Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


Eclectic Theosophist
Essential points.......

Essential points.......

Paul says plainly that Jesus is God.

Not quite.

That God is the Savior of all is a no-brainer. Jesus doesnt need to be God for this to be so, just because he is called Savior. Look into the biblical concept of 'agency'.

Not gonna rehash on this subject already done ad naseum elsewhere which clutters so many pages as waste, and adds not a whit of spiritual enlightenment or edification to anyone.

A Unitarian Christology is just as good as any other with Jesus just as much a savior as elsewhere, without the need to make any man into God, or God into any man. Granted, the mystical union of God and Man is central to the Christ theme in the 'Incarnation', which is our own story of communion and transformation in the Spirit. Christ is the arche and proto-type of man as the new or last Adam, which we become in the new creation. Its all an allegory, interpreted, translated on various levels of meanings, forms and relations. Thats it folks. Those missing this obscure, confuse and mistake the true meaning and value of the stories symbols and meaning. "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life,....moreover the Spirit is life".

With this in mind, we see God in all as his omnipresence fills all in all. Hence God is not limited to any particular book or pre-script-ion of man.

God's Truth

New member
Not quite.

That God is the Savior of all is a no-brainer. Jesus doesnt need to be God for this to be so, just because he is called Savior. Look into the biblical concept of 'agency'.

Not gonna rehash on this subject already done ad naseum elsewhere which clutters so many pages as waste, and adds not a whit of spiritual enlightenment or edification to anyone.

A Unitarian Christology is just as good as any other with Jesus just as much a savior as elsewhere, without the need to make any man into God, or God into any man. Granted, the mystical union of God and Man is central to the Christ theme in the 'Incarnation', which is our own story of communion and transformation in the Spirit. Christ is the arche and proto-type of man as the new or last Adam, which we become in the new creation. Its all an allegory, interpreted, translated on various levels of meanings, forms and relations. Thats it folks. Those missing this obscure, confuse and mistake the true meaning and value of the stories symbols and meaning. "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life,....moreover the Spirit is life".

With this in mind, we see God in all as his omnipresence fills all in all. Hence God is not limited to any particular book or pre-script-ion of man.

You are wrong. Jesus is the Way. You pick and choose and throw out what you don't like and you make a fake god.

As for Paul saying Jesus is God, he did say it:

GOD is our Savior

Jude 1:25 to the only God our Savior be glory,

Jesus is our God and Savior:

Titus 2:13 King James Bible
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You all have really strayed from the OP. To put it simply, the Bible is infallible and inerrant.


Well-known member
Not quite.

That God is the Savior of all is a no-brainer. Jesus doesnt need to be God for this to be so, just because he is called Savior. Look into the biblical concept of 'agency'.

Not gonna rehash on this subject already done ad naseum elsewhere which clutters so many pages as waste, and adds not a whit of spiritual enlightenment or edification to anyone.

A Unitarian Christology is just as good as any other with Jesus just as much a savior as elsewhere, without the need to make any man into God, or God into any man. Granted, the mystical union of God and Man is central to the Christ theme in the 'Incarnation', which is our own story of communion and transformation in the Spirit. Christ is the arche and proto-type of man as the new or last Adam, which we become in the new creation. Its all an allegory, interpreted, translated on various levels of meanings, forms and relations. Thats it folks. Those missing this obscure, confuse and mistake the true meaning and value of the stories symbols and meaning. "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life,....moreover the Spirit is life".

With this in mind, we see God in all as his omnipresence fills all in all. Hence God is not limited to any particular book or pre-script-ion of man.

The western converts ingrained from conversion that the eastern influences were of the devil is the travesty imputed by western theology, its fruit is beginning to be exposed thankfully for the absurdity it is, freeing imprisoned minds to fly out of that fear based dungeon to reunite with all of others in none judgment John 5:22 the only key that will unlock that door kept closed by our (Sons of God) unrighteous judgment of the Father and man he dwells in and walks among us
in, is to stop judging Matt 22:36-40.



Eclectic Theosophist
"Because I say so" doesnt cut it........

"Because I say so" doesnt cut it........

You all have really strayed from the OP. To put it simply, the Bible is infallible and inerrant.

Ive addressed the OP in my OP, and many other posts here quite extensively, and few have discussed or refuted my several points, even on a universal and philosophical level. Try to intelligently debate those, for starters.

Again, you cannot prove your assertion, neither is there any reason or justification to believe in biblical inerrancy which is misguided to begin with on many levels. A religious book need not be assumed infallible or inerrant to be of use or value, since any info coming thru human channels is subject to corruption, distortion, imperfections, etc....and further doctoring, editing and redacting of the text thru time.

There is no suppport for your claim but personal opinion, assertion and provisional preference.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ive addressed the OP in my OP, and many other posts here quite extensively, and few have discussed or refuted my several points, even on a universal and philosophical level. Try to intelligently debate those, for starters.

Again, you cannot prove your assertion, neither is there any reason or justification to believe in biblical inerrancy which is misguided to begin with on many levels. A religious book need not be assumed infallible or inerrant to be of use or value, since any info coming thru human channels is subject to corruption, distortion, imperfections, etc....and further doctoring, editing and redacting of the text thru time.

There is no suppport for your claim but personal opinion, assertion and provisional preference.

That's fine, mine is inerrant is yours?


Eclectic Theosophist
That's fine, mine is inerrant is yours?

I already demonstrated the invalidity of your claim in most of my posts so far here. Also, I dont need a book to worship as infallible. Thats idolatry.

The spirit of truth and wisdom is a sure enough guide for me, and those facilities of soul the Creator has given me to receive knowledge, understanding, revelation are quite sufficient.

The claim of inerrancy is unnecessary, unwarranted. Jesus said the spirit of truth would guide us, not books ;)

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I already demonstrated the invalidity of your claim in most of my posts so far here. Also, I dont need a book to worship as infallible. Thats idolatry.

The spirit of truth and wisdom is a sure enough guide for me, and those facilities of soul the Creator has given me to receive knowledge, understanding, revelation are quite sufficient.

The claim of inerrancy is unnecessary, unwarranted. Jesus said the spirit of truth would guide us, not books ;)

Jesus also said:

John 17:17 New International Version (NIV)

17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus also said:

John 17:17 New International Version (NIV)

17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

Jesus said alot things, some doubtful of their authenticity. See the Jesus Seminar. Note the author(s) of John's gospel have Jesus saying many things not contained in the other 3 gospels, so much for synopticity :)

The gnostic elements in Johns gospel are wonderful, knowledge of the Son and his divine mission being central, the light and truth of heaven shone thru the 'logos', this being the light that illumines all souls who come into the world. Such is a universal message,....all life and light comes from the SUN. (See the solar logos theme and mythos in most older pagan schools). The 'Christ' is the light and anointing of God in man, and those born of that spirit inherit the kingdom, becoming sons of God.

We would also question if the God and Father of Jesus is the YHWH of the OT since his presentation of God is of a different nature it seems, more kind, compassionate and loving. Some early christians did. (See Marcion and some gnostic schools).

In any case if we trust Jesus God as truly good (as the one true God), we will respect his word as good and true and be sanctified therein. However, this does not prove the entire Bible as canonized is innerrant, since we take Jesus in principle interpreting such subjectively. It only works within a given context as well.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jesus said alot things, some doubtful of their authenticity. See the Jesus Seminar. Note the author(s) of John's gospel have Jesus saying many things not contained in the other 3 gospels, so much for synopticity :)

The gnostic elements in Johns gospel are wonderful, knowledge of the Son and his divine mission being central, the light and truth of heaven shone thru the 'logos', this being the light that illumines all souls who come into the world. Such is a universal message,....all life and light comes from the SUN. (See the solar logos theme and mythos in most older pagan schools). The 'Christ' is the light and anointing of God in man, and those born of that spirit inherit the kingdom, becoming sons of God.

We would also question if the God and Father of Jesus is the YHWH of the OT since his presentation of God is of a different nature it seems, more kind, compassionate and loving. Some early christians did. (See Marcion and some gnostic schools).

In any case if we trust Jesus God as truly good (as the one true God), we will respect his word as good and true and be sanctified therein. However, this does not prove the entire Bible as canonized is innerrant, since we take Jesus in principle interpreting such subjectively. It only works within a given context as well.

The Jesus Seminar? That is hardly the organization to choose to depict as to what Jesus sayings were. A group of liberal theologians who would rewrite the Scriptures given the chance. Try again friend. God's Word is truth.

God's Truth

New member
Satan and his angels were thrown down to earth. Satan knew the Messiah would come, and he made many copy-cat messiahs/gods, before Jesus came to earth in the flesh. When Satan came to earth, he made copy-cat stories, and promoted gods of stone and wood. These ‘gods’ are really demons, and believing in these gods is the worship of demons.

Many nations have these demonic gods. In Egypt, Isis is a goddess worshipped, as is her consort, the sun god Ra. Isis is the mother of many gods. She also had a son, Horus, who was called divine. One can study about the Norse Gods — Odin, Thor, Balder, Frey, Freya, and Loki; and, Hindu gods, and Greek gods.

We see in the Bible where people worshiped goat and calf idols. In the book of Ezekiel we read about the image of jealousy set up at the gate of the altar Ezekiel 8:5, and 6, to provoke God of Israel to anger.

1 Corinthians 10:20 No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.

Buddhism is also a false religion, basing a religion on the wisdom of men of this world.

The world’s wisdom is foolishness to God (Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21; 1 Corinthians 1:7, 19-21, 25-27; 2:1, 4-7, 13; 3:18,19; 2 Corinthians 1:2; Ephesians 1:8, 17; Colossians 1:9; 2:3; James 1:5; 2 Peter 3:15).


Well-known member
You all have really strayed from the OP. To put it simply, the Bible is infallible and inerrant.

Untrue, the statements from Kuhn is right on topic showing the pagan roots of the biblical stories, that rubs you the wrong and pricks your conscience so you make the above statements.

II The word Chréstos existed ages before Christianity was heard of. It is found used, from the fifth century B.C., by Herodotus, by Æschylus and other classical Greek writers, the meaning of it being applied to both things and persons. Thus in Æschylus (Cho. 901) we read of (pythochrésta) the "oracles delivered by a Pythian God" (Greek-Eng. Lex.) through a pythoness; and Pythochréstos is the nominative singular of an adjective derived from chrao (Eurip. Ion, 1,218). The later meanings coined freely from this primitive application, are numerous and varied. Pagan classics expressed more than one idea by the verb "consulting an oracle"; for it also means "fated," doomed by an oracle, in the sense of a sacrificial victim to its decree, or – "to the WORD"; as chrésterion is not only "the seat of an oracle" but also "an offering to, or for, the oracle.''18 Chrestés is one who expounds or explains oracles, "a prophet, a soothsayer;"19 and chrésterios is one who belongs to, or is in the service of, an oracle, a god, or a "Master";20 this Canon Farrar's efforts notwithstanding.21.From the esoteric meaning of the gospel.

Things you should have been taught but demonized to keep you mentally enslaved to dead letters 2Cor 3:6, stuck in the same milk teaching Hebrews 6:1-5, 2Cor 5:16, Galatians 3:1-5,4:24, the Spirit scolded as hypocrisy Matt 23:13 teaching the kingdom is not in man and NOT always at hand, sadly you have bought the lie of Christs kingdom being of this worlds circular vanity Luke 17:20-21. looking for him on the outside Matt 11:3 is right where the rulers of this world wants you to be a slave to their carnalized kindergarten Galatians 4:1, Matt 11:11. .

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Untrue, the statements from Kuhn is right on topic showing the pagan roots of the biblical stories, that rubs you the wrong and pricks your conscience so you make the above statements.

II The word Chréstos existed ages before Christianity was heard of. It is found used, from the fifth century B.C., by Herodotus, by Æschylus and other classical Greek writers, the meaning of it being applied to both things and persons. Thus in Æschylus (Cho. 901) we read of (pythochrésta) the "oracles delivered by a Pythian God" (Greek-Eng. Lex.) through a pythoness; and Pythochréstos is the nominative singular of an adjective derived from chrao (Eurip. Ion, 1,218). The later meanings coined freely from this primitive application, are numerous and varied. Pagan classics expressed more than one idea by the verb "consulting an oracle"; for it also means "fated," doomed by an oracle, in the sense of a sacrificial victim to its decree, or – "to the WORD"; as chrésterion is not only "the seat of an oracle" but also "an offering to, or for, the oracle.''18 Chrestés is one who expounds or explains oracles, "a prophet, a soothsayer;"19 and chrésterios is one who belongs to, or is in the service of, an oracle, a god, or a "Master";20 this Canon Farrar's efforts notwithstanding.21.From the esoteric meaning of the gospel.

Things you should have been taught but demonized to keep you mentally enslaved to dead letters 2Cor 3:6, stuck in the same milk teaching Hebrews 6:1-5, 2Cor 5:16, Galatians 3:1-5,4:24, the Spirit scolded as hypocrisy Matt 23:13 teaching the kingdom is not in man and NOT always at hand, sadly you have bought the lie of Christs kingdom being of this worlds circular vanity Luke 17:20-21. looking for him on the outside Matt 11:3 is right where the rulers of this world wants you to be a slave to their carnalized kindergarten Galatians 4:1, Matt 11:11. .

Kuhn is a Theosophist. Theosophy is based on teachings directly from the occult. If you are a Christian, I would be reading things that are edifying rather than those things that would grieve the Spirit.


Well-known member
Kuhn is a Theosophist. Theosophy is based on teachings directly from the occult. If you are a Christian, I would be reading things that are edifying rather than those things that would grieve the Spirit.

He was and a real Christian (who wasn't hoodwinked by a literal human sacrifice which is the real evil you except Psalms 40:6) in its ancient meaning since the foundation of the world, the Bible is based on occult teaching you ignore, you can pretend otherwise but the real grievance is on you, trusting the perversion of Rome's ideology parasitizing western minds with a carnalized lie, blinded by outer/milk (children) teaching meant to be taken (once you wake)inwardly/meat, the Spirit rebukes you for looking into the future for something always at hand Matt 23:13, Hebrews 5:12-14, sadly it will remain a dark riddle to you Proverbs 1:6.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He was and a real Christian (who wasn't hoodwinked by a literal human sacrifice which is the real evil you except Psalms 40:6) in its ancient meaning since the foundation of the world, the Bible is based on occult teaching you ignore, you can pretend otherwise but the real grievance is on you, trusting the perversion of Rome's ideology parasitizing western minds with a carnalized lie, blinded by outer/milk (children) teaching meant to be taken (once you wake)inwardly/meat, the Spirit rebukes you for looking into the future for something always at hand Matt 23:13, Hebrews 5:12-14, sadly it will remain a dark riddle to you Proverbs 1:6.

Spare me your theatrics. You have been found out and your unchristian attitudes are showing.


Well-known member
Spare me your theatrics. You have been found out and your unchristian attitudes are showing.

I certainly reject your worldly version that was birthed out of Rome, the accusers that killed, lied, and burned the books of those who truly followed the way, exposing your spiritual roots for the manipulators they were and still are, you believe in eternal punishment and blood sacrifice don't you ? if so you are way ahead of me in questionable attitudes department, you speak of love with conditions showing you have yet to encounter real Love that knows no fear or need for appeasement or punishment.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I certainly reject your worldly version that was birthed out of Rome, the accusers that killed, lied, and burned the books of those who truly followed the way, exposing your spiritual roots for the manipulators they were and still are, you believe in eternal punishment and blood sacrifice don't you ? if so you are way ahead of me in questionable attitudes department, you speak of love with conditions showing you have yet to encounter real Love that knows no fear or need for appeasement or punishment.

Zeke, You obviously have a problem. I am not a Roman Catholic. I am an Evangelical Christian. And your roots are where, in Theosophy. If so, that is not a good place to be. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. My only hope for you is that you learn truth which only comes through the Biblical text.


Eclectic Theosophist
Divine wisdom......

Divine wisdom......

Kuhn is a Theosophist. Theosophy is based on teachings directly from the occult. If you are a Christian, I would be reading things that are edifying rather than those things that would grieve the Spirit.

I recommended earlier first learning and understanding what Theosophy is, ....its 3 fundamental propositions shared here is a good start.

Also from H.P.Blavatsky herself -

What is Theosophy?

What are the theosophists?

These are provided to correct your ignorance, misconceptions and assumptions about Theosophy....for starters. You dont see the forest for the trees, as understanding the philosophy, ethic and aims of the Theosophical society, which are in fact supportive of the betterment, progress and evolution of man, whose ethic, science and morals accord with the universal laws of nature and Spirit, which make up the essence and inspiration of true religion. Such ideals and endeavors certainly do not greive the Spirit, but serve it.

We would also remind you that theosophists may belong and affiliate with any of the worlds religious traditionsnor schools but qualify as theosophists as well due to their aims, qualities, interest and vision pertaining to freedom of thought, innovation in science, aspiration towards true religion, and most fundamentally the study and application of divine wisdom. This accords with the Society's slogan "There is no religion higher than truth".

I would recommend education before misrepresenting something. Solomon encouraged us to love and respect wisdom (Sophia), for she is as a tree of life, more precious than all earthly treasures.