READ THE BIBLE: They did not die that day!
I do not know how I can make it any clearer for you. They died a different day. The Bible tells when Adam died and it was not the day he ate the fruit. You are mistaken. You should admit your mistake. You should read Genesis 5:5 which tells when Adam died. Adam was 930 years old when he died, are you claiming that the Adam ate the fruit when he was 930 years old, then conceived Cain, Able and Seth and died later that same day!? Your argument is erroneous, to put it mildly.
It is not a strawman argument. Since God said "you will die", how is it that you believe that the wicked will continue to exist forever in hell? "You will die" is the opposite of "surely you will not die". This is what we are discussing, whether the wicked will perish or whether they will be tormented in hell forever. Since God said "you will surely die" that is what we should accept. If the wicked live forever in hell, then the Serpent was correct when he said "Surely you will not die". It is not a strawman argument, it is the core issue of our disagreement, Whether we should believe God or Satan. If you are correct, then the wicked will never die, and Satan is right and God is wrong. If I am correct, then the wicked will perish and Satan was lying and God was telling the truth.
God is Love
Way 2 Go, don't think that what you just did will slip by me without being noticed.
I wrote1. Have no idea what is meant by posting Psalm 82, as it does not seem to reflect any relevant point, nor does it change the meaning of "the scripture cannot be broken" (which is not from Psalm 82 anyway.) Red herring perhaps?
2. Very bizarre that Way 2 Go laughs at *HIMSELF* by mocking "spontaneously combust." Go back a few posts and you'll see that was his ORIGINAL ANSWER as to what he said Solomon believed would happen. What do you say when someone makes fun of themselves?
3. Another red herring with reference to Judas hanging himself. Has nothing to do with current topic, no clue given in post as to how Way 2 Go thinks it may connect.
4. Way2Go uses a type of straw man attack of "does the first death annihilate" + "nonono...." "Annihilate" is most often used as a short form of "which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell" (Matthew 10:28). Granted that the term "annihilate" is not used in the English text, which is why I stick with biblical terms that are used such as "death" and "destroy body and soul" and "perish" and "burn up" and "reduced to ashes" and "be no more."
if you would learn how to use the quote system...5. At this point where I'm reading it is difficult to tell what he is referring to, but he creates an non-specific question, says he won't wait for an answer, and answers himself?
6. Claims that Jesus preached to "human spirits" in prison, disregarding that Peter defines those spirits as "sometimes disobedient in the time of Noah" which Genesis calls the "Sons of God" (as opposed to the daughters of men, Job also defines "Sons of God" as being angels.) Creates his own doctrine divorced from any scriptural support.
7. Claims that I said "Jesus never said he was God." For clarification, I said he didn't say that in English but rather in Hebrew. Way 2 Go may not be aware that English didn't exist at that time.
says today8. Proceeds to swap bible versions for his now preferred version of Luke 23:43 with flawed grammar that does make Christ a liar: promising that he would be in heaven that day when scripture tells us he was certainly not in heaven for the next several days (mentioned already in post above)
your not interested in truth and have pointed out 2 times that God lied10. More of the same old "you are saying God lied" and "you are not interested in truth" charges.
Way 2 Go, would you please be able to do us the favor of writing coherently? Perhaps a little correct capitalization and grammar and sane thought flow and a few less inserted animations and emoticons? Maybe go back and edit your posts when they don't read like normal English?
yes Adam died physically, later
Adam died spiritually that day he ate from the tree
spiritually separated from God.
you deny they died that day so how can you rely on that verse
if you don't believe it .
Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah, if the thing does not follow nor come to pass, that is the thing which Jehovah has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You shall not be afraid of him.
Gen 2:17 but you shall not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
Jesus never said "I am God"
I noticed you did not quote the verse where Jesus said "I am God"
the litmus test of the ECT deniers is if the bible does not
specifically state something then it is not true
Jesus never said "I am God" and Jesus is God
I wrote
for context
you don't like that I reference that scripture cannot be broken was pointing to
Psalm 82 he called them gods and yet they will die like men
still funny your going on about it :banana:
God inspired the writer to write to, record what judas did,
he did not as an example inspire Judas to hang himself
you did not answer the question "does the first death annihilate"
make non existent anywhere as in not possible to be around for
the judgement
if you would learn how to use the quote system...
Saul was not speaking for God nor was Solomon in your references .
who made the pronouncement or who was required to act ?
since your not good at this the answer is God
Exo 14:13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.
Luk 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Mar 14:30 And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this day, even in this night, before the rooster crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice.
Num 16:28 And Moses said, "Hereby you shall know that the LORD has sent me to do all these works, and that it has not been of my own accord.
Num 16:29 If these men die as all men die, or if they are visited by the fate of all mankind, then the LORD has not sent me.
Num 16:30 But if the LORD creates something new, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that belongs to them, and they go down alive into Sheol, then you shall know that these men have despised the LORD."
Num 16:31 And as soon as he had finished speaking all these words, the ground under them split apart.
Peter makes no mention of "Sons of God"
Jesus never offers salvation to demons .
Jesus never said he was God
says today
Luk 23:43 Then Jesus said to him, "I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise."
your not interested in truth and have pointed out 2 times that God lied
in that God does not mean today when he says today
Luk 23:43 Then Jesus said to him, "I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise."
Gen 2:17 But you must not eat from the tree that gives knowledge about good and evil. If you eat fruit from that tree, on that day you will certainly die!"
Gen 2:17 except the one that has the power to let you know the difference between right and wrong. If you eat any fruit from that tree, you will die before the day is over!"
Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah, if the thing does not follow nor come to pass, that is the thing which Jehovah has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You shall not be afraid of him.
learn to use the quote button more than once or go back and read older posts for reference
you did not answer the question "does the first death annihilate"
make non existent anywhere as in not possible to be around for
the judgement
Yes He did - I Am - that's why they crucified Him
John 8:58 KJV -
Rom 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
If I might challenge this assumption as in previous threads,....there is no reason to believe that 'ego eimi' in this particular instance of use is a reference to the 'ehyeh asher ehyeh' of Ex. 3:14, as there is no reason to believe so apart from a presupposition of Jesus being the same 'personality' speaking from the burning bush :idunno:
Jesus did NOT claim in this passage to be 'God', let alone any particular "name" of 'God', like "Ehyeh" or "YHWH", since the simple Greek term "ego eimi" does not indicate a proper name at all, but is declaration of self-identification, a phrase used universally by anyone as a matter of self-reference, and commonly among the greek speaking people of the NT era. Any person can use the phrase 'ego eimi' about himself, and that does NOT make that person 'God'.
There is no reference in Jesus case of he saying "I am the Self-Existing Eternal, Infinite DEITY"...a description that could only be applied to The Father of spirits.
This response does not really address the fact that God is LOVE. Love is what God IS,...speaking of nature. You begin there, knowing what God is in essence, then you know that his actions spring that his constitution.
Love does not inflict eternal pain or torment, neither could love will or enforce an eternal state of punishment and suffering upon any sentient being, let alone its own offspring. Love does no harm. Love saves, heals, restores, liberates, redeems, makes available all means of atonement, rehabilitation, reformation, renewal, rebirth, regeneration, salvation. Only if there is by some universal law of free will, the possibility that some souls could choose against love and make a final choice of self-destruction, could love no longer avail itself in the rescue of such an individual, per the laws of providence and free agency. This is a deeper subject than a surface browse will do....but there you have the laws of providence and destiny.
Is God's love infinite?
What is Love's will?
Does such a quest-ion interest you?
If I might challenge this assumption as in previous threads,....there is no reason to believe that 'ego eimi' in this particular instance of use is a reference to the 'ehyeh asher ehyeh' of Ex. 3:14, as there is no reason to believe so apart from a presupposition of Jesus being the same 'personality' speaking from the burning bush :idunno: Jesus was simply referring to himself as being the one whom Abraham saw from afar by faith, as the Lord's messiah, his anointed messenger, his special representative. The Jews were therefore blind and did not recognize the Messiah in their midst. The context here is the Jews boasting about being 'children of Abraham', but they failed to see Jesus as the one whom Abraham looked forward to, the one existing before Abraham even came into being in the Mind of God, the promised Messiah who plays a prominent part in the plan of the ages. "Before Abraham came into being, I have been in existence".
Jesus did NOT claim in this passage to be 'God', let alone any particular "name" of 'God', like "Ehyeh" or "YHWH", since the simple Greek term "ego eimi" does not indicate a proper name at all, but is declaration of self-identification, a phrase used universally by anyone as a matter of self-reference, and commonly among the greek speaking people of the NT era. Any person can use the phrase 'ego eimi' about himself, and that does NOT make that person 'God'. Also, there is no proof or evidence that 'ego eimi' equates to the literal or even metaphorical meaning of 'ehyeh asher ehyeh' in Ex. 3:14 except by presupposition. We see a correlation of meaning of the divine name being a reference to self-existence, but in the NT accounts these are qualified contextually, as the phrase indicating "I am (he)" or "I am the one". There is no reference in Jesus case of he saying "I am the Self-Existing Eternal, Infinite DEITY"...a description that could only be applied to The Father of spirits.
For more commentary on this see Here & here.
A treatment of John 8:58 concerning the phrase "I am" from a JW perspective is given here (4 parts).
If pj would like a new thread opened on this subject or anyone else, PM me for some ideas, as I don't want to divert the thread from its intended subject
'Context' is key :thumb:
There is reason to believe that though. The evidence is shown in how the Jews reacted to the statement. Stoning is the assigned punishment for blasphemy. Additionally, the context provided was when Jesus responded to the question of how he could know Abraham if he was not more than 50 years old. Your proposed meaning doesn't fit the context very well.
Why are you assuming that Jesus was speaking in Greek? The gospel was written in Greek, but Jesus was speaking to Jews. It would be very bizarre for him to switch into Greek for this purpose, rather far more likely that he was speaking in Hebrew. In Hebrew that phrase had meaning, as defined in the books of Moses. And as you said, in Greek the phrase wouldn't have any significance on its own, so why say something meaningless?
If context is key, then context indicates a Hebrew reference, in Hebrew speech, in response to the question being asked and the challenge to his authority. The reaction he got would not have been such to a milder statement suggested by Anthony Buzzard.
[Edit] I remember Dan Gill now. I even found an email that survived till now from back in 2011.
They took up stones to cast at him not because he claimed to be Elohim Most High but because he claimed that the covenant to Abraham was not yet fully realized; for he says, "I am before Abraham comes to pass", (γενεσθαι). In other words, Before [the covenant of] Abraham comes to pass I am right here right now, (for all the Prophets and the Torah prophesied until Yohanan, Matthew 11:13, if any will truly believe this clear emphatic statement of the Master and apply it to the doctrine).
When I read the things that Jesus wrote, he very often quotes from and pulls from the existing scripture, and he speaks with his audience in mind. It would be very curious for Jesus to speak to the Hebrews and identify himself as "I AM" in such a plain sense and not expect the Jews to recognize the allusion of "I AM" from the burning bush.
Even stranger to suppose that he was speaking in Greek and just decided to speak in an incomplete sentence.
If Jesus was who I think he was, his response made perfect sense. He was before Abraham, the "I AM" that spoke to Moses at the burning bush. It wouldn't be the first time he said something of that sort, and I would hate to think that he was being misleading.
Please don't divert the discussion about eternal conscious torment with the discussion about the divinity of Jesus. Make a new thread for that discussion.