... Jesus said that no one goes to the father but through him,
This is the part where Jesus calls Himself "the way" right? This verse (Jn 14:6) is one where Jesus, the Christ, is defining Himself. So this second part of the verse "No one comes to the Father except through Me." is the clarification of the definition. Christ Himself is "the way" in that no one can get to the Father unless they follow Christ.
I just can't accept that.
Do you see how rejecting Christ's own definition of Himself is the same thing rejecting Christ Himself?
I cannot accept that millions of infants and toddlers who died of childhood accidents or diseases are burning in hell.
Neither can I. Nor must you to believe that we can't come to the Father except through the Christ. Children aren't responsible for any oath they swear according to the Bible. If they aren't responsible, they aren't held accountable - so there is no account that can be held against them.
I cannot accept that millions of people who never even heard Jesus' name are burning in hell.
Light is given to all so that they have no excuse. I have confidence that the elect will be saved - they will certainly hear the gospel and they will get the regenerated heart to see their sin, hate it, and turn to Christ. We Christians must always be about the work of evangelism so that these may hear the good news.
I cannot accept that millions of good, decent people
Do you also believe in rainbow unicorns and Santa Clause? Another thing that Christ (whom you claim to follow) said is "No one is good but One, that is, God." There is no such thing as a "good, decent" person unless that one is regenerated, and then
only by way of the righteousness of Christ that is accounted to the redeemed (it's on our account, paying for our sin).
I believe in the divinity and the teachings of Jesus.
Then take heart, for He is able to save all that have been placed in His hand - that is, He will make sure that they take the Way.