Is the age of the Earth connected to Jesus' second coming?


Darwinists love an argument over how many people they can find to support their ideas.

What they will not do is tell us why "six days" cannot mean what it plainly says.

How old do you believe this universe is?

Is this period of universal activity the one and only universe that God has created?

Do you believe that this universe is eternal, and if not, when do you think it will cease to exist?

If it does cease to exist, will God create for us a new universe?

If God says that he will create for us a new universe, what makes you so sure he has not done so before?

The 6 days of creation are 6 of the seven generations of the universe, 6 periods of universal activity.
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New member
As I said, you would be unable to find a Hebrew scohlar from any world class university that says the grammar of the creation account allowed for anything other than a normal day. did come up with some names..

S-word said:

He didn't know Hebrew and used the Latin Vulgate.

Contrary to you beliefs of billions of years, Augustine thought God could have created everything in an instant. Re. the evolutionists of his day (such as the Epicureans), Augustine said "Unbelievers are also deceived by false documents which ascribe to history many thousand years, although we can calculate from Sacred Scripture that not 6,000 years have passed since the creation of man.”

S-word said:
•J. Gresham Machen*
•Edward J. Young
•Carl F. H. Henry

Although these men were Christians and theologians, they did not know Hebrew. They certainly were not Hebrew scholars at world class universities.

S-word said:
•Gleason Archer
Now...although this guy was not a scholar at a university, he did know Hebrew well. He too compromised on Genesis, admitting that he wasn't interpreting it from the straight forward reading of the text...and that he was using outside secular opinions. Augustine would have said that G. Archer *was "deceived by false documents which ascribe to history many thousand years".


Well-known member
OK. So you think that in the time before time there was no time, but God was doing stuff anyway.

Have you got any evidence for this weird idea, or did you just make it up?

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Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning, this is the evidence of time beginning which Jesus also mentions when He said Satan was a liar from the beginning because the Angels were created when God made Heaven at that moment.

Time is intrinsically linked to space and energy/matter. All three affect each other and can be scientifically demonstrated. Time is a physical property and not just an ethereal concept. God created it.

So before this moment when time was created still God existed but out side of time, however we know that Jesus was begotten of the Father and was there at creation as all things were created through Jesus. Also the Holy-Spirit was hovering over the waters. So the begetting of Jesus must have happened before any creating was done.

When Jesus was conceived in Mary womb, God the Father and the Holy-Spirit acted together to make this happen:

Luke 1:35
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

This was the physical representation of what happened when Jesus was begotten before creation began.
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Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning, this is the evidence of time beginning which Jesus also mentions when He said Satan was a liar from the beginning because the Angels were created when God made Heaven at that moment.

Time is intrinsically linked to space and energy/matter. All three affect each other and can be scientifically demonstrated. Time is a physical property and not just an ethereal concept. God created it.

So before this moment when time was created still God existed but out side of time, however we know that Jesus was begotten of the Father and was there at creation as all things were created through Jesus. Also the Holy-Spirit was hovering over the waters. So the begetting of Jesus must have happened before any creating was done.

When Jesus was conceived in Mary womb, God the Father and the Holy-Spirit acted together to make this happen:

Luke 1:35
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

This was the physical representation of what happened when Jesus was begotten just before creation began.

The first law of thermodynamics is the same as the first law of conservation and that is, that energy can neither be created or destroyed. So it would seem that if energy cannot be created, then it always was, and If it can never be destroyed, it always will be. Therefore, according to this law, energy must be eternal, having neither beginning or end. Energy can be and is converted to matter. In fact, this material universe at the time of the Big Bang was pure energy which has been converted to matter only to be reconverted to its original form as energy during the phase of the Big Crunch. If you believe that a universe of mindless matter has produced beings with intrinsic ends, [in Kantian terminology, an end-in-itself] self- replication capabilities, and “coded chemistry”? Then you must accept that it is the eternal energy which has neither beginning or end, that has become this material universe and has developed a mind that is capable of comprehending, and receiving the information from all the minds of all the life forms that the eternal energy becomes.

He is the FIRST and the LAST, the BEGINNING and END
The ALPHA and OMEGA, the FATHER and SON.
The two are one and the same supreme mind in two different positions in time.

Matter can be and is created.
All matter can be and is reconverted to the energy from which it was created.
Flesh and blood (Matter) cannot and does not inherit eternity.


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What I mean is, if it was a literal tree, what did it look like? You can see the the tree of knowledge of good and evil isn't a natural tree. Neither is the tree of Life!
Why couldn't it be a literal tree that looked like a literal tree?


TOL Subscriber
Why couldn't it be a literal tree that looked like a literal tree?

Because the purpose and fruits of any literal trees, have nothing to do with spiritual matters, other than being mere teaching symbols when employed and applied by the word of God.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Because the purpose and fruits of any literal trees, have nothing to do with spiritual matters, other than being mere teaching symbols when employed and applied by the word of God.
Well, I believe the Jordan River was a literal natural river of water.
And for whatever reason, God told Naaman to wash 7 times in THAT river and he would be healed of leprosy.
There didn't have to be anything magical/spiritual/supernatural (whatever you want to call it) about that river water for GOD to use it for His purpose.
It wasn't about the water itself being able to heal, but the obedience to GOD's instruction.

GOD instructed Adam what would happen if he ate of that tree, just as GOD instructed Naaman what would happen if he washed in the Jordan river water.
I see nothing explicit in the bible that the tree in the garden CANNOT be a literal natural tree.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
What does the fruit look like?
Scripture doesn't describe what the fruit of the tree of knowledge looked like, other than it looked good enough to eat.
It just says 'fruit'.
There were many other trees there too, and scripture didn't describe what any of their fruit looked like either.


Well-known member
Scripture doesn't describe what the fruit of the tree of knowledge looked like, other than it looked good enough to eat.
It just says 'fruit'.
There were many other trees there too, and scripture didn't describe what any of their fruit looked like either.
Once we are born of God, we know exactly what the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil looks like.

It's being told that we can wilfully sin against God and that we shall not surely die and no matter what we do we will be saved regardless! Delivered by a serpent into the hearts of those being deceived, and allowing him to feed of the dust of their flesh.

The fruit of the tree of life, brings forth life and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil brings forth death!


No, He doesn't.

That is the drugs talking.

I prefer scripture.

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You prefer scripture, do you?

Well here are a few for you.

Isaiah 65:17
"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

Isaiah 66:22
"For just as the new heavens and the new earth Which I make will endure before Me," declares the LORD, "So your offspring and your name will endure.

Romans 8:21
that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

2 Peter 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be dissolved in the fire, and the earth and its works will not be found.

2 Peter 3:13
But in keeping with God's promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.

Revelation 6:14
The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

Revelation 20:11
Then I saw a great white throne and the One who sat on it. The earth and the heavens fled from His presence, and no place was found for them.

Sent from my old clapped out computer.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You prefer scripture, do you? Well here are a few for you. Isaiah 65:17 "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. Isaiah 66:22 "For just as the new heavens and the new earth Which I make will endure before Me," declares the LORD, "So your offspring and your name will endure. Romans 8:21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be dissolved in the fire, and the earth and its works will not be found. 2 Peter 3:13 But in keeping with God's promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. Revelation 6:14 The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. Revelation 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and the One who sat on it. The earth and the heavens fled from His presence, and no place was found for them. Sent from my old clapped out computer.

Sorry. None of that says "the six days of creation are six of the seven generations of the universe, six periods of universal activity."

You don't get to spout nonsense and then pretend a random list of verses justifies your ideas.

We prefer a rational discussion. :up:


Sorry. None of that says "the six days of creation are six of the seven generations of the universe, six periods of universal activity."

You don't get to spout nonsense and then pretend a random list of verses justifies your ideas.

We prefer a rational discussion. :up:

Stripe wrote......Sorry. None of that says "the six days of creation are six of the seven generations of the universe, six periods of universal activity."

S-word.......Nor was it meant to. It was in response to your post #125, in order to prove to all who browse this thread that you are a total biblical ignoramus, who denied that God said he would create for us a new heavens and a new earth, in other words a new universe, then went on to accuse me of taking drugs.

Stripe wrote........You don't get to spout nonsense and then pretend a random list of verses justifies your ideas.

S-word.......To the biblical ignoramus' Gods scriptures may appear to be nonsense, but those scriptures, which reveal that God is going to create for us a new universe, confirm you, to be the mentally unstable and biblical ignoramus that you are.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You ... denied that God said he would create for us a new heavens and a new earth.
Nope. You said He would make a new "universe." You can't switch your phrasing and pretend my accusation toward you was about that.

In other words a new universe.
Nope. The new heaven and new Earth will be in this universe.


Well-known member
The first law of thermodynamics is the same as the first law of conservation and that is, that energy can neither be created or destroyed. So it would seem that if energy cannot be created, then it always was, and If it can never be destroyed, it always will be. Therefore, according to this law, energy must be eternal, having neither beginning or end. Energy can be and is converted to matter. In fact, this material universe at the time of the Big Bang was pure energy which has been converted to matter only to be reconverted to its original form as energy during the phase of the Big Crunch. If you believe that a universe of mindless matter has produced beings with intrinsic ends, [in Kantian terminology, an end-in-itself] self- replication capabilities, and “coded chemistry”? Then you must accept that it is the eternal energy which has neither beginning or end, that has become this material universe and has developed a mind that is capable of comprehending, and receiving the information from all the minds of all the life forms that the eternal energy becomes.

He is the FIRST and the LAST, the BEGINNING and END
The ALPHA and OMEGA, the FATHER and SON.
The two are one and the same supreme mind in two different positions in time.

Matter can be and is created.
All matter can be and is reconverted to the energy from which it was created.
Flesh and blood (Matter) cannot and does not inherit eternity.

The Big Bang along with a couple of other things you mention are just theories, you're better off focusing on how theories may or may not fit with scripture.