No, we'd have other kinds, like Waco and Oklahoma City.
I'm unfamiliar with the details of the incidents in question, but let the following suffice:
I do not claim that all acts of violence, crime, etc. can be blamed on minorities. I do not claim that if America were all-white, all-Christian, America would be a perfect society with absolutely no problems.
That would just be silly.
What I do claim is that minorities greatly exacerbate problems. And not just here in the US. Not just in Europe. It's true all over the world throughout history. The more different people are and the less they have in common, the greater the potential is for violence, crime, etc.
Get rid of the minorities, and you get rid of that particular problem. There are still other problems, but not as many.
Again, compare white on black violent crime to black on white violent crimes.
When you have populations that don't share much in common having to live with each other, problems arise, especially when they feel as though they are being wronged by the other, and especially when one or both parties refuse to integrate into the others' culture, way of life, etc.
That's what we're facing now with the BLM movement, with the anti-police protests, etc.
"Preservation of the black identity," "white supremacy," and bla bla bla.
I say (though without particularly great conviction): send them all back to Africa. See how they like living with and being ruled by black people (though, once again, you should not read me as actually saying "black people").
Note further that my comments should not be construed as racist in the ideological sense, nor should they be considered as offensive to any black people in particular.
We're too big and to diverse a people. Even within largely similar markers we have histories of sometimes violent divisions, as the Catholic and Protestant did in Europe for generations.
Do please tell me about those Catholic on protestant hate crimes being committed on a regular basis in the US. Please tell about the rampant anti-protestant discrimination. Go on to describe the "Catholic lives matter" protests.
And given racists make up the minority of our population
Is that even true?
What are your criteria for being a racist?
What polls/statistics have you looked at to confirm this?
If your criterion is "regularly attends KKK meetings," then I am not a racist.
At any rate, the takeaway from what I've said:
Integration has proved a failure time and time again. We must segregate.
"Now we don't want no integration. Whites and [racial slur censored] must not mix. Every place that's ever tried it wound up in an awful fix" (from the song Lyndon, Lyndon).
Ditto for muslims, hispanics, etc.