Hi and Col 2:14-16 , says to it ALL !!:bang::bang:
What was against us? And do you say the new covenant has not yet come?
Hi and Col 2:14-16 , says to it ALL !!:bang::bang:
The Ten Commandments are part of God's Law in the old covenant.
Hi and have you read Rom 13:8-10 is the FULNESS of the Law , the 10 commandments !!
Will you tell all wht the 2 fist commandments are not seen in Rom 13:8-10 ??:hammer::hammer:
dan p
See Matthew 22:36-40 NASB.[/QUOTE
Hi , and answer mine in Rom 13:9-10 , and then I will answer yours !!:chuckle::chuckle:
dan p
See Matthew 22:36-40 NASB.
Hi , and answer mine in Rom 13:9-10 , and then I will answer yours !!:chuckle::chuckle:
dan p
As a Christian I know I am not to break or transgress God's Law and the commands found therein.
I am not under Law, but under grace.
n believer am to obey God's Law even in regard to the new covenant?
Hi , so what does New Covenant mean with a verse !!
dan p
As a Christian I know I am not to break or transgress God's Law and the commands found therein.
I am not under Law, but under grace.
Since God's Law ought to be written on my heart, and since there was a change of law in that now Christ is our priest, does this mean that I as a Christian believer am to obey God's Law even in regard to the new covenant?
If I am under the law of Christ or under the Law toward Christ, and not without the law of God, is this obedience to God or obedience to God's Law somehow, in that we are not to transgress God's Law? I don't think we should pretend to obey God's Law in order to win converts.
1 John 3:4 NASB.
We are not supposed to sin and we are supposed to obey God's commands.
The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
"in Christ Jesus" means to live in fellowship with God and with His son and fellow believers, I John 1:3-4, by believing and doing what the epistles pertaining to grace have to say.
"the Spirit of life" refers to us utilizing that gift of pneuma hagion, I John 4:13, which is the gift of eternal life
Are you speaking of Jeremiah 31:31-34 NASB?
The Ezekiel passage does not have the words new covenant in it.Hi , and No , but it will do !!
The one that explain it is just as good and it is in Ezek 36:24-38 !
It shows that the New Covenant is for Israel and how that covenant is inplemented and what it contains as doe Heb 8:8-13 , settles this n ISSUE !!
COVENANT / DIATHEKE is also a Translitered word and has many meaning !!
dan p
These are all great verses.
The word law and the word spirit can be looked at as I believe there may be a different nuance of the word law being used here in Romans 8:2 NASB. I don't believe either reference in this verse is to the old covenant law.
The Ezekiel passage does not have the words new covenant in it.
The verses in the Hebrews passage you mention here are not quoting the Ezekiel passage.
I am not sure what you mean by saying covenant is a transliterated word. Can you explain what you believe to be transliterated and how?
Hi and you believe that Jer 31:33 is different than Ezek 36:26 ??
dan p:bang::bang:
dan p
These are all great verses.
The word law and the word spirit can be looked at as I believe there may be a different nuance of the word law being used here in Romans 8:2 NASB. I don't believe either reference in this verse is to the old covenant law.
This is a great verse.
Not directly.
But when we remember what Romans 13:10 tells us, it is a reference to the OT law.
We are not under the OT law, yet love fulfills it, without being bound by or subject to the OT law for justification or righteousness.
Galatians 3:21