Irresistible Grace
Strawman. You silly little worker bee.
Irresistible Grace
Strawman. You silly little worker bee.
If you understood that God's "Grace" is God's LIFE, you might perhaps understand what resisting it is all about, when considering His desire for man's allegiance. Problem is, you can't get beyond the "celebration of man's redemption", in your thinking to even desire to know why God even created you.
I'll give you one chance to say something clear and to make some stab at making at least a modicum of a biblical argument for it.
I'll consider it an honest effort.I'll try a re-word to see how you do with it:
If you understand that God's "Grace" is God's LIFE, you might perhaps understand what resisting it is all about when considering His desire for mans allegiance; not all men will ever have any god rule over them.
Problem is as I see it, you can't get beyond celebrating Jesus for his redemption. We know He did something for you you couldn't do for yourself and in doing so established a whole new creation for redeemed man to begin life again, life anew, a whole new creation in Him built upon a new foundation called "Redemption". Now, having said that, what might you suppose He expects of you [and me] in the afterwards of so great a gift of salvation. If we understand that is what redemption provides for I would say He now wants be the Lord of our lives. Now what does that entail we strive for?
A good reference is this:
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life." John 3:16 (AMP)
Consider that to be my "one chance" unless you can be specific about what it is you can't understand. OK?
Your turn
I'm afraid it is you who hasn't thought it though far enough to 'see' the similarity in His life and His grace. I guess I can conclude you also don't believe God is Love? If not, what do suppose the difference to be?I'll consider it an honest effort.
What I want is for you to connect the dots. Not because I'm stupid but because I doubt that you are capable of doing it. And I don't doubt it because I think you're stupid but because I don't believe its doable. This has the feel of something you merely believe and that you have never spent the time to actually think through in any methodical way.
In short I want you to prove it to me. Your religious opinions might intrigue me enough to get me to post a response on a web forum but they aren't going to convince me your right. You've got to make an argument and in that argument you must establish AT LEAST the following two points.
1. That God grace is the same thing as God's life.
2. That because God grace is God's life, God's grace can be resisted.
That doesn't sound like much but I'll bet its a mountain that cannot be climbed.
Resting in Him,
Lucifer was created. God's grace was resisted. If you know who Lucifer was and what God's grace is, you should have an objective opinion about how God,s grace could have been resisted.
What scripture says that ?
I'm afraid it is you who hasn't thought it though far enough to 'see' the similarity in His life and His grace. I guess I can conclude you also don't believe God is Love? If not, what do suppose the difference to be?
If you knew what you declare you do, you would know that is a fact.
In other words...
"Scripture, who needs scripture?! My doctrine aught to be so obvious to any thinking mind that I don't need to bother confirming it with Scripture! Duh!"
If you knew what you declare you do, you would know that is a fact.
What scripture says that ? Are you making a comment not supported by the scripture ?
It is all supported by scripture if you can read for comprehension.
Well I hear a lot of talk, but see no scripture ! Why is that ?
When you search it out I am sure there will some. Why not begin if you own a Bible with a good concordance. Thompson Chain Ref. Bible comes quickly to mind as being the best.
I don't need to search for it ! You made the invalid comment !
You call it invalid from willful ignorance. . . too ashamed and lazy too do your own homework.