Eclectic Theosophist
freedom from 'hell'......
freedom from 'hell'......
Tsk Tsk,...Way 2 Go,'re still stuck on a 'parable'. Time to get over it
Remember, 'God' is not an insidious monster bent on roasting people forever over some BBQ pit,....come of age. Time to move out of the Dark Ages.
ECT is insane.
Reconsider your caricature of 'God'.
freedom from 'hell'......
Luk 16:14**And being money-lovers, all the Pharisees also heard all these things. And they derided Him
on the forgiven side with the person of Abraham
Pharisees and the rich man are going to the flames
with the rest of the unrepentant.
there is no water for the people in the flames.
fire is fire but it is not burning up the rich man
some of the torment the rich man will feel is his own making
crying out to warn his brothers that there is eternal conscious torment
the fire is not consuming nor is it love
Jesus points out they won't believe him
they are going to hell and they still will not be convinced of Jesus authority after Jesus raises from the dead
there are going to hell
no repenting out of hell hence the chasm
Tsk Tsk,...Way 2 Go,'re still stuck on a 'parable'. Time to get over it
Remember, 'God' is not an insidious monster bent on roasting people forever over some BBQ pit,....come of age. Time to move out of the Dark Ages.
ECT is insane.
Reconsider your caricature of 'God'.