That's one thing I took care of years ago.
My children are grown, married with their own children.
When my husband (their father) passed away, they went out of their way to spend more time with me. Which is normal, and expected, up to a point. And I appreciated it.
But I had one son that I was closer to than any of my other children.
Not "love" wise, but that we had a connection that was more in tune with each other than my other children.
Mainly because our personalities were almost identical!
We loved the same shows, the same jokes, the same activities, etc.
He went so far out of his way to spend so much time with me (after my husband passed), that he was with me more than his own family.
I kept mentioning to him that it concerned me/
But he had made a promise to his dying father that he would take care of me afterwards. So, he was determined to keep his promise.
It took me a little while to convince him that he had taken that promise to an extreme that he shouldn't have.
He was neglecting his wife.
He was supposed to cling to his spouse, not his mother.
She was the person he became one with, not his mother.
He finally got the picture!
Anyway, after that, I had a talk with all my children and assured them that I would always know they loved me dearly, no matter how much time they could allot to spend with me.
I told them to never let the thought enter their mind that I EVER felt they did not totally love me, and that one of my greatest joys was watching them be proper spouses and parents. Because that's what I raised them to be!