IF There Are So Many IF's

Ben Masada

New member
If There Are So Many IF

Well, "if" means two things: Either you have fallen many times and now you have repented and would like to join back God's Covenant with His People. (Isaiah 56:1-8) Or because all God's promises are conditional.
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New member
Sqeaky, according to your own words, you are not saved and never will be. Further yet, no one has ever been nor ever will be saved according to your beliefs. There is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not. Therefore, there is no one that keeps the commandments and no one that is saved, according to you.

Ben Masada

New member
Its a deception to teach the promises without the IF's

Why, because you want to do all you please and still want all God's promises unconditionally? That's not how the Lord works. If we did not have our Freewill, yes, we could live the way we want and never be liable for our wrongdoings.


Why, because you want to do all you please and still want all God's promises unconditionally? That's not how the Lord works. If we did not have our Freewill, yes, we could live the way we want and never be liable for our wrongdoings.

I said
I agree


Everything in the new testament is based on IF. IF you have been born again of the Holy Spirit. lolol Most in here don't even know who the Holy Spirit is.
If you have been taught by Jesus. And the only way one can do that is by receiving the revelations of Jesus Christ. lolol Most in here haven't even found the meat understanding yet. And that is eleven years long before you come to Jesus revelations.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
just a quick comment here, that i'm sure you'll regard as straining at gnats

"lol" is an abbreviation for "laugh out loud"

"lolol" doesn't mean anything

are you aiming for "lol"?


just a quick comment here, that i'm sure you'll regard as straining at gnats

"lol" is an abbreviation for "laugh out loud"

"lolol" doesn't mean anything

are you aiming for "lol"?

I said
lolol Well lets face it you don't know nothing about the bible so you work with what you've got.


because of a medical condition?

I said
lol You remind me of a 5 years old child that is trying to get in a grown ups conversation. They say some of the funniest things. Like you do. Nothing that they say fits the conversation, and they are the only ones that don't know it. Like you.


i'll pray for you

I said
Good. Maybe you will learn something. Next you can learn to confess.

James 5:16
16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.