By the time they're done experimenting with our genetic code, X-Men will be a documentary!The experiments on genetic manipulation vaccines using aborted baby cells continue in the US, with respect for God and human life at an all-time low.
By the time they're done experimenting with our genetic code, X-Men will be a documentary!The experiments on genetic manipulation vaccines using aborted baby cells continue in the US, with respect for God and human life at an all-time low.
You obviously have your own source of 'truth' as does Biden. I will heed the warnings of medical professionals of the dangerous risks associated with the unapproved experimental covid vaccine.Or, they could take volunteers. Which is what they did.
And as for side effects of the vaccine...deaths and severe illnesses from COVID-19 are now almost exclusively among the unvaccinated.
Leftist enemies of God will never stop murdering babies for stem cell research until Jesus returns to put a bloody end to the bloody abortionist murders.By the time they're done experimenting with our genetic code, X-Men will be a documentary!
Well as things stand now, the death rate for the ~150 million who've been vaccinated is no higher than it is for the unvaccinated. This strongly suggests that the vaccine is not dangerous. But on the flip side, deaths from COVID-19 are now almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. So it would appear that your Chicken Little fearmongering about the vaccine is unfounded.You obviously have your own source of 'truth' as does Biden. I will heed the warnings of medical professionals of the dangerous risks associated with the unapproved experimental covid vaccine.
The democrats will have to send platoons of jack-booted storm troopers to private residents if they think they are going to force people into taking deadly vaccines and confiscate their guns.What to do when the Biden Administration knocks on your door:
Democrats: 'Come on, people. The chances of you dying from the vaccine are less than your chances of winning the lottery and only slightly higher than your chances of dying in an airplane crash. So just take our shot so we can move on.'Well as things stand now, the death rate for the ~150 million who've been vaccinated is no higher than it is for the unvaccinated. This strongly suggests that the vaccine is not dangerous. But on the flip side, deaths from COVID-19 are now almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. So it would appear that your Chicken Little fearmongering about the vaccine is unfounded.
My advice to those who refuse to take the vaccine whether that exposes them to covid or not:Dare and his colleagues at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock are dealing with a surge in extremely ill Covid-19 patients — one that is "nearly 100 percent preventable."
That's because virtually all of their patients are unvaccinated. And now they wish they had gotten the shots when they had the chance.
'They wish they knew': Unvaccinated hospitalized patients say they regret not getting the shot
A year and a half into the pandemic, low vaccination rates and the rise of the delta variant threaten to cripple some hospital
Notice the dishonesty of marke's reply!Democrats: 'Come on, people. The chances of you dying from the vaccine are less than your chances of winning the lottery and only slightly higher than your chances of dying in an airplane crash. So just take our shot so we can move on.'
If you are going to claim I am being dishonest you should have the courtesy to support your allegations with evidence and reason.Notice the dishonesty of marke's reply!
He doesn't respond to a single syllable of the argument at all. He routinely ignores anything in any post that effectively argues against his hysteria.
You're an embarrassment, marke! You really ought to be ashamed of yourself. Please do not tell anyone that you're a Christian.
Evidence shows that coronavirus vaccination is not dangerous and that it is quite effective at providing immunization and mitigating serious illness and death from COVID-19, and reason therefore dictates that arguments against vaccination are nothing but half-witted conspiracy mongering.If you are going to claim I am being dishonest you should have the courtesy to support your allegations with evidence and reason.
You really miss chair and eider don't you?Evidence shows that coronavirus vaccination is not dangerous and that it is quite effective at providing immunization and mitigating serious illness and death from COVID-19, and reason therefore dictates that arguments against vaccination are nothing but half-witted conspiracy mongering.
Evidence shows that coronavirus vaccination is not dangerous and that it is quite effective at providing immunization and mitigating serious illness and death from COVID-19, and reason therefore dictates that arguments against vaccination are nothing but half-witted conspiracy mongering.
Translation: "The vaccine is worse than the disease!" But here's the truth:The coronavirus vaccine has been very harmful to some, especially to younger people, which justifies the decisions of millions of Americans not to get the vaccine.
What's there to support? It's right there in your own writing marke!If you are going to claim I am being dishonest you should have the courtesy to support your allegations with evidence and reason.
Translation: "The vaccine is worse than the disease!" But here's the truth:
Heart inflammation in adolescents post-vaccination is rare, getting COVID-19 is a far greater risk
The likelihood of someone in the U.S. experiencing heart inflammation after being vaccinated against COVID-19 is 1.6 cases out of every 100,000
What's there to support? It's right there in your own writing marke!
You posted that drivel about what Democrats say in response to a post that very effectively argues against practically every syllable you've posted on this entire thread. You didn't respond to one single iota of what was said to you. You completely and intentionally ignored it and you know it! This little pretension of yours amounts to nothing but more dishonesty. If your position had any merit at all, you'd not have to pull this sort of nonsense. You'd simply make arguments and refute all comers. As it is you're forced to obfuscate, mislead and outright lie in order to maintain a position that you knew inside of a week of starting this thread had no merit whatsoever.
Not relevant and unresponsive.Just because death by lightning is rare is no reason to force the unwilling to play in the rain during a thunderstorm. Those parents who do not want to risk their kids getting damaged by the vaccine have every right to refuse the vaccine.
Who cares what you "totally reject"?I totally reject your unsupported allegation that I am posting falsehoods.