If Evolution

Greg Jennings

New member
This is where the Darwinist's practice of avoiding sensible dialogue gets us. They will do anything to avoid a discussion over the evidence, so when the conversation heads that way, they spam it until it's buried.

It's all there.

So just TELL ME where it (Stripe's hydroplate physics post(s)) is? I'll take an approximation if you don't remember exactly

Good luck finding the posts. They're back there somewhere.

You claim you want to discuss evidence. I'm trying to do so.

Great. Let us know when you're caught up. :thumb:

Then please tell me where your hydroplate physics post(s) is/are.

Why are you doing this? You are claiming to want to discuss evidence. Yet you are doing the very thing --- dodging all questions and hoping I'll move on, while giving me empty bs replies ---- that you accuse "Darwinists" of doing. You're spamming

Once again, you're a massive stooge and hypocrite simultaneously

You don't want to discuss the evidence. If you ever do, let me know where your stuff is at

Greg Jennings

New member
Bored? Here

This is where the Darwinist's practice of avoiding sensible dialogue gets us. They will do anything to avoid a discussion over the evidence, so when the conversation heads that way, they spam it until it's buried.

It's all there.

So just TELL ME where it (Stripe's hydroplate physics post(s)) is? I'll take an approximation if you don't remember exactly

Good luck finding the posts. They're back there somewhere.

You claim you want to discuss evidence. I'm trying to do so.

Great. Let us know when you're caught up. :thumb:

Then please tell me where your hydroplate physics post(s) is/are.

Why are you doing this? You are claiming to want to discuss evidence. Yet you are doing the very thing --- dodging all questions and hoping I'll move on, while giving me empty bs replies ---- that you accuse "Darwinists" of doing. You're spamming

Once again, you're a massive stooge and hypocrite simultaneously

You don't want to discuss the evidence. If you ever do, let me know where your stuff is at
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The Barbarian

(Bsrbarian comments on Stipe's unwillingness to show the math for his beliefs)
Creationists often have a problem with understanding energy and how it works.

Not this time, Blablarian.

You, for example, haven't figured out the difference between a system losing energy, and an energy transformation within a system. Want me to show you, again?

You presented a challenge to the Hydroplate theory, saying the crust could not have slid as it did without boiling the oceans.

Right. No matter how you do it, all that energy has to go somewhere. Something would have to stop the motion, and the kinetic energy would be transformed to heat one way or the other.

However, it's quite clear that you spent no time actually reading the theory

There is no hydroplate theory, Stipe. It's a religious belief. You won't show us the math, because there is no math supporting it.

or thinking seriously about where the energy might have gone other than toward heating water.

All right Stipe. Show us your numbers. Where does all that energy go?

But in a vain attempt to draw attention away from how seriously you've embarrassed yourself again, you pretend that you don't understand the simple explanations I provided.

Handwaving isn't an explanation, Stipe. Show us how that kinetic energy is tranformed, and where. With the math. Prediction: Stipe will dodge the question again, with some generic insults.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Bsrbarian shows his complete ineptitude:
No matter how you do it, all that energy has to go somewhere.
That's right!

Now, can you figure out where?

Something would have to stop the motion, and the kinetic energy would be transformed to heat one way or the other.
Oh, that's a nice try, but unfortunately wrong. It's like that time you said predictions were "all that matter in science."

Want to try again? Energy does not have to be converted to heat to stop motion. I bet even Greg could tell you that.

If you look back, I gave you some hints to where it might have gone with two thought experiments.

Would you like a little time to review? You don't want to keep getting this wrong.

It's quite important.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Embarrassed Darwinist.

Embarrassed Darwinist.

Blablaman speaks ex cathedra:

Kinetic energy would be transformed to heat one way or the other.

Nope. This is flat-out wrong. Surely Blablabarian's Darwinist allies don't want him embarrassing his side like this. Maybe they will correct him.

The Barbarian

If a ball rolls down a hill, how can it come to a stop without all its kinetic energy being converted to heat?

You don't seem to be able to tell us. Rolling downhill, the ball's potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy.

Stopping it on the way down, or even on the bottom of the hill will transform the kinetic energy to heat.

Might be a long way around. For example, a strongly magnetic ball, rolling down through a thick copper tube, will lose kinetic energy by friction and more strongly by Lenz's law that says a magnet moving past a conductor will induce an electrical current in the conductor and will resist motion of the magnet.

But when the magnet comes to a stop, the friction and electrical current are lost as heat.

If it's merely rolling down a hill and stops at the bottom, it's all lost as heat from friction.

The only exception is in raising an object. Here, it's removed as potential energy.

However, we're talking about moving continents thousands of miles, and raising mountains perhaps 2 miles.

Further, we're also talking about subducting other crust below sea level at the same time, which means the same process is also reducing potential energy. Likely a wash. Rest of it is heat.

No way to get around it.

Your unwillingness to explain your position suggests that you have already figured out that it's faulty.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You don't seem to be able to tell us.

Only five times.

Rolling downhill, the ball's potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy. Stopping it on the way down, or even on the bottom of the hill will transform the kinetic energy to heat.

If it's merely rolling down a hill and stops at the bottom, it's all lost as heat from friction.
Inventing a new scenario isn't addressing the situation.

The only exception is in raising an object. Here, it's removed as potential energy.

Blablaman has finally gotten it right! Kinetic energy does not have to go to heat, as he insisted it must have done.

Of course, he's tried to mitigate his embarrassment by pretending it was him who raised this exception.

However, we're talking about moving continents thousands of miles, and raising mountains perhaps 2 miles.
Oh dear.

You should have stopped while you were "ahead." :chuckle:

Physics it's not your strong point, is it?

The horizontal movement of the crust is irrelevant when it comes to calculating how much energy is involved.

Further, we're also talking about subducting other crust.
Nope. This is just you pretending that your ideas must be involved everywhere.

Your unwillingness to explain your position suggests that you have already figured out that it's faulty.


You're so stupid.

The Barbarian

Barbarian explains why Stipe can't use potential energy to make his problem go away:
However, we're talking about moving continents thousands of miles, and raising mountains perhaps 2 miles.

The Barbarian

Barbarian explains why potential energy won't save Stipe's new religion:
However, we're talking about moving continents thousands of miles, and raising mountains perhaps 2 miles.

Blablaman has finally gotten it right! Kinetic energy does not have to go to heat, as he insisted it must have done.

It always eventually does, Stipe. That's why they call it "thermodynamics."

Further, we're also talking about subducting other crust below sea level at the same time, which means the same process is also reducing potential energy, as the crust goes lower into the mantle. Likely a wash. Rest of it is heat. Physics it's not your strong point, is it?

Stipe tries a different dodge:
The horizontal movement of the crust is irrelevant when it comes to calculating how much energy is involved.

You're wrong. Force always equals mass times acceleration. And slowing down is acceleration as much as speeding up is acceleration. So you will always have to expend energy to make something move, and then again to stop it. No way around it, Stipe.

Stipe vents his embarrassment:
You're so stupid.


New member
However, we're talking about moving continents thousands of miles, and raising mountains perhaps 2 miles.
The mountains rose; the valleys sank down
To the place which You established for them. You set a boundary that they may not pass over,
So that they will not return to cover the earth. Psalm 104

"Many creationist geologists believe that the Genesis Flood involved rapid movement of the huge plates comprising the crust of the Earth. This explains why so much sediment was still soft when it was deformed. No sooner would floodwaters have deposited great volumes of mud and sand than moving plates would have crumpled and deformed the sediment while it was still saturated. The Flood also explains the colossal forces needed to fold enormous areas of hard rock.
The Biblical Flood is a simple, logical, and valid explanation for why we find so much rock that has been catastrophically deformed on all the continents." https://creation.com/warped-earth


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian explains why potential energy won't save Stipe's new religion:However, we're talking about moving continents thousands of miles, and raising mountains perhaps 2 miles. Quote Originally Posted by Stripe View PostBlablaman has finally gotten it right! Kinetic energy does not have to go to heat, as he insisted it must have done.It always eventually does, Stipe. That's why they call it "thermodynamics."Further, we're also talking about subducting other crust below sea level at the same time, which means the same process is also reducing potential energy, as the crust goes lower into the mantle. Likely a wash. Rest of it is heat. Physics it's not your strong point, is it?Stipe tries a different dodge:The horizontal movement of the crust is irrelevant when it comes to calculating how much energy is involved.You're wrong. Force always equals mass times acceleration. And slowing down is acceleration as much as speeding up is acceleration. So you will always have to expend energy to make something move, and then again to stop it. No way around it, Stipe.Stipe vents his embarrassment:You're so stupid..


You're prepared to say anything in order to avoid engaging rationally, aren't you?

When the hydroplates slid, the energy did not have to all go toward heating the oceans. You've admitted this, remember?