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Internet Bot....No question about it. :plain:


Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
are you a sinner?

Back to this question? Again, that comes down to YOUR interpretation of 'sinner' etc, depending on how I answer then determines if YOU say I'm saved or not.

But YOUR interpretation has nothing to do with my salvation.

You cannot prove that I am not saved, it's just your ego judging based on your interpretations.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Back to this question? Again, that comes down to YOUR interpretation of 'sinner' etc, depending on how I answer then determines if YOU say I'm saved or not.

But YOUR interpretation has nothing to do with my salvation.

You cannot prove that I am not saved, it's just your ego judging based on your interpretations.

how can I prove anything to someone who does not accept common understanding of words?


It's Catholic doctrine. No one is saved until death. If you're alive, you're not saved.


We all have to wait to know whether we are save or not.

Jesus says that we will be judged by what we have done. It is for everyone, including Jesus' followers.

So protestants' claim of "I am saved and true Christian" is blasphemy statement.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I have been consistent in saying this and will say it again: I don't like threads that call people out by name. Such threads are guaranteed to be only negative and end only in arguments.


Hall of Fame
I am not playing this game with you. I am grieving and you have no proof I am not saved. Your accusation was false.

Seriously, consider the source. Chrys intentionally misrepresents the majority of users on TOL over simple disagreements. You are not a man or Catholic. Everything bad that happens on planet earth is your fault.



Active member
We all have to wait to know whether we are save or not.

Blasphemy! All you have to do is enter the Holy and Righteous door. If you have to wait to see if your "works" make you worthy...well you'll be waiting a long time. John 10:9 The work is already done, there is a rest waiting for the people of God.