“Science doesn’t have to drive people away from faith,” says Deborah Haarsma, president of an organization called BioLogos that promotes harmony between science and Christian faith.[/COLOR]
Biologos is an organization that encourages Christians to accept evolutionism. It is an organization that has often promoted heretical beliefs. They admit they promote interpreting Scripture based on the evolutionary belief system.
"BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation"
Karl Gilberson one of the developers / contributors to Biologos howver has made statements that should concern Christians... For example in a book he stated
“…my belief in God is tinged with doubts and, in my more reflective moments, I sometimes wonder if I am perhaps simply continuing along the trajectory of a childhood faith that should be abandoned. As a purely practical matter, I have compelling reasons to believe in God. My parents are deeply committed Christians and would be devastated, were I to reject my faith. My wife and children believe in God, and we attend church together regularly. Most of my friends are believers. I have a job I love at a Christian college that would be forced to dismiss me if I were to reject the faith that underpins the mission of the college. Abandoning belief in God would be disruptive, sending my life completely off the rails. I can sympathize with Darwin as he struggled against the unwanted challenges to his faith.”
(He had a job at a Christian college which he later lost)
Albert Mohler wrote an open letter to Gilberson in which he said
“You are straightforward in your celebration of evolution, and you utterly fail to demonstrate how an embrace of evolution can be reconciled with biblical Christianity. Your rejection of an historical Adam and Eve is one precise point at which the Gospel of Christ is undermined, and your proposed ‘new and better way to understand the origins of sin’ is incompatible with the Bible’s clear teaching.”
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Matthew 7:15