Is gender identification changable?


Banned that what your wife does as you advance towards her in your heat-of-desire?

If the subject of love bores you so much, chances are that you're a washout at it, mate... :)


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Desert Reign

In the core of our being we are neither male nor female.

The Bible refutes you: Gen 1:27

Each heart is a heart before God and you don't come to God because you are a man or a woman.

No, but you are a man or woman when you come.

When you find yourself in God your identity is in Christ. For all are equal in the eyes of God.

The Bible nowhere says this. Equality means that regardess of whether you are black or white, rich or poor, male or female, Jew or gentile, you have to come to God through faith in Christ. It does not mean that God looks at you favourably whether you are deliberately suppressing the truth or not.

It is clear that Identity is fluid and change into many forms. The representative that we use for ourselves is the ego and whether male or female it is a trickster and hides the real you, the vulnerable heart

No, it is not clear at all. You can think of yourself however you like but in order for you to be identified in society there must be visible or tangible pointers. There is no 'real you' beneath some layer of 'tangible you'. You have invented this. You listen to Freud and other such stupidities because it is what you want to hear. There is only one reality and you cannot escape it.

Jesus came to save hearts and lives and it does not matter under which "Identity" you come to God. You come as you are and you find peace, love, acceptance and forgiveness for all your sins.

No, you don't. You repent of your sins, you believe in the Gospel, you accept Jesus as your Lord. Then you become part of his family. If you invent some layer of existence which is beyond identity, which you loosely call the 'heart' because you are so vague in your own mind about it, and then you think you can bring this invented existence to Christ and say, 'Hello Jesus, this is me!' then you are deceiving yourself and Christ is not deceived, You are right that you come as you are. And you are the male or female you were born as. You may have slightly more female traits as a male or slightly more male traits as a female. You may even be a hermaphrodite. This is how you are. This is how you come. You can't shed these aspects of your existence just by thinking about them. Reality is not optional. If you have problems over your sexual identity, the problem is in your mind and it is there that you need to sort it out. Denying reality is not the answer, it is only giving in to the problem, it is only making yourself a slave.