-er.I do not claim that all acts of violence, crime, etc. can be blamed on minorities. I do not claim that if America were all-white, all-Christian, America would be a perfect society with absolutely no problems.
That would just be silly.
The truth is that the poor are disproportionately more likely to commit crimes. The dominant race in a society tends to hold power and coin and immigrants take a while to join the prosperous ranks. But most good ol European descended stock is responsible for killing its own kind, just as most black homicides are at the hands of other blacks.What I do claim is that minorities greatly exacerbate problems. And not just here in the US. Not just in Europe. It's true all over the world throughout history. The more different people are and the less they have in common, the greater the potential is for violence, crime, etc.
You get rid of any number of people and you reduce the number of problems. But if we'd taken your advice early in our history we'd be short all sorts of invaluable contributions to the whole, from blood plasma to jazz.Get rid of the minorities, and you get rid of that particular problem. There are still other problems, but not as many.
According to the FBI, in 2015 out of every 100 white victims of violent crime, 13 would be at the hands of blacks, 56 at the hands of other whites. If you were black, 10 would be attributable from whites and 62 from blacks. That's not exactly a huge difference, is it.Again, compare white on black violent crime to black on white violent crimes.
In this country race is mostly an artificial division. We share much more by class and exclude much more by class and still have more in common than not.When you have populations that don't share much in common having to live with each other
No, what you're seeing are people who've had enough of disparately violent treatment and supposition at the hands of a certain element within the police force. Some of it stems from the forces at work within the community with cops (of multiple races) becoming cynical, suspicious and wary given the sort of poverty and violence they encounter in poorer communities. Some of it is racist.That's what we're facing now with the BLM movement, with the anti-police protests, etc.
And you sound profoundly ignorant when you do, though not as ignorant as when you suggest sending all Muslims there. . . so that's something,I say (though without particularly great conviction): send them all back to Africa.
You really don't know much history, do you? Another time then, we'll start with the Moors.See how they like living with and being ruled by black people
If they don't look different in application it's a meaningless distinction and you don't get to decide the last bit. A bit like me saying something direct about your ancestry and then telling you it's a purely genetic speculation and you shouldn't be offended.Note further that my comments should not be construed as racist in the ideological sense, nor should they be considered as offensive to any black people in particular.
Try to approach this as though you had a college education and can understand the point. You're making a specious claim. What keeps a population unified in the manner you're thinking almost never happens and when it does there's by and large always a dictator of some sort holding it in that fashion by force or arms, imposition of edict and cultural propaganda (see: Japan, etc.). Good ol, culture sharing Europeans lost a third of their total population fighting over a contrived distinction.Do please tell me about those Catholic on protestant hate crimes being committed on a regular basis in the US.
Sure. You're a minority member. It just never occurred to you that most others weren't. That's why it was possible to elect a black president. That literally couldn't have happened a couple of generations ago.Is that even true?
It isn't my definition. Buy a dictionary.What are your criteria for being a racist?
Supra by way of illustration.What polls/statistics have you looked at to confirm this?
In 1968, according to GALLUP, less than 20% of the U.S. population approved of interracial couples. By 2013 that figure was 87% and if you looked at the younger people, cutting off at 29, it was 97%. Huge generational sea change in this country since the Civil Rights Movement.
No, it's been a great boon to us in a number of ways. It's been less of a boon for minorities, but that's steadily improved.Integration has proved a failure time and time again.
Get a time machine or just stand around griping about it until you die, dinosaur. It's not going to happen.We must segregate.
"Now we don't want no integration. Whites and [racial slur censored] must not mix. Every place that's ever tried it wound up in an awful fix" (from the song Lyndon, Lyndon).
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." My song beats your song all to heck and back.