger: Superstitious prayer. :dizzy: I'm either saved or I'm not (1 Jn 3:14).

Please Change the tag. I would never imply that you were not saved.
Those were your words.[emoji118] #82

Cling to the King Serpent Dove.

Flee the path that betrays Love.

Only He is our gate to Above.

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Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Claiming our passages again? :Shimei: 2 Ti 3:5

"Not all of scripture is written to you but all of scripture is written for you." ~ J. Vernon McGee


Claiming our passages again? :Shimei: 2 Ti 3:5

"Not all of scripture is written to you but all of scripture is written for you." ~ J. Vernon McGee

I leave you in peace now.

Why do you carry the Spirit of discouragement?

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Ben Masada

New member

You know I'm too Jewish and stubborn to turn back from the new covenant now. [emoji846]

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Nameless, please, no offense meant but you are no longer a Jewish lady. You lost your Jewish identity when you deserted us to side with the Antichrist. Oh yes Nameless, I am not the one saying so but II John 2:18,19. He seemed to believe in more than one Antichrist and said that they are all coming out of the ranks of Christianity itself. He was right if that's true because "Christ" means Anointed of the Lord and Prophet Habakkuk said, "The Lord goes forth to save His People, to save His Anointed One." (Habakkuk 3:13) That's what Anointed One is, the Messiah aka Israel the son of God. "Israel is My Son," said the Lord. "Let My son go that He may serve Me."(Exodus 4:22,23)




Saved homosexuals will be in heaven. There is not one of us who doesn't practice some kind of sin.

After so much hostility, your words heal wounds that many don't know they make.

May Christ forever keep you and hold you tight per His unbreaking WORD, illuminate your path in all difficult decisions and strengthen your heart when all manners of hate surround you!

God Bless you, ClimateSanity

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My words (Eph 4:14). :peach: They're not going anywhere. :juggle:

You would never judge rightly either (Lk 13:5, 1 Co 12:10, Mt 7:20). :idunno:
Ro 12:9

You keep messing up the tags on your quotes. I don't want to be falsely believed to be of a spirit of discouragement.

I have said it, so all is ok.

Peace be with you SD.

Joel 2:32

And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the LORD has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the LORD calls.

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Is this what Christian Love looks like? I'm disgusted and full of sadness.

Is 48:22

:yawn: Eph 5:11

We were cast East of Eden and He Rises in the East.

Genius is 3

24After he drove the man out, he placed on the east sidee of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Matthew 24:27

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

God Came In Flesh For the Love of His Wayward Creation.

"The entire Bible". :BOOM: :Happy Dance: [emoji12][emoji12][emoji12]

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Ben Masada

New member
Nameless: "Is this what Christian love looks like? I am disgusted and full of sadness." Well, there is a good way out: Welcome back home! It is about time to stop eating swine food. (This is from Jesus' parable, about the prodigal son, not me.


Nameless: "Is this what Christian love looks like? I am disgusted and full of sadness." Well, there is a good way out: Welcome back home! It is about time to stop eating swine food. (This is from Jesus' parable, about the prodigal son, not me.


It's me. This is my other Avatar and name. I'm just goofing around for a few minutes. Would you be interested in hearing the madness of how the Goy perspective plays out in a pro Israel way?

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Ben Masada

New member

It's me. This is my other Avatar and name. I'm just goofing around for a few minutes. Would you be interested in hearing the madness of how the Goy perspective plays out in a pro Israel way?

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Yes Nameless, I am always interested in any thing from you. BTW, I didn't like your third avatar. Somehow, it does not fit you like the second. It is better to remain nameless.


Well-known member
Saved homosexuals will be in heaven. There is not one of us who doesn't practice some kind of sin.

But Paul says a saved [insert any sin here] isn't that anymore. The old man from whom all such things arises is counted as dead, and the new man can't do them.


Yes Nameless, I am always interested in any thing from you. BTW, I didn't like your third avatar. Somehow, it does not fit you like the second. It is better to remain nameless.

Lol. I only have two. The Bunny is my Wife.

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Yes Nameless, I am always interested in any thing from you. BTW, I didn't like your third avatar. Somehow, it does not fit you like the second. It is better to remain nameless.

And thank you. My signature is off for some reason, but it explains this Avatar.

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But Paul says a saved [insert any sin here] isn't that anymore. The old man from whom all such things arises is counted as dead, and the new man can't do them.

Sin is like a pendulum that the Holy Spirit subsides. But show me a man that claims to be without thorns and brambles and I will show you a man that has the thorn of lying. [emoji6]

"Good Teacher"

"Only God is Good". (That's Jesus doing a God Wink)

Is not the sin of flesh within our members, per Paul?

Are not all fallen short and only counted sinless by Him?

And lastly, why is the Work that is coupled with Faith in James the work of Love towards humanity?

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