God did it is an acceptable answer in origins or historical science.( re beliefs about the past)
Um......what? First you say creationism is a belief about the past and not science, but here you say beliefs about the past
are science.
Can you make up your mind please?
Scientists don't use God did it as an answer in operational/ empetical science.
Why not?
It seems like you thought you had a brilliant 'gotcha' question and you are frustrated because it has been answered.
??????? You said we should look for "evidence of design" as a means to test God. So I'm asking what is "evidence of design". Can you answer, or was "evidence of design" just an empty platitude?
Since they all disagree with each other there are two possibilities. None may be correct... or one may be correct.*
So how do we tell?
You answered this yourself. You said look for evidence of design.
First, I never said that at all.
I even went out of my way to say that's
not what I was saying. Why are you resorting to such dishonesty?
Second, until you can say what "evidence of design" is, you've not given anything but empty rhetoric.
( You said the Rushmore faces appear like humam faces)
??????? So "looks like a human face" = "designed"? Does that mean everything that
doesn't look like a human face isn't "designed"?
Design that contains coded info like a carving is evidence of a creator.
Um......what? How are rock carvings "coded info"?
They wisely hold God's Word as their source of absolute truth.
But by your own criterion, they are overtly anti-science.
This has put them on the correct side of science often in things like vestigial organs, design of eye, junk DNA, homonid fossils etc etc.
And by the same token, they've been on the wrong side of the age of the universe, the age of the earth, the global flood.....IOW, by the same process (science) that allows you to claim the above has been established, the
entire construct of young-earth creationism has been proven wrong.
AIG has a bias as do you and everyone else. Evolutionists like to give the impression that they are a blank slate..... hmmm... some do seem that way

but with a definite biased belief system .
Empty assertion. Things don't become so just because you say so 6days.
Haha... you seem obsessed with what Stripe thinks. You can get him to clarify if you want but i think we mostly agree. Biblical creation is supported by science.
You said creationism isn't science. Stripe seems to think it is. That's much more significant of a disagreement than the details of creationism. You're saying it's not even science in the first place.