Is elohiym an idiot?

Is elohiym an idiot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Of course!

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • What else can you call him?

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • :duh:

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters

Nathon Detroit

Hey Mr. 5020 did you catch this part of elohiym's answer to your question?
He will NEVER murder, or sin in any way, again.
Based on that.... how many Christians do you think exist on the planet today?

(and remember, elohiym doesn't think like Sozo and e4e that sinful things can be done but they are no longer referred to as sin, instead.... elohiym thinks that a Christian will never actually do something that is bad, wrong or otherwise called sin. elohiym thinks that a Christian will live in perfection.)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Why do you refuse to answer the questions? It's very simple. Do you ever do or think anything that you are not supposed to do or think? Something that you know is wrong, but you do it anyway or something that God says is wrong but you do it anyway.

That you refuse to answer such a simple question reveals the holes in your theology.

I do things I know I shouldn't.

Why don't you tell me what law I am to use and we can go from there.

That isn't what he asked. It is a simple yes or no question.

Doesn't matter what I think about my actions or inaction. My opinion of myself is not relevant. What law is applicable when I am free from the law. Law is made for the wicked not the righteous. I am made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. What law applies to convict me? If you live by law then you have departed (fallen) from grace. If the law applies then you shell live by the whole the law and if you violate even the smallest of the commandments of the law you are guilty of the whole law. The penalty for that is death. So what law are you trying to impose on me?

Isn't that what Knight is saying? I think so.

I am confused. Say that somebody was a Christian, and then they commit murder...what happens under your theology? Did they lose their salvation? Were they never saved? Can they then be saved?

I am being sincere.

I think yes. Of course, why would you want to?


New member
I don't know that semantics are the only difference that Sozo has with you though Knight. In posts #61 and #122 of this thread he completely identifies himself as being in agreement with Elohiym. :think:

Nathon Detroit

I don't know that semantics are the only difference that Sozo has with you though Knight. In posts #61 and #122 of this thread he completely identifies himself as being in agreement with Elohiym. :think:
I realize that but I think that's just because.... "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Know what I mean?

Sozo has sent me PM's in the past begging me not to compare his view to elohiyms.

That isn't to say that Sozo and I don't have major disagreements but just not to the extent that I disagree with elohiym.


New member
I realize that but I think that's just because.... "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Know what I mean?

Sozo has sent me PM's in the past begging me not to compare his view to elohiyms.

That isn't to say that Sozo and I don't have major disagreements but just not to the extent that I disagree with elohiym.

Despite the fact that Sozo obviously has a grudge against me now because I happened to disagree with some things he said, and tried to clarify his positions and talk through them with him, I have no grudges against the guy and wish we could have fellowship as brothers in Christ. But you can't have fellowship with someone who insists you aren't a brother, without giving solid reasons why you aren't a brother.

Elo insists we aren't brothers, but we have seen clearly he is a wack job.


Well-known member
Elo insists we aren't brothers, but we have seen clearly he is a wack job.
Mat 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Is it my Father's will that you continue in sin, and teach others that they will never cease from sin while they are living? No! Yet that is what you do and teach, so you are not my brother.

You opinion of me is meaningless.


New member
I don't know that semantics are the only difference that Sozo has with you though Knight. In posts #61 and #122 of this thread he completely identifies himself as being in agreement with Elohiym. :think:
I think that where you are confused is that Elo thinks that one lives perfectly in the will of the flesh in that the will is changed to that of God and we can totally control the flesh nature so as never to do any wrong action I object to that because if that were the case then why would God the Father scourge every son he receives and the scripture further states that a son without correction is a bastard and not a son.

Where Knight and I have our difference is that the wrong acts that we do are sins to him and to me they are not. Mistakes are not sins. They are learning experiences. Rest assured that the Father will see to it that you change your behavior. If you get a chance read Joice Myers book "Battlefield of the Mind". Not that I agree with everything she says but she does have some great insights into the training of our minds by God.

Nathon Detroit

I think that where you are confused is that Elo thinks that one lives perfectly in the will of the flesh in that the will is changed to that of god and we can totally control the flesh nature so as never to do any wrong action I object to that because if that were the case then why would God the father scourge every son he receives and the scripture further states that a son with our correction is a bastard and not a son.

Where Knight and I have our difference is that the wrong acts that we do are sins to him and to me they are not. Mistakes are not sins. They are learning experiences. rest assured that the Father will see to it that you change your behavior. If you get a chance read Joice Myers book "Battlefield of the Mind". Not that i agree with everything she says but she does have some great insights into the training of our minds by God.
That's a pretty good summary of the differences, did you read the similar post I made earlier?


New member
I think that where you are confused is that Elo thinks that one lives perfectly in the will of the flesh in that the will is changed to that of god and we can totally control the flesh nature so as never to do any wrong action I object to that because if that were the case then why would God the father scourge every son he receives and the scripture further states that a son with our correction is a bastard and not a son.

Where Knight and I have our difference is that the wrong acts that we do are sins to him and to me they are not. Mistakes are not sins. They are learning experiences. rest assured that the Father will see to it that you change your behavior. If you get a chance read Joice Myers book "Battlefield of the Mind". Not that i agree with everything she says but she does have some great insights into the training of our minds by God.

Actually I have "Battlefield of the Mind" on my bookshelf, and have read the vast majority of it. I don't agree with everything she says either, but it is a good book overall.

Ok given your explanations above, it seems then that you don't deny that you do things that are contrary to what God would want you to do, and that you do things that are contrary to what you know you should do. So at this point I would have to agree that our differences are semantical. You don't necessarily want to call it "sin" per se, but we are in essence saying the same thing.


New member
Mat 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Is it my Father's will that you continue in sin, and teach others that they will never cease from sin while they are living? No! Yet that is what you do and teach, so you are not my brother.

You opinion of me is meaningless.

That's a lovely sentiment Elohiym. Really showing the fruits of the Spirit there buddy.


New member
Nice try, but the question is for elohiym.

NOTE: If you read this thread carefully, especially the last few pages, you would know my answer. :)

Thanks for the suggestion, ... guess I'll go thro the tedium of back-tracking and sorting thro your posts... eloyiym is in a pickle to support his views and must re-interpret lots of Scripture (a daunting task), to maintain his views... but you,
I was wondering just how dispensational or how "replacement -theo," your kite is blown, nothing to get pri cked about. :rain:

Nathon Detroit

Thanks for the suggestion, ... guess I'll go thro the tedium of back-tracking and sorting thro your posts... eloyiym is in a pickle to support his views and must re-interpret lots of Scripture (a daunting task), to maintain his views... but you,
I was wondering just how dispensational or how "replacement -theo," your kite is blown, nothing to get pri cked about. :rain:
I am a Acts 9, 12 out, dispensationalist. (disregard the auto-link on that)

Does that answer your question? :)


New member
Paul has some great words of wisdom for all of us in Galatians 5:16-25:

16So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.


Well-known member
I realize that but I think that's just because.... "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Know what I mean?
Oh, PK certainly comprehends that concept. He lives by it!
Sozo has sent me PM's in the past begging me not to compare his view to elohiyms.
Have you received a PM like that recently? :think:

Perhaps you received those PMs because he and I did not agree on some points that he considered significant, and it is inappropriate for you to intentionally compare people in an attempt to disparage. Your debate tactics are transparent, but unfortunately effective on the weak minded lackeys you've gathered around you. Or, maybe they are just humoring you because you have the ban button, and life is a popularity contest for them.

Why not let Mystery post, if you are going to talk about him and speak for him while you have conveniently banned him?
That isn't to say that Sozo and I don't have major disagreements but just not to the extent that I disagree with elohiym.
Well, I can say I agree with Mystery about you, Knight. ;)


New member
Elohiym said:
Oh, PK certainly comprehends that concept. He lives by it!

If you have some point to make, please make it by all means. I am sick of the constant ad-homming and accusations against my character and against my faith in Christ my Savior.


New member
Who is "G-d"? And how do you pronounce that? :idunno:

Do you say it.... ughed?

You don't pronounce anything, and that's the point. See you walked in backwards to the right conclusion even if the motivation was just a tad tinged.:p