If God created...


Perhaps not exactly what you are looking for. From the Wiki site on J Scott Turner

"Under a grant from the Templeton Foundation, he has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, writing his third book, currently titled "Biology's Second Law: Evolution, Purpose and Desire", which builds the case that evolution operates through the complementary principles of Darwinian natural selection (biology’s "First Law") coupled to homeostasis (biology’s "Second Law")."

My guess is that you did not read the book


New member
I just watched a documentary on the science channel yesterday.

All the secular scientists were scratching their heads sayin' they would have to admit how little they know and understand the physics of our natural world.
Can you be clear about which areas of physics they were discussing, specifically?



Literal lunatic
Rogue waves and all the rest of physics in 1 documentary. Wowzer!

They, like gcthomas figured that according to the way they understood physics, rogue waves couldn't even exist in our natural world.

Then one was observed on scientific equipment.

Before that all they had were eyewitness accounts which scientists disregarded as myth and/or fabrications.
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And what happens to all the heat?

All that energy is the source (as far as I can tell from what I've read of his book and from other materials, and I could be wrong) of Magma, piezoelectricity, and radioactivity, not to mention most of that energy was used to launch material into and above the atmosphere, as well as into orbit around not only earth, but around Sol as well.


New member
I asked specifically about the heat released?
The energy resulting from the Newtonian reaction force of launching all the material into space that would be required to result in the asteroids, comets and trans-Neptunian objects that can be observed today is 9.3×10^32 J, which is about four times more that the entire gravitational binding energy of the earth, ie more than enough to blow the earth into pieces smaller than asteroids.

The calculation is based on this modeling:

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
7:12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.



Well-known member
Perhaps not exactly what you are looking for. From the Wiki site on J Scott Turner

"Under a grant from the Templeton Foundation, he has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, writing his third book, currently titled "Biology's Second Law: Evolution, Purpose and Desire", which builds the case that evolution operates through the complementary principles of Darwinian natural selection (biology’s "First Law") coupled to homeostasis (biology’s "Second Law")."

My guess is that you did not read the book

No I heard the author interviewed and he thought Darwin completely missed the boat by not factoring in the purpose of each creature. But I did not hear most of it.


Well-known member
Not the way you did.


What Lewis showed in "Religion and Science" in GOD IN THE DOCK was that uniformitarianism has only mathematics. They cannot answer any other question. He called that Nature (Cap N). So in his analogy of the missing coins, a mathematician has no way to answer the type of question being dealt with, which should be taken up by a 'detective' or a 'psychic' or a 'psychiatrist'. A person would almost immediately conclude that something/one outside of nature (the phsyical world, not Uniformitarianism) acted in nature.


Well-known member
Evolutionist Dr. Oxnard pointed out 3 things about 'australopithecus' or "Lucy." She was not dated right as a fossil goes. She never used all 4 pods to walk. She was only a few years old. He found that it was not the magic find that conventional evolution had said. He did not leave his beliefs because of it, but he had the integrity to point out junk science where he found it.


Well-known member
Perhaps not exactly what you are looking for. From the Wiki site on J Scott Turner

"Under a grant from the Templeton Foundation, he has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, writing his third book, currently titled "Biology's Second Law: Evolution, Purpose and Desire", which builds the case that evolution operates through the complementary principles of Darwinian natural selection (biology’s "First Law") coupled to homeostasis (biology’s "Second Law")."

My guess is that you did not read the book

I missed the Wiki part. Wiki is as censorious as Youtube or google. Stop worshipping consensus. Wiki just says things in a way that obscures real questions. Like the statement that there was no global flood. It sounds like a KGB document would put things, and it may be just that. The event in question was an ancient cataclysm and it is easily found, in literature and in the rocks.


Well-known member
What never fails to puzzle me about evolution and U'ism in public education is the defensiveness. They need 'safe space.' What on earth for? If a thing is true, it does not need security forces to protect it. It can be open to questions. It's just a scheme to undermine the US Constitution, which will assuredly destroy freedom under God on the planet, and put everyone under an Orwellian structure.