Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
I brought that to his attention wholly for his sake as sanctimonious as it may sound. He seems to hear things at times. Some things get past that blockade.

Your whole basis for saying the Quran is not of GOD is because it denies sonship. It denies sonship wholly because of the misdirection it can and does cause in doctrine. I showed this to be true as the Quran actually equates the Messengers to GOD, and says specifically that Jesus had the Spirit of GOD, is the Messiah, the most esteemed messenger of GOD, and the judge of all. It neither denies GOD manifest in Christ, nor the ressurection; the two things believers must believe, the Quran actually reiterates.

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All your talk is worthless sin.

The Holy Bible says Jesus is the ONLY SON OF GOD.

The Qur'an says that God does NOT have a Son.

Do you have a son, pops?

Yes, you say you do?

No, you don't have a son.

Now do you get it?

God's Truth

New member
I know quite well what it teaches thank you.

I've read it quite enough.

I still don't know which chapter speaks about the ark being built. Feel free to provide the texts you say says the angels helped Noah build the ark; then expound on how the help wasn't the direction to do so and how, and must literally mean the angels strapped on tool belts and physically went to work.

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You don't pay attention very well.

I said the book of Enoch says the angels built the ark. Can you show me where I said they helped?

Now since the book of Enoch is a book you are promoting, could you tell me what it says concerning this?

God's Truth

New member
If you don't have to put down other books then why do it all while accusing me of it.

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I am not saying those other books are wrong---as you say about the Bible.

You say the Bible does not say God has a literal Son.

You put down the Holy Bible to promote your other books.
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New member
Can you name those forty plus books?

not all forty tonight. here is twenty something

Book of Jasher

Book of the Wars of the Lord.

The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel

The Chronicles of the Kings of Judah

Book of Shemaiah

Iddo the Seer

Manner of the Kingdom.

Acts of Solomon.

The Annals of King David.

Book of Samuel the Seer.

Book of Nathan the Prophet.

Book of Gad the Seer.

The Prophecy of Ahijah,

Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

Book of Jehu

The Story of the Book of Kings.

Acts of Uziah.

The Vision of Isaiah.

The Acts of the Kings of Israel.

The Sayings of the Seers.

The Laments for Josiah.

The Chronicles of King Ahasuerus.


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Hall of Fame
not all forty tonight. here is twenty something

Book of Jasher
If you have read the book of Jasher, could you point everyone to where it said that the sun and moon stood still.

Edit: Nevermind. Found it.
Chapter 89


New member
If you have read the book of Jasher, could you point everyone to where it said that the sun and moon stood still.

Edit: Nevermind. Found it.
Chapter 89

i have yet to do a good study on Jasher, i wouldnt have known without looking it up.
i have always liked the sacred site, they have some really good archives. i been busted at work so many times becaus eof that site.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
i have yet to do a good study on Jasher, i wouldnt have known without looking it up.
i have always liked the sacred site, they have some really good archives. i been busted at work so many times becaus eof that site.
The interesting question to me would be .......
If it is happening right then, then how could the book of Jasher already have it recorded?

God's Truth

New member
the Father sends the spirit of truth so we can determine what is scripture and what is not. roman councils do not make these decisions.

So the Holy Bible is not confirmed by the Spirit of Truth? You can't have it both way.

Many think the Catholics determined what books were to be included in the Bible, because they, over the centuries, publicly listed the books that they used.

There were canons put together and used by people even before the Catholics. Different people gave personal statements about the books and letters, but they were only commenting on the books and letters that the first Christians used from the beginning. They had only acknowledged those books early Christian communities already accepted as scripture.

The Catholic denominations started to introduce heresies in approximately 310 A.D. The Bible was put together before that. The Roman Catholic Church, which taught things contrary to the Bible, began with the prayers for the dead and the sign of the Cross. The Catholics continued to bring in many false teachings.

Official canonization of the New Testament scriptures came about because of heresies Gnostics and other sects spread. The first Christians accepted as scripture New Testament teachings by letter and books right from the beginning.

The New Testament teachings were by letter and books right from the beginning. We can see in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter recognizes what Paul writes as scripture. Paul speaks Old Testament to the Gentiles many, many times, possibly hundreds of times.
2 Peter 3:15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Again, the believers from the beginning used these books and letters from the start. That is what determined these books as scripture.


New member
Now answer my question.

You don't believe the Holy Bible is exactly as God Almighty wanted it?
Do you believe every version of the bible in each person's hand, is exactly how GOD almighty intended?

Do you think the Antichrist resides solely in a book?

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God's Truth

New member
Do you believe every version of the bible in each person's hand, is exactly how GOD almighty intended?

Do you think the Antichrist resides solely in a book?

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Your question isn't sincere. What do you mean by saying every version and in each person's hand?

What are you talking about the antichrist residing in a book?