Is Atheism Like a Religion?


New member
The boast of an atheist is they have decided that there is no God or have rejected a belief, faith or trust in God. That the Eternal Almighty, creator and sustainer of life, does not exist.

And then we have a scripture:
‘’Because that which may be known of Elohim is manifest in them: for Elohim hath shown it unto them.
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, both his eternal power and Divinity; so that they are inexcusable’’.

What has happened over the years is the true meaning of 'atheist' has been ignored and so the atheist has raised himself onto the same lofty pedestal of free will as the Arminian.
The Arminian declares his will being free to allow him to seek, choose and obtain salvation.
While the atheist declares his sovereign will and decision in denying the existence of Deity.

Both those claims are false.

Atheist means without Theos / without God / without Elohim. Just as amoral means without morals. ‘A’ as a prefix means without.
The question must be asked, why is the person who declares himself atheist, without Theos?
Is it because the power of the atheist is greater than that of the Almighty? Or is it because the Almighty has left the person without saving grace, without saving knowledge and without trust. It is of course the latter. He predetermined them to be atheist even if they follow a religious path, read the Bible, sing hymns, go to church and perform spiritual somersaults they are on the broad road that leads to destruction..without Elohim.

The boast of the atheist that there is no God is as empty as an old husk, because the word atheist means something completely different to what they have been taught. The atheist is without Theos, because they have been left in that state and what a terrible state it is to be atheist in the world and without hope, true and lasting hope. They appear before the Son in false hope and hear the words, ''depart for me I never, ever knew you''. Atheist.

I would add that the term atheist is used once in scripture, by Paul, and is translated into English.

There are great numbers, a vast number who profess a form of saving religion, but are in fact atheist, without Yah Shua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and he will say to them in the last day, depart from me I never knew you.


New member
Then why do so many theists also believe in the big bang?

There are also Christians who think that the 'big bang' is consistent with both Genesis and with the observable universe. Many scientists fought the idea of the big bang because it implied a beginning.


New member
Atheist means without Theos / without God / without Elohim. Just as amoral means without morals. ‘A’ as a prefix means without.
You seem to be confusing a etymology with modern definitions. If we played this game with every word in the dictionary you would scarcely recognize the English language.

Oh and it doesn't mean without Elohim if we want to get technical, it is from Ancient Greek ἄθεος from prior to the 5th century BC. Well before Greeks got the silly idea of Elohim, it really meant originally to be an insult implying someone was impious in the eyes of the Greek gods. Did you know that people used to call Christiansátheos (the latin version)?
He predetermined them to be atheist even if they follow a religious path, read the Bible, sing hymns, go to church and perform spiritual somersaults they are on the broad road that leads to destruction..without Elohim.
Well that's a bit mean of him....

We scold children for such arbitrary exclusionary behaviour as bullies.
because the word atheist means something completely different to what they have been taught.
You can not define atheists to be something other than what they are. Atheism means whatever is meant when the word is used in common usage.

If you change the meaning of the word from what people intend then you don't change what atheists are, you simply make the word no long fit the people you are attributing it to. I am what I am, atheism is just a convenient label which happens to convey a general idea of what I am and if you change what the word atheist means then maybe I'm just not an atheist anymore (though then we'll have to think of a new name for what I am since you so rudely hijacked mine)
I would add that the term atheist is used once in scripture, by Paul, and is translated into English.
And it predates Paul by several centuries.
There are great numbers, a vast number who profess a form of saving religion, but are in fact atheist, without Yah Shua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and he will say to them in the last day, depart from me I never knew you.
I would add that in the eyes of those who originally used the word you too are atheist or ἄθεος (if such people were still alive today to say it).


The Bible teaches that atheists are not objective, but are against God.

Romans 1:20
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

Matthew 12:30
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

The second verse is a rather important one, because that is a direct quotation from Christ himself. I notice that atheists tend to not say anything bad about Jesus, because in their eyes Jesus resembles a lot of their humanitarian values. But what they don't understand is that Jesus did not leave the option for one to think you can be halfway in, halfway out.
It is made abundantly clear that he is the Son of God, and that if you are not with him than you are adversarial to him and his people.


New member
Having grown up an Atheist I might be able to address the issue, it is a religion equal to all religions in that any religion will secure any man or woman a slot to fill in Hell. Had Jesus wanted religious people to save, the world was filled with them. But when we pray, study, submit, and seek God to answer, when we read Genesis 3 we find Adam, Man, walking in the cool of the evening with God, fellowshipping until he ate from the Forbidden Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

When we don't seek to study with God but instead practice one of the many religions, all of them false, we listen to some teacher as if we are hogs hungry for our Slop and when the Teacher/Preacher is finished trying to bruise his lips from beating them together the congregation goes home feeling they have done something worthy of pleasing God... that is pure bunk!

Jesus/God came to restore the Fellowship Satan tricked man into discarding. The question, 'Ïs Atheism A Religion,' is a perfect diversion from the real question, "Can we walk with God as Adam did?"


New member
I notice that atheists tend to not say anything bad about Jesus, because in their eyes Jesus resembles a lot of their humanitarian values.
Well he did say a lot of things which are hardly objectionable, mostly it's only those "nice" things which get repeated and are widely known by atheists and Christians alike. You'll also notce atheists tend not to say anything bad about Buddha either, or the Dalai Lama (unless you're associated with the Chinese Government...)

There is also the other issue that we're not stupid, we know how badly people react to negative comments about Jesus, how it basically shuts down any hope of polite and rational discourse with a Christian. On the plus side at least you guys don't react like Muslims do about Mohammed...
But what they don't understand is that Jesus did not leave the option for one to think you can be halfway in, halfway out.
I think what you don't understand is that we don't care or think there is something we are being in or out of to begin with.
It is made abundantly clear that he is the Son of God, and that if you are not with him than you are adversarial to him and his people.
What does it mean to be adversarial to his people? Does this have any practical real life non-imaginary implication for me? Other than you and I may have trouble being best buddies.


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This message is hidden because Tyrathca is on your ignore list.
Hey I got on someones ignore list! Woot!

Though how I got to the attention of Truster enough to get on such a list baffles me. Maybe we had a spat some years ago which I've forgotten. Oh well


Well-known member
Atheist Jews are still considered Jews. There are many in Israel that immigrated there legally as "Jews".
It appears that Jews can have any "lifestyle" they want and believe anything they want.... EXCEPT believe in One Person, who they refer to as "may his name be forgotten".

Irony? :confused:

Apparently every topic is an opportunity to knock Jews. I am tempted to start one about brownie recipes to see what you'll come up with.

For your information: Being Jewish means belonging to the Jewish nation. It does not mean being observant, and it certainly does not mean believing anything in particular. You are projecting Christian ideas of what it means to be a Christian onto something else altogether,

Try this: Can somebody be an atheist Navajo?


New member
For your information: Being Jewish means belonging to the Jewish nation. It does not mean being observant, and it certainly does not mean believing anything in particular. You are projecting Christian ideas of what it means to be a Christian onto something else altogether,

Israel just passed the half-way mark of 6 million Jews. The majority of the other half of total Jews on earth, live in the United States.
I don't "knock", I just point-out ironies. For example: Can most Jews trace their complete ancestry back to the 12 Tribes from Jacob?
I have found that there is only one "taboo" that disqualifies a Jew as being a Jew, and that is if one believes in one particular human being being Messiah.
As well, if by "Jew" you mean one who obeys Moses, then that has been impossible since 70 A.D., so whatever other "rituals" involved, the Temple rituals are kaput.

Either all this is just the greatest fluke and paradox and enigma unlike any other in human history...
or it has very deep significant supernatural implications of a very long-range plan by the supernatural.


Well-known member
Israel just passed the half-way mark of 6 million Jews. The majority of the other half of total Jews on earth, live in the United States.
I don't "knock", I just point-out ironies. For example: Can most Jews trace their complete ancestry back to the 12 Tribes from Jacob?
I have found that there is only one "taboo" that disqualifies a Jew as being a Jew, and that is if one believes in one particular human being being Messiah.
As well, if by "Jew" you mean one who obeys Moses, then that has been impossible since 70 A.D., so whatever other "rituals" involved, the Temple rituals are kaput.

Either all this is just the greatest fluke and paradox and enigma unlike any other in human history...
or it has very deep significant supernatural implications of a very long-range plan by the supernatural.

"Just point out ironies". "supernatural implications". Give me a break. You are not fooling anybody, except possibly yourself.

It's like this: Jews get to decide who Jews are, and what Judaism is. Not you, or a Muslim, or whoever. And you, my friend, should actually learn something about us, rather than harbor this ignorant dislike of Jews.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Atheism, and religion(the opposite of Christianity) share one common characteristic:

Both substitute man, for God, despite any protests, rumblings, mutterings, stumblings, winings, to the contrary....

In contrast, Christianity substitutes God, in the person and the work of the great God and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, for man.


I like 'em, Mikey,


Active member
Atheism is a religion developed from our secular education system basing off a serious of fallacies, such as "you should only believe when things are evidenced" which is just a variance of "the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence". What is worse is that they don't realize that they have such a religion.

2 Corinthians 4:4 (NIV)
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

The existence of religions are closely tied up to an unknown lying in front us. It closely concerns our lives but remains unknown to us. It is the question that, "whether life will continue after death".

There are 2 main camps of believes.

1) Life continues, there might be something series would happen
2) Life discontinues

Those with belief 2) don't have the necessity to continue to think about "what could possibly happen". Because "Life discontinues" leaves no room for the possibility of "what could possibly happen".

All religions (including atheism) branch out from these 2 camps. Ironically, there is no evidence showing that life discontinues. Of course, if life discontinues then no evidence will be available. However they choose (subconsciously) to neglect the possibility that life continues but not yet evidenced to humans.

As for camp 1), if life continues then what would happen? The two possibilities now are open to them. It is possible that nothing serious would happen, it is also possible that something serious would happen. They are possibilities in the perspective that it's unknown to us. Either of the two is thus a faith.

When it is said that "there's bomb nearby", we are facing the same 2 possibilities. It's possible that it's true, it's also possible that it's a hoax. If it's not a situation concerning our lives, it makes sense for us to stay in the area to investigate which of the two possibilities is more true. However "a bomb" is a life threatening situation, we should run disregarding which of the two is more true. Unless we have a more reliable source (say, the police) has identified it as a hoax.

Camp 1) however, as influenced (subconsciously) by the "life discontinues" faith fallaciously conclude that they should stay until more evidence showing that it's not a hoax.

Atheism is such a religion with a large group of humans sharing a common belief.

Another fallacious comparison is to equate the situation to red unicorns and flying spaghetti. We can neglect the existence of red unicorn because it's not a life threatening situation. It exists or not won't affect our lives. Moreover, it's a matter of common sense and statistics. Red unicorn doesn't have the intelligence to hide itself from being noticed. Statistically if there are not enough claims of its encounters then it's pretty safe to assume its absence. However, in the case of after life, each and every humans will have to encounter it without exception. What matters is not the absence of encounters, but the inability for the dead to come back to inform us. It's more like the situation that humans in US encounter red unicorns on a daily basis however they are forbidden to talk about it for humans on the other side of world to have to ignore its presence.

Red unicorn and after life are thus apples and oranges.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Most, but not all atheists resist the notion that they are religious.

Religion is man doing something for God in some way. Atheists are not religious. They have a belief set, but it isn't religion. They shake their fist at God. Don't build strawmen.

Ben Masada

New member
2 Corinthians 4:4 (NIV) The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

The gospel of the glory of Christ aka the gospel of Jesus was Judaism based on the Tanach. The only Scripture Jesus always referred to as the Word of God.

The existence of religions are closely tied up to an unknown lying in front us. It closely concerns our lives but remains unknown to us.It is the question that "whether life will continue after death".

Hence, the reason why religion is so closely connected with faith. The expectation whether life will continue after death. Faith helps the pious man to live in the illusion of that expectation.

All religions (including atheism) branch out from these 2 camps. Ironically, there is no evidence showing that life discontinues. Of course, if life discontinues then no evidence will be available. However they choose (subconsciously) to neglect the possibility that life continues but not yet evidenced to humans.

Actually, that life discontinues we have all evidences we need. We are the real evidences that life discontinues as we have no evidence at all that it continues or not. Hence, religion with basis on faith.

Atheism is such a religion with a large group of humans sharing a common belief.

The common belief of doctrines aka theories that last as long as another "prophet" aka Scientist comes about.

However, in the case of after life, each and every humans will have to encounter it without exception. What matters is not the absence of encounters, but the inability for the dead to come back to inform us. It's more like the situation that humans in US encounter red unicorns on a daily basis however they are forbidden to talk about it for humans on the other side of world to have to ignore its presence.

However they will never be conscious to have ever encountered any thing whatsoever.


What does it mean to be adversarial to his people? Does this have any practical real life non-imaginary implication for me? Other than you and I may have trouble being best buddies.

Let's bring up something very rudimentary about Satan:
'Satan' literally means 'Adversary'. His goal is a duality- to both prosecute people by their sin and turn people away from God. It is produced from a willingness to judge men and yet an unwillingness to obey God.

Now, Satan is the Prince of this world. He was given authority to watch over man before he went rogue. What he did was fool Adam and Eve into sinning, which made them like Satan. Once they had partook in the act, it became something like a curse- they became fixated with a fallen nature.

All of a sudden, God isn't so self-evident anymore.
At least not according to what they would say- the fact is that He was and has always been evident, but man's nature came to reject God.

And is that really so hard to believe when atheists plainly practice it? Why are you onthis site right now, Tyrathca? What are all the outspoken atheists saying about God, if not outright contesting His existence?
The fact of the matter is that Christ, in that verse I posted, is saying this: there is no neutral ground. There is no such thing as objectivity in the belief or disbelief in God.

Jose Fly

New member
There are also Christians who think that the 'big bang' is consistent with both Genesis and with the observable universe. Many scientists fought the idea of the big bang because it implied a beginning.

Yup. But as this thread (and many others) illustrates, fundamentalists "deal" with this inconvenient fact by ignoring it and telling themselves that the opposite is true.


Active member
The gospel of the glory of Christ aka the gospel of Jesus was Judaism based on the Tanach. The only Scripture Jesus always referred to as the Word of God.

Hence, the reason why religion is so closely connected with faith. The expectation whether life will continue after death. Faith helps the pious man to live in the illusion of that expectation.

Actually, that life discontinues we have all evidences we need. We are the real evidences that life discontinues as we have no evidence at all that it continues or not. Hence, religion with basis on faith.

The common belief of doctrines aka theories that last as long as another "prophet" aka Scientist comes about.

However they will never be conscious to have ever encountered any thing whatsoever.

The only words I can leave for you are that , hope that you know what you yourself are talking about.


New member
I recall a quote from Karl Popper that said that whatever people believe is essentially their faith or religion. Although I can’t find this particular quote, the following is similar.
… "By invoking the idea that we are all motivated by some kind of faith (which he chose to call our religion) he hoped to get over the dispute between the militant atheists (who he regarded as proponents of the religion of atheism) and people of orthodox religious beliefs. He wanted to get past the issue “Have you a religion or not” to address the question “What are the principles of your religion?” – “Is it a good religion or a bad religion?””…


New member
Yup. But as this thread (and many others) illustrates, fundamentalists "deal" with this inconvenient fact by ignoring it and telling themselves that the opposite is true.

I just saw an interesting article on the history of Fundamentalism that identified many aspects of this than I had seen before.

… “The primary and secondary reading on this movement is quite extensive, but Fea’s piece may be the most helpful and concise orientation to the different phases of fundamentalism in the 20th century.”….