No. Not where Open Theism is concerned. It is about a "God Who Risks"
for man.
My question is about the draw. "What is the point of Open Theism?" Literally 'me and my freewill' and especially my freewill volition which is apparently (I wholly disagree) is the definition of love (it isn't).
So, while you are Open Theist, claiming it is about God, it is not. It is about you. Open Theism and a good bit of Free Will theism doesn't understand taking up a cross and denying self.
No, its about Open Theism.
Yes. Absolutely, every time. He decreed it. Relationship is genuine when we 'play our parts' rather than trying to maverick it all up.
Denying yourself, your 'free' will, taking up your cross and following Him. Why? Because your and my will stinks of sin infection. Rather, we are called to something much much higher. "You have heard it said, love your friends, hate your enemies, but I tell you "the bar is much much higher."
Sanders and many many Open Theists disagree with you. That you don't? Perfect!
God, first. Then whether you realize it or not, you. Not the good you suppose, but actual good and may well be very very different.
Both. It is His nature.
This is a poor question, like asking if God can make a rock He cannot pick up. You'll disagree, but it is really the same kind of contradictory question: God will not save all men.
Have you read Sander's book??? He says God risks, then admits it necessarily means 'mistakes.' Have you thought through logical conclusions of Open Theism parameters?
Incorrect. Open Theism takes analogical passages as 'literal'

and literal passages figuratively, exactly backwards from the rest of us, not to mention becoming Judaized in theology. Yes the O.T. is valuable, not is isn't written 'to' us.
Live or die? Not a choice. One isn't preferable and it too a serpent to cause this. Until Satan 'gave' a free will (?) choice, no, they did not have a choice.
Not at all. If I play an online video game, I do choose, but nothing in that world is not known by the creators, there are no surprises.
Just the same as the video game isn't going to change, I still enjoy it, fully known, nothing I can do there that will surprise anybody. I still enjoy it. Is 'free' an illusion?
1) "Free" is a poor word to use for a theology moniker. It means very little other than 'self' which does take focus off of God and puts it on man. You'd think 'theo'-logy should be about God, I agree with you. However, 'we' are the point of the interaction so as He interacts with us, we consider 'how' and so Open Theism is good questions and speculation but ultimately fails to deliver 'theo'logy.
No, I absolutely do not.
"Bring?" No I absolutely do not (which doesn't at all automatically mean free nor open, that is a leap and a half).
"Never?" You are making assumptions or not being careful here.
"Trust?" He does command that we not sin and according to John 3:17, we are condemned already. On this, it may be important that I do not believe in Tabula Rossa, clean slate anthropology. Nobody ever taught me to lie. Nobody ever taught me to disobey. I missed those classes but here I am killing it before Christ!
No, the Law was an educator. If you miss that, you miss a huge part of Paul's theology.
"We" did. "In that day, you will surely die."
No. Yet He is good. Open Theism isn't the answer to that question. It is hasty and simplistically wrong. I hasn't wrestled long enough with questions, just 'settled' for simplistic, somewhat rational, but missing. I was clueless, I remember clearly, when learning Algebra, "Who thought of this stupid stuff? Why do I have to learn this, it is ridiculous." Theology Proper tends to have that same response from Open Theism, relegating such to Greeks, rather than Muslims on the former, but it doesn't matter 'who' came up with that which doesn't 'look' plausible. It matters if we delve into Algebra and Theology Omnis and try to figure it out, not deny them outright. After 25 years looking, Open Theism never engages, rather dismisses. It make these conversations moot.
He isn't willing that any should perish. Thus is His Will thwarted? Is He making mistakes? Should He have hedged the tree? He does so 'after' Adam and Eve ate of it. Surely, if it was His will, that would not have happened? Open Theism doesn't tend to second-look at these, they have an answer: "simply eliminate what troubles the mind." Thus, no Omnis in Open Theism, yet, they must and do embrace them inconsistently and must. There is no other way for God to be their God without something omni embraced. It is very true if 'one' even one omni- then all omnis.
Because you made that logical leap. I kept working at it. For you? Open Theism: deny anything that troubles your mind instead of entertaining it over and over and over again until you figure out Algebra, Quantum Physics, and Theology Proper.
1) Are you correct? Did God create man knowing He is creating damned men? No. The serpent 'created' damned men. What God made was 'good.' See how 'men' come into your 'theo'-logy? You and most Open Theists (if not all) confuse anthropology with theology. They do indeed intersect, but keeping the categories separate will make you both a theologist and an anthropologist in proper respect.
Don't get me wrong, Double Predestination Calvinism is wrong too, but this again is because of confusing anthropology (what happens to men) and theology (Who God is and what He does). Being damned is never good.
I intimate both parties, Double-pred Calvinists and Open Theists, are incorrect rather. They are both wrong and confuse their -ologies.
Incorrect. Only Double-Predestination Calvinists believe this. While any other Calvinist might rightly be labelled "inconsistent' or "not Calvinists" especially since they disagree with Calvin himself, it is only the Double-Pred that believe this and it is heresy. IOW, most "Calvinists" do not embrace this at all. For me, the answer is simply a confusion of -ologies as if they are the same. It is largely an -ology conflation and problem. Such jumps between man and God with sloppy -ology bins.
I disagree, adamantly the Son was created.
I wholly disagree.
Oddly, you said God didn't make mistakes.

It'd seem you aren't Trinitarian,Triune?