I added the post that sonnet was referring to, into the post you are referencing.
I added the post that sonnet was referring to, into the post you are referencing.
Mid Acts Dispensationalism makes me want to horse laugh- they are just the most popular cult, not basing anything on sacred tradition. I as a Protestant am forced to defend Catholics on account of them. At least they have a proper understanding of Christianity_
Is that like, believing we're raptured mid way in the tribulations? Did ya know that the pre trib rapture thing is pretty new
Jesus did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
And that is literally what the cross is, into this Earth, among us.
I think that you would do well to drop whatever 'univeral' notion you have, because God is not a beggar but the Almighty- and you will know His name when He comes_
There are a lot more people than you think going to Hell, as the road is narrow. I'm tired of people making the gate wider than it really is.
It's a complete sabotage of proper, traditional Christianity. And they walk around asking other Christians if they are saved or not like they are better than somebody. The whole thing is a sham- they don't want to spread Christianity, they want to reinvent it.
In other words, there's a reason why they are primarily the outspoken one's against the Reformed Tradition.
And that is why I do not like MAD. The theology is mad and it's followers are nerve racking.
You're right - one should not ask anyone who professes to be a Christian someone if they are lost.
You fool - I sat in an assembly for over a year and did not know I was lost because everyone assumed I was saved and so no one bothered to find out what I believed and or what my basis for my belief was.
I asked you that question from that and from your support of the RCC in that post - they preach a works for salvation; works to stay saved "gospel" and then deny it.
My question was a valid one - my holding to Mid-Acts had nothing to do with it.
True, some MADs on here are "my way or the highway."
Not all are.
Some actually do care about what you or anyone else might be basing your salvation on.
Others merely talk the talk - it is obvious theirs is nothing more than "why I am right and you are wrong."
It is as if they log on in search of who to fight with.
Others are their enablers.
Every school of thought has such types.
None of that is MAD. That is the individual.
One meets such types in all walks of life.
You are merely proving yourself another version of that.
My question was both legitimate and sincere...
1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
The best towards you in this, nevertheless...
So, you mean that Jesus brought a cross and got himself stuck to it! Is it not more preferable to see what happened from the real side of it? And, as the Christian hell is concerned, we don't believe in it. That kind of hell is not for us but for Christians. Our hell is called Sheol aka the grave which is also forever. That's the only similarity.
Did you mean to quote other people in all that, because otherwise that is a bunch of nonsense
Or, you could lay off the booze :idunno:
To be honest, it was just too long. You lost me somewhere around the beginning of the 2nd paragraph. And I was interested in the topic to start with.790 views and no one besides Jamie has the courage to see what's growing in our churches and church?
Regarding the OP. It sounds very much like: "let us therefore carry on in sin that grace may abound"
From the OP and follow up comments I get the sense of Antinomianism being present in your theology. If that's not the case, be aware that is how it's coming off and thats a damnable heresy (some have spoken to that harshly, but my hope is that a gentle word can break bones).
(I do note that sometimes faithful, careful preachers are falsely charged with Antinomianism, that's always the legalists response, even when holiness is preached alongside)
We must preach holiness, "apart from which none will see the Lord." It's true that the law is powerless to achieve holiness in us but it's very much powerful in making us feel our need of holiness. Men never run so fast to the bastion of grace as when they're chased by the guard dogs of God's holy law. The law isn't merely effective for bringing us to Christ initially, it's useful for keeping us there. The law compels us continually to the throne room of grace. We keep seeing our insufficiency (by the law) and so we keep looking to Christ, and more and more we learn to trust in nothing in ourselves, but wholly in Christ.
"Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to thy cross I cling."
Luther himself admits guilt in going to far in correcting the papist legalism so that some were mistakenly brought into Antinomianism through his teachings and he strived to correct this in his treatise on Antinomianism. You were reacting to textbook legalism in the OP, much the same as Luther, and have perhaps over reacted.
See Luther's short treatise on Antinomianism:
We have a responsibility to help one another out of sin, we belong to one another and together we belong to Christ. We are called to confess and forsake sin, though indwelling sin remains and we who are honest can't but admit it, we cry with Paul "O wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death?"
Even so, we don't make any alliances or treaties with sin. No, there can be no pact between us and our sin, the new man must put to death the old as John Owen famously said "be killing sin or sin will be killing you."
The truly regenerate is forced into a battle he did not choose and cannot escape from, he's a man with two opposing natures.
I highly recommend 'The Mortification of Sin' by John Owen (open source PDF available, just Google search it). In fact, JI Packer has said, of every great Christian book aside from scripture itself, he is most deeply indebted to The Mortification of Sin.
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To be honest, it was just too long. You lost me somewhere around the beginning of the 2nd paragraph. And I was interested in the topic to start with.
Yeah, let's see how many liberals you can win over with that, god among man.
They'll be particularly fine with that to, so long as you tell them what they want to hear otherwise.
The most racist people on the planet are who you all are- and that is why you were met with retribution.
But ah, that's 'racist' right?
Ye are gods- so be minelain:
To charge the Jews with being racists, any one can see that you don't know what Racism is. If you ever visit Israel, take a trip to Jerusalem to see the number of black people throughout the Land, especially Jerusalem. And if you want to check the social system of welfare, you will be surprised to see that the majority is of Palestinian Arabs. Black officials in the Armed Forces is alarming. Now, outside Israel, throughout the world the major charitable donors are statistically Jewish. And I mean, donors to non-Jewish institutions. Well, that's enough. If I go on, I'll have to write hundreds of posts about the non-racist nature of the Jew.
To charge the Jews with being racists, any one can see that you don't know what Racism is. If you ever visit Israel, take a trip to Jerusalem to see the number of black people throughout the Land, especially Jerusalem. And if you want to check the social system of welfare, you will be surprised to see that the majority is of Palestinian Arabs. Black officials in the Armed Forces is alarming. Now, outside Israel, throughout the world the major charitable donors are statistically Jewish. And I mean, donors to non-Jewish institutions. Well, that's enough. If I go on, I'll have to write hundreds of posts about the non-racist nature of the Jew.
'Racism' and 'prejudice' are commonly mistaken for the other. To be prejudice is to simply not like someone because they are a certain way- in this case, let's say because of their race.
That is not 'racism'. Racism is the belief that one's own race is superior to another, or otherwise that their are classes of race.
If you make a practicing Jew angry, their racism will come right out. They will call others 'goyim'- meaning 'non jew' in a derogatory context, because they believe they are the favored race.
Therefore, racism.
790 views and no one besides Jamie has the courage to see what's growing in our churches and church?
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Are you talking about the way so many churches call good "evil" and evil "good"?
Yep, they do that and it's why so many choose the wide road that leads to destruction.
Are you talking about the way so many churches call good "evil" and evil "good"?
Yep, they do that and it's why so many choose the wide road that leads to destruction.
I am very familiar with this verse.
Is this from carnal works of the covenant as good, or the spiritual shift of Christ, that calls for unconditional Love of fellow mankind as good?
I think I understand you, but I want to clarify. [emoji846]
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