Imagine No Religion


New member
Imagine No Religion

Atheist have faith that Atheism is the answer to having a civil world. They believe that religion is the cause for the worlds social ills.

Atheist do not take into account that living by Godly precepts also benefits them. Godly precepts have their origins in the religion of Judaism, not Atheism, it is a matter of historical fact.

These days there are people who profess their belief in a God, but actually mean that they believe in God as a concept of good and evil. This begs the question; do you believe in God as a concept, or do you believe He is a living being? It is a known fact that there are religious leaders that are Atheist, and also believe God is a concept.

Here is a short list of modern day Atheist leaders.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged that he abhorred organized religion. There is evidence that he engaged in “nazi mysticism” or occultism. Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, he became a illuminist, and while the dictator of Germany he became an Atheist.

Joseph Stalin (Russian Dictator)
Mao ZeDong (Chinese dictator)
Pol Pot (Cambodian dictator)
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbian Dictator)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian dictator)
Benito Mussolini (Italian dictator)
Friedrich Nietzsche (Philosopher)
Napoleon Bonaparte: He claimed that “all religions have been made by men”

Kim Jong Il: Atheist, although in North Korea he and his father are deified. A strange twist.

Jim Jones: Jim Jones was quoted as saying he used his church to bring people to atheism.

Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987)
Suharto (Communists 1967-66)
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56)
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Jose Fly

New member
So I guess then the counter would be to post the long list of evil theistic leaders, right? At the very least we can point to ISIS. They believe in a god, don't they? :think:

God's Truth

New member
So I guess then the counter would be to post the long list of evil theistic leaders, right? At the very least we can point to ISIS. They believe in a god, don't they? :think:

It is good to show that there are evil people and that they are that way because they do not obey Jesus.


New member
Whether one is religious or not has nothing to do with whether they are a Christian.

IMNSHO, Religion is one of the great evils of this world.


New member
Depending on your culture, religion is actually a good thing. Some people need to fear almighty retribution before they'd bother to maintain even a shadow of moral behavior.


New member
So I guess then the counter would be to post the long list of evil theistic leaders, right? At the very least we can point to ISIS. They believe in a god, don't they? :think:
Islam is the only religion presently at war with humanity. As for the past theistic leaders, like I said, there are many who believe God is a concept. In other words, they do not really believe. They are Atheist using religion for a platform.

Jose Fly

New member
Islam is the only religion presently at war with humanity.

But they are theists, and using the logic you outlined in the OP, are reflective of theism as a whole.

As for the past theistic leaders, like I said, there are many who believe God is a concept. In other words, they do not really believe. They are Atheist using religion for a platform.

Your delusion is noted.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Depending on your culture, religion is actually a good thing. Some people need to fear almighty retribution before they'd bother to maintain even a shadow of moral behavior.

Galatians 3

24 Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

However, some people still can't contain themselves when told You shall not murder. So God endorses governments to enforce justice.



New member
But they are theists, and using the logic you outlined in the OP, are reflective of theism as a whole.

Your delusion is noted.
If a person does not know the difference between sheep and goats, then they will not see a difference.
Islam is a violent man made religion. The violent Judaeo religious leaders in the past were not the faithful, they were Atheist. Atheist in religion is a real problem, it is not a make believe problem.

This is the reality of this world, for the past 100 years, Atheism and Islam have been the problem.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Many may claim to be atheist, but God is on their mind. They seem to hate the fact that anyone believes in God. A religion is also someone who has a set of beliefs that they and others believe. So even atheism could be described as a religion. I remember after 9/11 I saw a lot of signs everywhere saying "God Bless America." Not too many atheists out there when a calamity hits. Saw a lot of people praying in Paris after this latest atrocity by radicals who do not seem to know their own scripture. For many people to find God they need something in their lives that brings them to their knees.


New member
Many may claim to be atheist, but God is on their mind. They seem to hate the fact that anyone believes in God. A religion is also someone who has a set of beliefs that they and others believe. So even atheism could be described as a religion. I remember after 9/11 I saw a lot of signs everywhere saying "God Bless America." Not too many atheists out there when a calamity hits. Saw a lot of people praying in Paris after this latest atrocity by radicals who do not seem to know their own scripture. For many people to find God they need something in their lives that brings them to their knees.
KJV Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Well-known member
Humans are humans. I don't think this list is meaningful at all.

The Old Testament is exhibit A. All leaders of Israel believed in God and each illustrated poor outcomes. That is the point.

My kingdom is not if this world - Jesus

Don't follow leaders, watch parking meters - Dylan

No leader but God.

In this world a Theocracy is at best a failure. At worst a bloodbath.