I always had a strong family sense about heaven so "I believe in the communion of the saints" fit hand in glove when I came on board.
20 years you have been on forums? I did not know they had been around that long.
You were "pre-adapted" to Catholicism! I was, too. I didn't even know as a Protestant we didn't believe the bread and wine/juice were the Body and Blood of Christ. I always thought so. He said so. I was actually in RCIA before I found out what my old church didn't believe!
Let's see, 20 years. First we had things like rec.gambling.com. They were very primitive bulletin boards for the general public. I think a lot of the old are archived someplace. They had them for all sorts of interests. But we also had AOL and Prodigy. AOL was the nuts as far as forums, pretty much everything forums are now, was developed at AOL. I may have already said my earthly service was being the first to use and popularize op for "original post" and OP for Original Poster.
We started most of the basic cyberslang in the chatrooms and forums (BTW, FWIW, IIRC) And it was mostly grown-ups then. We said the Rosary online together. Sounds weird but it was really great when you did it. (Now they have this site
http://www.comepraytherosary.org/ - I just looked, 58 people worldwide are praying the Rosary together right now. I'll be there after a bit.)
The Catholic forums at AOL were epic. They were great wrangles of the faithful arguing every Vat2 decision. Prayer threads with "prayer ninjas" devoted to each other's lives and welfare and the world's. Priests posted, priests
My gosh those people were smart, some of them. We had Eastern Rites and a couple nice atheists and a crazy Presbyterian guy, a few religious and some Deacons. I loved them all very much, even the ones I wanted to throttle. They knew every encyclical, every word of the CCC, every theologian, metaphysician and mystic. The battles were epic and intellectual and spiritual and wonderful.
We did some amazing apologetics. I did. Yes, I know some here will not believe it, but I was one of the most active in defending the faith. I ran that poor Presbyterian guy ragged with going back and forth to his Pastor trying to figure out why his faith was so anti-Jesus. Of course, as you can see, it led to some sin of pride and self-righteousness. But we loved the Church so much, and I think it showed to a lot of those who came by. Now, now it seems so niggardly and defensive and sad.
The Church says so? RLY? That's all we got?
Then the Scandal hit. And they raised the drawbridge, flooded the moat and someone invented the term "loyal to the Magesterium." And those great forums withered and died. Now, to be the Catholic person I am, I had to come here. To be able to wrangle again. And we must, because we are the Church. And if we don't do something to stop the spreading fideism it will swallow us whole.
I don't need the Magesterium to defend my faith. I didn't get it from them, I had it confirmed by them.
Thank God for Knight and those with the wherewithal to support TOL.