If Evolution


New member
Barbarian said:
Humans didn't evolve from monkeys
Correct, humans didn't evolve from any ape ancestor.God created man from tbe dust then woman from mans rib.

Barbarian said:
6days said:
There are no transitional between those groups
Then it should be a simple matter to name one case and settle this
Read previous answers and examples.

The Barbarian said:
God tells us, in Genesis 1:1 what was there at the beginning, and humanity wasn't there.
Haven't you read the rest of the chapter? or as Jesus said "Haven't you read the Scriptures? They record that from the beginning 'God made them male and female."

The Barbarian said:
You reject (God's) plain words because it doesn't fit your new doctrine of YE creationism.
Ex. 20:11 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy".

The Barbarian said:
As you learned, you don't "trust" science
Nobody suggested that you trust science. I did however suggest you stop trusting picture books that arrange fossils in patterns or place them on 'trees' to fit a belief system.

The Barbarian said:
It did show that scripture properly contradicts the "life ex nihilo"
That seems to be a phrase you use, although no one else has used it. Are you trying to create a strawman? What does that phrase mean to you? God does speak creation into existence... do you disagree with that?

Genesis 1

God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

6 Then God said,... 7 And that is what happened.

9 Then God said...

11 Then God said..And that is what happened.

14 Then God said,...And that is what happened.

20 Then God said...

24 Then God said...And that is what happened.

26 Then God said,

29 Then God said,...30 And that is what happened.

Psalm 33:9 "For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command"
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The Barbarian

Not judging. I’m curious. Do you believe in macro evoloutulion, micro evolution, both, or only one?

"Microevolution" means variation within a species. "Macroevolution" means evolution of new taxa (speciation).

Both have been observed. But there's really no difference. In fact, microevolutionary change can become retroactively macroevolutionary change under certain circumstances.

Would you like to talk about that?

Grip Docility

New member
"Microevolution" means variation within a species. "Macroevolution" means evolution of new taxa (speciation).

Both have been observed. But there's really no difference. In fact, microevolutionary change can become retroactively macroevolutionary change under certain circumstances.

Would you like to talk about that?

No. Because it appears you have also professed belief in Jesus. I wasn’t there for the beginning. Be it bang or word for word from Genesis. I’m not an eye witness and neither is anyone else. Religion, science, astronomy, astrology and a ton of other studies of words, all agree in one thing; we don’t have all the answers.

Jesus is historically verifiable. That’s good enough for me. Do you think I will go to hell if Indont believe in Macro Evolution? I don’t really believe I came from a monkey. That logic is as obscure as the turtle shell theory of the Vikings. I also don’t know exactly how Genesis ties to all of it.

But, I think you and I both agree in Jesus. Is that right?


New member
Grip Docility said:
I also don’t know exactly how Genesis ties to all of it.
Hey Grip...welcome to TOL.

If Genesis does not tie to the gospel, then it doesn't matter what we believe about our origins. However, Genesis is the foundation to every Christian doctrine, and Genesis forms the foundation to the Gospel.

If death, pain, suffering and extinctions were a process God used to create everything, then Jesus and the cross become meaningless. (And that would speak to the nature of God, which is similar to the Muslim god Allah). The Bible tells us that death exists because of "one man's sin". The Bible calls that man "first Adam". Jesus came to defeat death, and the Bible calls Him "Last Adam". Because death was defeated, we can have new life in Christ.


Jesus is historically verifiable. That’s good enough for me. Do you think I will go to hell if Indont believe in Macro Evolution? I don’t really believe I came from a monkey. That logic is as obscure as the turtle shell theory of the Vikings. I also don’t know exactly how Genesis ties to all of it.

But, I think you and I both agree in Jesus. Is that right?

1. Correct, you did not evolve from a monkey.
2. How is Jesus historically verifiable?

Right Divider

Body part
These are the essentials of our faith. I sometimes forget that not everyone knows.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
I'm familiar with that, just didn't know you were a Catholic. That helps explain your rejection of the Bible.


Hey Grip...welcome to TOL.

If Genesis does not tie to the gospel, then it doesn't matter what we believe about our origins. However, Genesis is the foundation to every Christian doctrine, and Genesis forms the foundation to the Gospel.

If death, pain, suffering and extinctions were a process God used to create everything, then Jesus and the cross become meaningless. (And that would speak to the nature of God, which is similar to the Muslim god Allah). The Bible tells us that death exists because of "one man's sin". The Bible calls that man "first Adam". Jesus came to defeat death, and the Bible calls Him "Last Adam". Because death was defeated, we can have new life in Christ.

Death existed before the Bible, it exists now. Any explanation of how death was defeated by Jesus is a bit lacking.


Hey Grip...welcome to TOL.

If Genesis does not tie to the gospel, then it doesn't matter what we believe about our origins. However, Genesis is the foundation to every Christian doctrine, and Genesis forms the foundation to the Gospel.

If death, pain, suffering and extinctions were a process God used to create everything, then Jesus and the cross become meaningless. (And that would speak to the nature of God, which is similar to the Muslim god Allah). The Bible tells us that death exists because of "one man's sin". The Bible calls that man "first Adam". Jesus came to defeat death, and the Bible calls Him "Last Adam". Because death was defeated, we can have new life in Christ.
That’s only true for the “after-cross” speculative religion “about Jesus”, not OF Jesus. Jesus taught a gospel BEFORE the tragic cross that he had hoped the Jews would receive. If the Jews had believed in Jesus and his original gospel then they would be preaching that today from Jerusalem. A new gospel emerged after the cross as well as a new religion. That religion tried to put the new wine into the old wine skins which caused the confusion and the need to justify the old erroneous beliefs of Judaism.

So today in these Genesis discussions people must deny the facts revealed in the earth and call that faith.


Death existed before the Bible, it exists now. Any explanation of how death was defeated by Jesus is a bit lacking.
They confuse the death of Adam and Eve specifically with natural death and or translation. However in the original gospel of Jesus, faith, the rebirth of the spirit, does save one from eternal death after this life.

Right Divider

Body part
They confuse the death of Adam and Eve specifically with natural death and or translation. However in the original gospel of Jesus, faith, the rebirth of the spirit, does save one from eternal death after this life.
Where do you get all of this "great knowledge"?

Please give us your source for the "original gospel" (aliens not allowed).

The Barbarian

No. Because it appears you have also professed belief in Jesus.

And that's what counts, isn't it? God doesn't care if you're a creationist or an evolutionist, so long as you follow Jesus.

I wasn’t there for the beginning. Be it bang or word for word from Genesis.

Or maybe two ways of saying the same thing.

I’m not an eye witness and neither is anyone else. Religion, science, astronomy, astrology and a ton of other studies of words, all agree in one thing; we don’t have all the answers.

God's given us the answers we need, and left the rest up to us to find out.

Jesus is historically verifiable.

Indeed. And the record shows that the men who followed Him were sufficiently sure that He had died and returned to be with them, that they were willing to suffer torture and death for Him. That's pretty solid.

That’s good enough for me.

Me too.

Do you think I will go to hell if Indont believe in Macro Evolution?

Nope. God doesn't care what you think about that.

I don’t really believe I came from a monkey.

Good. Neither do evolutionists.

That logic is as obscure as the turtle shell theory of the Vikings. I also don’t know exactly how Genesis ties to all of it.

Scientifically, it matters. For your salvation, it doesn't matter at all.

But, I think you and I both agree in Jesus. Is that right?

That's right. Thanks for your remarkably thoughtful and Christian comments.

The Barbarian

Barbarian explains the basics of Christian belief.

I'm familiar with that,

Might be a good idea for you to start living it.

just didn't know you were a Catholic. That helps explain your rejection of the Bible.

Catholics had the Bible before your new religion existed. The only difference in our Bibles, is we kept all of God's word.

The Barbarian

And we're still waiting for someone to come up with two major groups, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack a known transitional.

6Days says he has one, but he can't seem to post it here. Perhaps the evil Barbarian is preventing him from doing so...

Right Divider

Body part
Barbarian explains the basics of Christian belief.
Barbarian quotes a denominational mantra.

Might be a good idea for you to start living it.
Barbarian the righteous one has spoken. All hail Barbarian!

Catholics had the Bible before your new religion existed. The only difference in our Bibles, is we kept all of God's word.
The RCC claims things that are not true, otherwise known as falsehoods. The RCC did NOT create the Bible, but did add non-canonical books to "their version" to try to support their false doctrines.

All of the real books of the Bible were already in place and recognized as such long before the RCC was established.
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The Barbarian

6Days writes:
There are no transitional between those groups

Barbarian chuckles:
Then it should be a simple matter to name one case and settle this

6Days dodges:
Read previous answers and examples.

But you can't think of them now, or are your fingers just too tired to type two words? Do you really think anyone is fooled by your response? Seriously?

Right Divider

Body part
And we're still waiting for someone to come up with two major groups, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack a known transitional.
And we're still waiting for the perfected and unchangeable order of all living things. One that does not change again and again at the whim of "evolutionists".


New member
And we're still waiting for someone to come up with two major groups, said to be evolutionarily connected, that lack a known transitional.
Answers... and examples (from two major groups) were provided. What might be easier for you is to list just ONE example of something you believe is transitional. Then lets examine the evidence from God's Word, and science.


New member
Answers... and examples (from two major groups) were provided. What might be easier for you is to list just ONE example of something you believe is transitional. Then lets examine the evidence from God's Word, and science.

He gave five earlier today. Why don't YOU pick the one you have most evidence against?