In this thread:
Post #'s: 22, 38, 40, 41, 53
I no longer have our PM exchange.
That is unfortunate. It would have only proven you wrong about me.
Here's more you need to defend:
Post: 22:
CR replied: Well, that is your learned opinion. I say learned because that understanding is not in the Bible and you gleaned it somewhere else. No doubt, a commentary.
CR replied: Why not start with yourself. All you have offered up is Baptist speak that divides the Church! You should know that what you say is really only deifying your church. I say this because you cannot say one thing I have written, that is wrong and be honest in your refutation. Sorry, it ain't there. Now ask yourself why?
Read the Oswald Chambers thread and take him into your thinking, instead of Spurgeon.
Originally Posted by Cross Reference 
Why not start with yourself. All you have offered up is Baptist speak that divides the Church!
You should know that what you say is really only deifying your church.
I say this because you cannot say one thing I have written, that is wrong and be honest in your refutation. Sorry, it ain't there. Now ask yourself why?
Read the Oswald Chambers thread and take him into your thinking, instead of Spurgeon.
I prefer Spurgeon, thank you.
Why don't you go do a study on "grace."
41: Theo replied:
Refute what? Your OP was a question. I answered it.
You didn't answer it. You gave me Baptist OSAS speak. I didn't ask for that.
Why don't you go do a study on "grace."
It's MUCH bigger than you think. Really.
Grace is the outflowing of life of God to the one in whom He finds favor...
CR replied: The only problem I have with that is Spurgeon was a preacher who preached salvation, exclusively.. I don't need a preacher. I know what he is going to say before he says it. I am saved, twice baptized in water and once by the Holy Ghost.
I gravitate to truth by revelation, not by what some denominational church assembly or any "religious Christian self-help book" might wish to achieve, absent revelation and thus absent the Holy Spirit.
Chambers gives "practical [but only by the Holy Spirit] scriptural insight" into the working out of my salvation more than any other writer. I know he is of God because of such insight that bears witness to what God has previously already deposited in me. . . and it never has ended. I suspect it will continue through eternity that we will never exhaust the "Grace" of God.
Where is my error in the words iI used? Where is my lying about anything in reply to you? Ergo, where is the offense?
You made accusations about me and you are mistken in making them. I will forgive you when you ask for it.
Question: Are you the North Carolinian who lives in Reidsville?