Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
You haven't disproved anything that I said.

Do you think all your large postings mean you proved or disproved anything?

a. b. c. d. e. f. etc. means nothing against what I said.

I gave you scriptures that state PLAINLY that Jesus is the ONLY SON OF GOD.

You fight against it so that you can try to defend another book that speaks against the Bible.
I was just showing clear translation from Greek.

It wasnt a lot of texts; just took a lot of space maybe.

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God's Truth

New member
I was just showing clear translation from Greek.

It wasnt a lot of texts; just took a lot of space maybe.

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You haven't proved that Jesus isn't God's only Son.

You haven't proved that because the Bible plainly says Jesus is God's only Son.


Eclectic Theosophist
Apocryphal delights........

Apocryphal delights........

Is that what it says in the bible?

You know you can't really use the same book to verify the validity of that book right?

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Correct,.....its called circular reasoning, confirmation bias, etc. Its similar to "Its true because I say so".

Based on my prior propositions of God's omnipresence, universality and infinity, none here can claim to contain, qualify, constrict, limit, denominate, dictate 'God' the INFINITE. When they claim sole exclusivity of truth, the burden of proof is upon them to provide the evidence, while all the while the one absolute reality is always already What IS. This absolute reality is The Sole Absolute.

From a theosophical context, we can call it 'Deity'....while all other forms or personifications of IT represent 'God' or gods, the various forms of Deity worshipped among the world traditions, each cult of course having its own 'God' or gods. Lets not forget the divine Mother or Goddess as well :)

See the Holy Spirit as female [URL=""]here[/URL].

While staying in the Judeo-christian vein, we have not only the canonized bible and koran, but the Apocryphal, intertestamental literature which bridges the time gap inbetween the Old and New Testament, showing also the evolution of doctrine/theology of messianic judaism then morphing into the early schools of Christianity. These non canonical books are part of the sacred writings, even if deemed not as 'inspired' or sanctioned by the church. For instance the Apocrypha was included in the original 1611 KJV bible, and still in the Catholic bible. The ethiopian canon also includes 1 Enoch.


Eclectic Theosophist


The Qur'an says God does NOT have a Son.

So the Qur'an says that the Holy Bible is FALSE.

If you wanna split hairs, then why not reject the OT,...its 'God' doesn't have a divine Son as defined and later developed by Christianity. Christianity piggybacks on the OT just like Islam, although they havent divinitized Jesus, but respect him as a human messiah and great prophet.

The koran does not say the bible is false, just misinformed and subject to errors. The koran came along to fix that ;)

God's Truth

New member
If you wanna split hairs,
Having a Son or not is not splitting hairs.

then why not reject the OT,...its 'God' doesn't have a divine Son

The Old Testament does speak of a Son.

as defined and later developed by Christianity. Christianity piggybacks on the OT just like Islam, although they havent divinitized Jesus,

So you are saying that Islam piggybacked on Christianity but missed a major point?

but respect him as a human messiah and great prophet.

The koran does not say the bible is false, just misinformed and subject to errors. The koran came along to fix that ;)

You just contradicted yourself.


Eclectic Theosophist
What dies........

What dies........

The discussion is about spirits dying, and no spirits die as in cease to exist.

The bible clearly teaches that souls can die. Whether a spirit can die is more complex a question, since it is the vital force, essence, energy or 'breath' of life, but depends on how its defined/contextualized. Spirits go back to their Creator/creative Source, since they are of God, the Original Spirit. Souls however can disintegrate, cease to exist/function, DIE. - they are biblical terms, and only become immortal if God the Spirit clothes them with his own nature of immortality.

Different schools of thought exist on this, also how one defines 'soul' and 'spirit'.

God's Truth

New member
The bible clearly teaches that souls can die. Whether a spirit can die is more complex a question, since it is the vital force, essence, energy or 'breath' of life, but depends on how its defined/contextualized. Spirits go back to their Creator/creative Source, since they are of God, the Original Spirit. Souls however can disintegrate, cease to exist/function, DIE. - they are biblical terms, and only become immortal if God the Spirit clothes them with his own nature of immortality.

Different schools of thought exist on this, also how one defines 'soul' and 'spirit'.

I go by what the Bible says.


New member
Well that is a whole other discussion.

The discussion is about spirits dying, and no spirits die as in cease to exist.
How is that separate.

You said spirits cannot die or be destroyed.

I claim that they can by GOD.

it is more than relevant.

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God's Truth

New member
How is that separate.

You said spirits cannot die or be destroyed.

You sway a little bit when saying I say something.

Show where I said spirits cannot be destroyed.

I claim that they can by GOD.

it is more than relevant.

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Spirits do not die and we are talking about now and not after the resurrection.

It would be good if you stay better focused.


Eclectic Theosophist
Tugboat theology........

Tugboat theology........

I go by what the Bible says.


The problem there is the bible can say whatever you want it to say, being subject to various interpretations and translations.

So using "the bible says" card doesn't float.

God's Truth

New member

The problem there is the bible can say whatever you want it to say, being subject to various interpretations and translations.

So using "the bible says" card doesn't float.

If you believe the Bible can say whatever one wants, then the truth cannot be found according to you, at least not by the Holy Bible. So you are blaspheming the Holy Scriptures.


Eclectic Theosophist
If you believe the Bible can say whatever one wants, then the truth cannot be found according to you, at least not by the Holy Bible. So you are blaspheming the Holy Scriptures.

Christianity has hundreds of denominations, which all interpret the scriptures with their own spin. Many different translations and interpretations. Just stating the facts. Perhaps your worship of the 'holy scriptures' is really a golden calf.

God's Truth

New member
Christianity has hundreds of denominations, which all interpret the scriptures with their own spin. Many different translations and interpretations. Just stating the facts. Perhaps your worship of the 'holy scriptures' is really a golden calf.

I prove my beliefs about the scriptures.

You defend your false beliefs by putting down the scriptures.

That is no defense for anything.


New member
You sway a little bit when saying I say something.

Show where I said spirits cannot be destroyed.

Spirits do not die and we are talking about now and not after the resurrection.

It would be good if you stay better focused.
Why are you even arguing about this?

You said they can't die, in general; with no other stipulation or clarification.

I showed with scripture that they can.

Now you want to act like you specified something you did not.

Whatever; it's not that big a deal.

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God's Truth

New member
Why are you even arguing about this?

You said they can't die, in general; with no other stipulation or clarification.

I showed with scripture that they can.

Now you want to act like you specified something you did not.

Whatever; it's not that big a deal.

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You are wrong. I told you I am speaking about before our coming resurrection.