Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have no hatred or bitterness towards women.
Sigh. This post is too pathetic and dishonest to even qualify as a *cool story*.
True. It's like the Pope asking, "What hat?"

I have no hatred or bitterness towards women.
Coulda fooled me
Well, at least he got someone. Kind of you to give him the moment. :)

I miss anna b
She's in a better place. By which I mean, of course, California. Enjoying the climate, taking on the continuing challenges of her academic pursuits and not getting sidetracked by a few hostile doofi.

What's not to love? We'll see her again. :)


Hall of Fame
True. It's like the Pope asking, "What hat?"

Well, at least he got someone. Kind of you to give him the moment. :)

She's in a better place. By which I mean, of course, California. Enjoying the climate, taking on the continuing challenges of her academic pursuits and not getting sidetracked by a few hostile doofi.

What's not to love? We'll see her again. :)

Agreed. :D

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
good - now we can examine what i said in its proper context

So, you couldn't have done this a coupla pages ago when I'd already supplied the link? There isn't any way you can spin a context into such a despicable comment anyway though I'm sure you'll make a suitably feeble attempt.

before we go any further - did you read musty's op?



Sigh. This post is too pathetic and dishonest to even qualify as a *cool story*.

Yeah, you know what Rusha? Your attitude towards me does not affect me- if you really walked what I've walked and seen or experienced what I have, you wouldn't be sitting here with the ridiculous platitudes you and TH and whoever else spout.

As far as I'm concerned, I live in a Babylonian world and the Bible has a million things to prove that that's the case- your popular bias is forfeit to me for real.

There is one thing the Bible does- and it's a remarkable measure to see who and who isn't endowed with the Spirit- it's in those uncomfortable truths that those such as yourself hate.

And it's in those uncomfortable truths that I find refuge, because according to the Bible I am not of this world :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yeah, you know what Rusha? Your attitude towards me does not affect me- if you really walked what I've walked and seen or experienced what I have, you wouldn't be sitting here with the ridiculous platitudes you and TH and whoever else spout.
You think you're novel, but you're not. Just another small minded, hostile young man with an ax he likely buried in himself and a disinclination for objective analysis. And what I've "spouted" is reason and the actual law.

And it's in those uncomfortable truths that I find refuge, because according to the Bible I am not of this world :plain:
I agree that you're barely here, but the Bible has very little to do with it.


Hall of Fame
Yeah, you know what Rusha? Your attitude towards me does not affect me-

Well that's certainly a relief. My *imaginary attitude* does not affect you. Just as your imaginary stories do not affect me. :plain:

if you really walked what I've walked and seen or experienced what I have, you wouldn't be sitting here with the ridiculous platitudes you and TH and whoever else spout.

Pfffftttt .... so you, are playing the *victimhood card* while making your little whining accusations of others doing the same. Stand in front of the mirror so you can view true hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned, I live in a Babylonian world and the Bible has a million things to prove that that's the case- your popular bias is forfeit to me for real.

:yawn: I will once again remind you that your excuses will not fly with the legitimate law. It's illegal to batter and/or rape one's spouse. The *legitimate* law will respond to an aggressor in a harsher manner than anonymous strangers on the internet.

There is one thing the Bible does- and it's a remarkable measure to see who and who isn't endowed with the Spirit- it's in those uncomfortable truths that those such as yourself hate.

Uh huh .... that's interesting considering the fact that most people on TOL would disagree with your self serving interpretation of the Bible. You have twisted it into a book that gives you a green light to blame women for all the problems and weaknesses of men.

And it's in those uncomfortable truths that I find refuge, because according to the Bible I am not of this world :plain:

You wouldn't be capable of knowing or telling the truth if it reached out and bit you on the forehead.


:yawn: I will once again remind you that your excuses will not fly with the legitimate law. It's illegal to batter and/or rape one's spouse. The *legitimate* law will respond to an aggressor in a harsher manner than anonymous strangers on the internet.

'Da law'


The law is getting a taste of it's own medicine lately.

Uh huh .... that's interesting considering the fact that most people on TOL would disagree with your self serving interpretation of the Bible. You have twisted it into a book that gives you a green light to blame women for all the problems and weaknesses of men.

Most people on here disagree with Calvinism, which is remarkably and most beautifully the Gospel incarnate.
Why should I care :idunno:

I'm an orthodox Protestant- I'm the 'be' among the wannabes, they can talk all the talk they want :chuckle:

The Bible teaches patriarchy, and you're a blithering fool to think otherwise.


Hall of Fame
'Da law'


The law is getting a taste of it's own medicine lately.

Nah, rape and battery are still a crime ... regardless of how many excuses you make for those committing them. Then again, you are the same person that argued that a someone breaking into another person's home shouldn't get shot by the homeowner for doing so.

Bad things happen to abusers and criminals ... get over it.


Nah, rape and battery are still a crime ... regardless of how many excuses you make for those committing them. Then again, you are the same person that argued that a someone breaking into another person's home shouldn't get shot by the homeowner for doing so.

Bad things happen to abusers and criminals ... get over it.

Vain killing produces more vain killing- the police are a perfect example. They pull out their pistols at the drop of a hat.

And now they are dying at the drop of a hat :rolleyes:

You death obsessed hypocrites will learn in time that you produce your own adversaries :wave2:


Least to worst crime, in proper feminist order:

Ear flick
Punch to face
Nuclear bomb
Destruction of the Cosmos
Eight dimensional multiverse collision

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