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New member
Heir, you're one of a very small group of posters on TOL who have a unique set of skills, regarding your faith. Listed below are some of them:

1) Spiritual discernment.
2) Scripture knowledge.
3) Wisdom from on High.
4) A total grasp of the Salvation Message.
5) Patience with "Knuckleheads," such as Danoh.
6) Class, Godly Love for others, and the ability to articulate your every thought.
7) A friendly and cordial demeanor, in spite of all opposition.
8) Resilience.
9) The ability to clearly present the Grace Gospel as taught by The Apostle Paul.

I'm proud to call you one of my TOL Friends and fellow Grace Gospel Believers.

That reads like something I might have posted in jest :chuckle:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
There are two elect in Scripture and the ones mentioned in Romans 9-11 are not of the Body. You...are wrong.

Some of those who rejected the Lord in his earthly ministry, and then again rejected the Twelve's doctrine still got saved under Paul's gospel. Instead of casting them away, the Lord saved a remnant that would believe. As of Acts 20 when Romans was written, there was still a remnant of them being gathered into the Body.

You...are wrong.


New member
Richard Jordan publishes books?

Not that I'm aware. I only catch him and other Mid-Acts ministries here and there on youtube.

Bullinger's book on how to study the Bible is highly respected by many from most schools of thought out there.

Kay Arthur's book on how to study the Bible is not bad as to the basic principles it goes into.

In the end, though, there really is no one book on such things.

It's more like one's own time in Scripture attempting to observe what principles it's writers appear to be following.

That, and ever keeping an eye on what principles one appears to be following and or violating while studying.

It's never over. There is ever constant refinement.

Another thing one can do is attempt to work a thing backwards to what principles a great Pastor-Teacher and or writer appears to be following as evidenced by his assertions in a teaching and or writing.

After a while, this becomes automatic "by reason of use."

You hear or read a thing, and you right off begin see the principles what they are asserting is based on; that kind if thing.

But its never over. The process of refining how one studies and what the principles are, is ever one of continuing refinement.

It is a talent to some extent. But it is also a replicatable skill.

I doubt I've said much in this post you are not aware of to one extent or another.


New member
Some of those who rejected the Lord in his earthly ministry, and then again rejected the Twelve's doctrine still got saved under Paul's gospel. Instead of casting them away, the Lord saved a remnant that would believe. As of Acts 20 when Romans was written, there was still a remnant of them being gathered into the Body.

You...are wrong.

Saved a remnant that would believe?

Didn't know you were a Calvinist :chuckle:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Some of those who rejected the Lord in his earthly ministry, and then again rejected the Twelve's doctrine still got saved under Paul's gospel. Instead of casting them away, the Lord saved a remnant that would believe. As of Acts 20 when Romans was written, there was still a remnant of them being gathered into the Body.

You...are wrong.

Danoh doesn't like being questioned about his authority of being the "Ultimate teacher of, all things "MAD."

Right Divider

Body part
Why water baptize at all today except to please some religious drone? Why endevour to NOT keep the one baptism of Ephesians 4?
It actually reminds me a lot of this:

Gal 6:12-15 (AKJV/PCE)
(6:12) As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. (6:13) For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. (6:14) But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. (6:15) For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.

They (the water people) desire to make a fair shew in the flesh with their water ceremony.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew..." Romans 11:1-5 KJV

There's no need to mock God's foreknowledge. You should thank God for it (Romans 8:29-30 KJV)!

Danoh has deluded himself into believing he is "ALL knowing" when it comes to the subject of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism. It's best just to ignore him or humor him. Placing him on Ignore was my solution.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It helped me understand the difference between "The Kingdom Gospel" being preached to the House of Israel by Christ and subsequently, by Peter and the other Apostles, and "The Grace Gospel" being preached to the Gentiles by the Apostle Paul.

Hi Grosnick,

What is the "Kingdom Gospel"? In other words, when that gospel was being preached what was said? Did belief in that gospel bring salvation?

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New member
Jesus being a minister of the circumcision is neither PAD nor MAD, it's just a Bible fact that you don't seem to understand.

You need reading a comprehension course or is it just that MAD like liberalism makes folks stupid.

Jesus said come unto me ALL you that labor and are heavy laden......Notice the ALL ?


New member
You need reading a comprehension course or is it just that MAD like liberalism makes folks stupid.

Jesus said come unto me ALL you that labor and are heavy laden......Notice the ALL ?

You are amusing; I'll give you that much :chuckle:

YOU are the one with a reading comprehension problem.

That ALL is WITHIN His "I am NOT sent BUT UNTO the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL"- Matt. 15:24.

You are reading a thing said within a PRIOR administration INTO a DIFFERENT, a LATER one.

Might as well be reading a manual on the proper care of an M1 Garand (standard U.S. Military carbine in service from the mid 1930's to about 1960 or so) and concluding that it is YOUR instruction NOW "because, well, look it says so right here - ALL - military personnel."

THIS is why you and yours conclude you are right - from within where YOU each PERCEIVE you are reading a ARE.

But only from within said ill-informed, half-empty perspective.

For you have each forgotten to check "the label on the bottle" as TO whom and ABOUT whom its' content concerns.

You are each suffering from a sort of a spiritual poisoning brought on by your own hand in your ignorance the content of said bottle was neither TO you, nor ABOUT you.

Did you see the description on the label of one the other bottles?

You sure ignore those.

Like this one here...

Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

You and yours only ASSERT you follow Jesus.

When was the last time ANY of you (other than the poster Jacob in his confusion) followed Jesus in that one?

RIGHT Divider...was right on this.

You...are wrong.



New member
Jesus being a minister of the circumcision is neither PAD nor MAD, it's just a Bible fact that you don't seem to understand.

Paul explained circumcision quite well and in Paul's context of circumcision Jesus is still the minister and administrator.
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