Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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New member
Dear Crucible,

Women should submit to their spouse's, but not if being raped. But women should not also withhold sex from their husbands as a matter of spatting, etc. And men should be more understanding if their chosen spouse, whom they love tons, if they do not want to have sex. But that should not happen all of the time or frequently. Does this do it or do you need more?

Much Love, In Christ,


What sexist GARBAGE. If you were my husband I would suspend you by your dangly bits from the nearest church steeple!


like marbles on glass
Why did you let them win? They are not here for real discussion. They are here to either get you to leave or get yourself banned. You fell for it.

I think you think we're thinking about you more than we actually are. :)

Once you notice a person is engaging you in a trolling and agitating manner, never engage them again.

Instead, talk about them. A lot.

Talk to people who are sympathetic to you.
And who indulge you.

They will engage the trolls for you. Don't go it alone. Find some common ground with a few people and work as a team.

:freak: Really? You've got a whole strategical system worked out, and you think we're the trolls? Fascinating.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think you think we're thinking about you more than we actually are. :)

Instead, talk about them. A lot.

And who indulge you.

:freak: Really? You've got a whole strategical system worked out, and you think we're the trolls? Fascinating.

Watch out, they are coming for ya.:chuckle:


New member
So if you're a knob if you think anyone ever deserves to be raped, what are you if you think a husband can rape his wife? :think:

What concerns me here is "The definition of marriage"?
If, in marriage, it is God's stated plan that we become "One Flesh", and I believe that is so, then how could either spouse do anything unkind or unwholesome to the other and expect to maintain a healthy marriage? :confused:
Love doesn't abuse and love doesn't withhold.


New member
What concerns me here is "The definition of marriage"?
If, in marriage, it is God's stated plan that we become "One Flesh", and I believe that is so, then how could either spouse do anything unkind or unwholesome to the other and expect to maintain a healthy marriage? :confused:
Love doesn't abuse and love doesn't withhold.

What would the deity know about marriage, assuming it exists? It supposedly got a young girl pregnant when she was espoused to another guy!


New member
What would the deity know about marriage, assuming it exists? It supposedly got a young girl pregnant when she was espoused to another guy!

The Deity knows about everything!

There is a bigger picture than you and I can grasp. But we may grasp our portion and make the best of it.


like marbles on glass
Watch out, they are coming for ya.:chuckle:

They'll have to wait until I finish my coffee. :chuckle:

You know, this thread has really been illuminating. And clarified some things, too. I'm totally at peace with watching a few of them twist themselves into knots defending the indefensible, and I'm very appreciative of the good men who are out there, some who've posted in this thread and some who haven't.


New member
The Bible seems to think women should be submissive to their husbands, which is WRONG! Marriage should be an equal partnership the man shouldn't be head of the household.

And people wonder why society is collapsing. Don't you know that even if the man is the head of household that he confides in his wife.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
artie makes a claim:
The only ones who are objecting are you...

doser responds with a simple question:
what is it you think i'm objecting to?

and artie jumps the shark! :darwinsm:
What the hell is your objection on this thread?

even bammy's proud of ya! :thumb:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Being turned on by your wife is creepy? You might want to reconsider.

have you seen his wife? :eek:

If he carries on after she's told him to stop and forces himself on her against her will then he's raping her. What do you think he deserves?

the question was: should he go to prison?

Nooooo, I was making a joke (or an observation) about you...

about me sharing my traumatic experience of being raped by my wife


Well-known member
The Deity knows about everything!

There is a bigger picture than you and I can grasp. But we may grasp our portion and make the best of it.

If you desire to grasp more of the bigger picture perhaps a trip back to the beginning is in order so as to rethink what it means that in the beginning Elohim made them male, (spirit?) and female, (soul?). However the helpmate-female, (soul) is deceived and walks according to the flesh. You however are not deceived, (the "man" is not his/her body). Therefore walk according to the Spirit, as Paul admonishes all of his readers, if you want to understand his words in the way in which he intends them by the scripture: for the man (spirit) was not deceived, but rather the helpmate-woman, ("the flesh"). These terms are used merely as allegories. If you are a son of God you will no doubt come to see it: and you will hopefully come to understand what it means not to allow your "helpmate", ("the flesh") to teach or speak for you in the congregation, (regardless of what you are on the outside, that is, the body-temple you have been given). The holy seed is Spirit, supernal, and spiritual. Don't worry about the flesh; for as Paul says, she will be "saved" through child birth, (whether male or female) for that is the only way that natural physical seed lines may continue, that is, physical procreation. :)


They'll have to wait until I finish my coffee. :chuckle:

You know, this thread has really been illuminating. And clarified some things, too. I'm totally at peace with watching a few of them twist themselves into knots defending the indefensible, and I'm very appreciative of the good men who are out there, some who've posted in this thread and some who haven't.

What's indefensible is women crying rape against their husbands. As if you all haven't completely ruined the sanctity of marriage, fairness, and made men rue the day they gave you 'equality' in the habitat they built for you- you go and make yourself a lousy rebel and troublesome entity to men.

There is no such thing as 'marital rape', just women who make up for their lack of physical strength in sheistiness. If a man doesn't want to have sex with his wife and she coerces and forces herself upon him, is it rape?
The answer is HELL NO, it's his wife. And, it works both ways.

The only thing 'illuminating' is the social idolatry of the women's body in which it is a stand alone entity even in marriage- directly against the religion of God. The same people who invented your sad ideology also pushed for birth control and abortion, as it is all one demon. Which means that you don't do well for either Eve or Jezebel, you're stuck right there in the purgatory, being a loudmouthed idiot.


New member
Having marital rape become a law would mean that millions of men would end up in prison. Women would be able to use it as a tool to abuse their husbands.

If the woman has decided the marriage has ended, hopefully she has informed her husband.

I personally have witnessed the squirrels being let loose. I have known women to lie about circumstances. Have you ever heard of a woman that was not a victim of her husband?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My post was taken out of context from the start, as if I condone men forcing themselves on women. If you care to look at the OP, which you will nonetheless agree with that little infant on.

You know what
I'm done here. You all aren't 'sane people', or Christians either. You all just look for ways to be obnoxious, self righteous idiots, I've sat here and seen it go on with half the threads throughout the site. What they hell is the matter with you all? Take Christian off your usernames and call this site something other than 'Theology Online' because that's just a damned joke.

artie isn't a Christian

neither is anna

or rusha
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