Indiana Pizza Shop 1st to Publicly Say It Would Deny Same-Sex Service

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Homo-lovers can only stay in the conversation by insisting that their opponents believe something completely contrary to what has been clearly explained.

Homosexuality is not a crime because of what people think or might entertain; it is an act that is outlawed. An act is necessarily based on a decision.

It is not an inclination or a feeling that is criminal; it is an act that is against the law. It is a decision you make that should be punished. We do not advocate laws against thinking.

You really are a complete prig.

It's only possible to entertain a homosexual act if there's some sort of inclination there to act on you monumental dipstick. If you're heterosexual there's no such attraction of any sort - hence no act possible. Logic and rational thinking never has been your forte has it?



Pretty easy to shut Bain up...
Just point out that boys who were raped by faggots didn't choose the mental and emotional damage that was influenced upon them. Bain, you need shock therapy son.

patrick jane

For heterosexuals the prospect of sexual intimacy with their own gender isn't a choice. It's impossible. Are you straight? At least Musterion had the honesty to flat out declare it couldn't be an 'option' for him so how about you Stripe?

i agree arthur, it is impossible for me because i have no attraction to men, physical or otherwise, there's nothing there. i have no idea what it's like to "feel" attracted to a man sexually. love in friendship, fellowship, close personal intimate relationships and bonds, respect and admiration maybe. contrary to television, movies, advertising and "trends", most folks aren't gay and can't be, even if they "choose" to - :patrol:

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patrick jane

Boys that are raped by faggots are turned into homosexuals by force.

The bible calls it a choice. Case closed.

i don't know how that works, "turned into" - however, we can make choices, unless raped. it's a wrong choice that goes against God's Word, it's not "natural' (jump all over that word), it makes no sense to be gay even for atheists. carnal, animalistic perversion in fact, i'm finished posting about this because it has nothing to do with pizza.

nobody reports their perversions when ordering pizza anyway. just order the pizza and eat, if you're gay go to the california pizza kitchen or get a Digiorno's. bake your own pie ! i agree with the pizza place, if i'm the owner and someones makes a point to tell me what sex they prefer; i say - "no soup for you" - :patrol:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Pretty easy to shut Bain up...
Just point out that boys who were raped by faggots didn't choose the mental and emotional damage that was influenced upon them. Bain, you need shock therapy son.

Kids who are raped are victims of child molesters so quit trying to put the blame on homosexuals you asinine little crank. You need to sort your head out yourself "son" and preferably away from where it seems to currently reside...


patrick jane

last comment, even if i was was raped as a boy by faggots, that still wouldn't cause me to be attracted to men or "want more". or would it INTO---- ?


Kids who are raped are victims of child molesters so quit trying to put the blame on homosexuals you asinine little crank. You need to sort your head out yourself "son" and preferably away from where it seems to currently reside...


I'd walk right thru u in a heartbeat


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
only a very dim witted person would think what you present is even remotely like the original. If you want that sort of comparison then you need to have a heterosexual couple going to a gay baker to purchase a wedding cake and being refused because of the gay bakers religious convictions and the simple fact he doesn't wish to "celebrate" that couple's marriage..

So, you believe that the comparison needs to be that narrow. The heart of the question still exists, is a person, any person, gay or straight allowed to turn down work for personal conviction? It really shouldn't matter why somebody does not want to do the work, if they don't want to do it, they shouldn't be forced to do so. There are enough bakers, printers, and florists in this country that I am sure you can find someone who's willing to take your money, what is the point of forcing somebody against their will to do a service for you? That is my point... It is called liberty.
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