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I met a interesting lady some 30 years ago. She lived in the mountains of North Carolina. I found her fascinating since she had wrote a book on the destruction of new York said you was in a vision of two hours. People said she laid out unconscious at a local Pentecostal campmeeting. I developed a friendship with her for over 30 years. She said in the vision she saw a invasion of China as they walked over the total destruction on New York. She has been dead many years and the underground bunker of can food long growed over. I still think about our discussion over what she saw. Who knows God's plan's for our nation.

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I identify as a Christian
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You are the crafty one. I said I was only 99% sure about which month the L.A. earthquake would happen. I am 100% sure that Armageddon will happen during this month of August. You're trying to be slippery, so who's the bad guy? Enough said?


August is the third of the way through. what are you going to do when August passes and nothing happens? I had my serious doubts. I was never really a believer in modern prophets. I stepped away when you made this statement in the chatbox. It's just waay over the top for me.

[29-07, 04:24] MichaelCadry: Yes, I am one of the two witnesses, and I'm not worried about what anyone thinks because I know that God will bear witness of it shortly. I'm not trying to put myself in a special place. I can't believe this has happened to me in my life. It's been rough, too!

​Another thing, please don't use the chatbox as a soapbox. It's for friendly visiting.

Grosnick Marowbe

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One might call the 21st Century prophets: "Campingites." Harold Camping was the host of a religious radio program in Southern California known as "Family Radio." He had predicted that the world would end on May 21, 2011. He had many followers who trusted and believed in him, some even sold their homes and their earthly belongings and traveled around spreading the "NEWS." He claimed that a "Worldwide Earthquake" would take place and that millions would die, after which, the world would end. Camping had a nightly program where he would go, on and on about the end of the world and how it was "GUARANTEED" to happen on, May 21, 2011. Obviously, it didn't occur and he basically went into hiding and eventually had to apologize.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Personally, I don't believe God has any "Prophets" predicting catastrophes, today. We have God's Holy Word, "The Bible" and we have "The Holy Spirit" in the world. We have no need for "Signs and Wonders." There are eight possible ALTERNATIVE reasons for people who earnestly believe they have a "Gift" for predicting the future:

1) Mental Illness?
2) Demonic Oppression/influence?
3) Drug or Alcohol misuse?
4) Fakery?
5) Misinterpretation of Scripture?
6) The craving of attention from others?
7) Wishful thinking? This can be placed under "mild" Mental Illness.
8) Brain Damage?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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All we need to KNOW is written in the Bible. Does God answer prayers and help us to understand Scripture? Of course, He does. Does He speak verbally to us? Absolutely not. Does any Member of the Trinity visit us physically? No. Can God heal us from affliction today? Yes, if it's in accordance with His will. Does anyone have a gift of healing today? No. Can anyone predict the future today? No. Can the dead be raised today? No. Are there Miracles today? Yes, but only if it's according to the will of God.


August is the third of the way through. what are you going to do when August passes and nothing happens? I had my serious doubts. I was never really a believer in modern prophets. I stepped away when you made this statement in the chatbox. It's just waay over the top for me.

[29-07, 04:24] MichaelCadry: Yes, I am one of the two witnesses, and I'm not worried about what anyone thinks because I know that God will bear witness of it shortly. I'm not trying to put myself in a special place. I can't believe this has happened to me in my life. It's been rough, too!

​Another thing, please don't use the chatbox as a soapbox. It's for friendly visiting.

Dear Sherman,

Thanks for your post. I can only tell you that August is hardly over yet. I could tell you more, but I am not allowed to say it to others here. I have told only a few close friends and my older sister. I haven't even told it to my younger sister, and a lot of other close friends. Hang in there!!

Much Love For You, And May God's Grace Overshadow You,



Personally, I don't believe God has any "Prophets" predicting catastrophes, today. We have God's Holy Word, "The Bible" and we have "The Holy Spirit" in the world. We have no need for "Signs and Wonders." There are eight possible ALTERNATIVE reasons for people who earnestly believe they have a "Gift" for predicting the future:

1) Mental Illness?
2) Demonic Oppression/influence?
3) Drug or Alcohol misuse?
4) Fakery?
5) Misinterpretation of Scripture?
6) The craving of attention from others?
7) Wishful thinking? This can be placed under "mild" Mental Illness.
8) Brain Damage?

Dear Grosnick,

You are forgetting what it says after the two witnesses/prophets shall die, as written in Rev. 11:10KJV. "And they that dwell upon the Earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets 'tormented' them that dwelt on the Earth." Do you think that all the books of the Bible are true except the book of Revelation. You all don't know half of what you are talking about. You 'Know' NOTHING!!

Cordially yours, amigo,

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All we need to KNOW is written in the Bible. Does God answer prayers and help us to understand Scripture? Of course, He does. Does He speak verbally to us? Absolutely not. Does any Member of the Trinity visit us physically? No. Can God heal us from affliction today? Yes, if it's in accordance with His will. Does anyone have a gift of healing today? No. Can anyone predict the future today? No. Can the dead be raised today? No. Are there Miracles today? Yes, but only if it's according to the will of God.

Dear Grosnick,

Once again, I will address the points you've made. You say that all that we need to KNOW is written in the Bible, right? Isn't the Book of Revelation written in the 'BIBLE'? We shouldn't 'Believe' that Book? You say, 'Does God speak to us verbally?' What about what is written in Rev. 11:3-4KJV, "And I {God} will give 'power' unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore (1,260) days, clothed in sackcloth (in mourning for the Earth's people)?? These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the Earth."

The Lord has visited me personally, whether you know it or not. And so has the Holy Spirit. Isn't it written in the Old Testament that the Lord would pour His Spirit upon some of the people on Earth, in the latter days, and the sons and daughters of men shall prophecy?" See Joel 2:28KJV. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My spirit {the Holy Ghost} upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." See Joel 2:30KJV, "And I will shew wonders in the Heavens and in the Earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke {the brush fires in California and elsewhere}." You have no idea what is to happen very soon. Please see the book of Joel for other information.

You say, "Does anyone have a gift of healing today?" If you knew who Kathryn Kuhlman was, you would know how she healed people in the 70's, by the Holy Spirit. Others have healed too, by the Holy Spirit. You are limited in your knowledge about what is going on, GM. I'm not trying to be Mr. Smart. I'm just telling you what I know.

I could go on, but it goes without saying. The rest of your questions, you WILL find answers to in the following days. Wow, are you going to be surprised, Grosnick. There is still some time in August this month. Wait for it!!

With Much Love And Respect,

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Dear Caino,

I'm not going to enable party hosting. I'm just old-fashioned. Thanks anyway!

Very Sincerely,



Well-known member
Dear Oatmeal,

Yes, there are some who will be kept from the tribulation. Evidently, you are one of those. So I'm not saying you are wrong about this. What you don't know though, is that the Lord God has already fulfilled much of what is written in Revelation already. Thanks for understanding, if you do.

God's Best For Your Soul,



Since the book of Revelation is mostly future events, events that shall not come to pass until after I Thessalonians 4:13-17 comes to pass, it is impossible for any of the foretold events of Revelation to have been fulfilled.

When you understand the sequence of events that lay ahead as outlined in scripture, you will understand that none of the foretold events of Revelation have come to pass



Since the book of Revelation is mostly future events, events that shall not come to pass until after I Thessalonians 4:13-17 comes to pass, it is impossible for any of the foretold events of Revelation to have been fulfilled.

When you understand the sequence of events that lay ahead as outlined in scripture, you will understand that none of the foretold events of Revelation have come to pass

Dear Oatmeal,

I came to say something and no one believes me. I am finished here.

God Bless You,


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
NK has made threats that it will fire four missiles towards Guam within a few weeks from now. If Kim follows through with his threat, he'll be signing his own death certificate and must prepare to lose his power over NK and the lives of his people. By firing those four missiles he'll, in essence, be committing suicide. The U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world, militarily speaking. America is the ONLY nation on the face of the earth that's used an Atomic bomb on an enemy. I really don't believe that Kim is insane or suicidal, however, he appears to be a "Megalomaniac and a Tyrant." Most likely he WON'T fire those missiles because of the consequences that would follow. President Trump has already shown his ability to take control of a situation by dropping a "M.O.A.B" and firing missiles in Syria. I have complete trust in President Trump and his ability to do the "Right Thing." No doubt, God placed this man in the White House, in accordance with His Will at this time in history. In the end analysis, NK cannot do anything outside the Will of God.


Well-known member
Read this morning that China told NK, if you launch first, you're on your own. This is after telling Trump if he launches first, they won't back him. So, China is declaring neutrality? They're too close to NK to stay neutral.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Read this morning that China told NK, if you launch first, you're on your own. This is after telling Trump if he launches first, they won't back him. So, China is declaring neutrality? They're too close to NK to stay neutral.

China's "Lapdog" is NK. China could stop all of this by telling NK too, "SIT." Both China and Russia are not friendly towards the U.S.A. If not for America's presence, the Communists would invade and take control of the world.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The leader of China smiles a lot but, doesn't do anything about stopping NK from continuing their Nuclear proliferation. China has WARNED President Trump that if the U.S. does a "preemptive strike" on NK they will stop us. China wants the U.S. to wait and get struck first, then, they will ALLOW us to defend ourselves. That's a bold expectation coming from China.
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