I will not vote for trump


New member
That's not true at all. People who are born into wealth very rarely lose it, and almost always multiply it. Because our whole system is designed to increase wealth, with wealth. Any lunkhead can make money with money, if he can get the excess money in the first place. And being born into great wealth pretty much guarantees that.

Add to that the fact that great wealth insulates people from reality to an amazing extent, and you can easily find wealthy adults with a fifth-graders level of maturity and worldliness that can maintain their level of wealth, and even increase it. As in fact, they don't have to know anything about finance, or even do anything at all. They can simply hire experts to do it all for them.

Donald Trump really is as stupid as he appears. And the fact that he's rich doesn't mitigate that at all. Other people take care of his money, for him. Just like they buy his groceries, cook his meals, clean his house, raise his kids, tell him where to go and when to be there and provide the vehicles to get him there. All he has to do is play "the Trump" for the cameras, and for the audience. He knows nothing of the lives of real people, and couldn't care less. He's nothing more than a professional TV personality. He even has to pay his wives to play the TV personality's wife, for him.

What does he really know about anything? Nothing. He doesn't need to. He's never needed to. He's always been a little rich boy play-acting the big rich man. He's the old cartoon character of 'Richie Rich' all grown up, and playing at politics, now. And he doesn't need to know anything more to play that role than he ever knew … which wasn't much.
Any lunkhead? I'll set you up with an etrade account with $10,000 in it. Let's see how much you have in a year's time.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The worst thing a rich lunkhead can do is try and control his own investments. He should let the pros take care of that. Money will make money in this culture if you just let it. The system is already set up for it.

If Mr. Rich wants to play market mogul he should set aside a portion of the whole for that, and leave the rest alone.

Once you have money, you have to work at squandering it in our culture.
He or she should be a pro, if not, then play it like most old people with a nest-egg. You really do not know anything about finance and stock trading.


New member
Any lunkhead? I'll set you up with an etrade account with $10,000 in it. Let's see how much you have in a year's time.

You really aren't getting the point at all, are you.

Purex, CS just offered you $10K and you've ignored it. For the record, I'd be happy to take that $10K and prove you wrong for Climate Sanity! :rotfl:

I will say this about Trump: Many of his antics have put me off and I'm left wondering exactly where he would lead this nation. That being said, I know where Hillary would lead this nation and I have no desire to go there. I'd like to see a higher level of maturity from Trump and no level of Hillary at all in our government. I'm done with Bill and his sidekick!


Well-known member
Temp Banned
He or she should be a pro, if not, then play it like most old people with a nest-egg. You really do not know anything about finance and stock trading.
That's basically what I said, but apparently you can't read real well when you're hot to find fault.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's basically what I said, but apparently you can't read real well when you're hot to find fault.

Wrong you dope. I mean the investor should become equal to any average professional, or better. I did not mean the investor should seek a professional. These professional make money for their company and themselves, or they would not be able to offer services. When you are able to do it yourself, you pay only a purchase fee, and it does not, or should not matter how many shares you purchase.

The same holds true for ETFs.


New member
I will not vote for trump

Of course you won't. Nothing you have said
about Presidential politics has been right
for going on a year now. Keep lying to yourself
but stop lying to us. You are one of the biggest
hypocrites I have ever seen.
"If you vote for anyone other than the Republican,
you are casting a vote for Hillary Clinton."


like marbles on glass
Amazing? Well yes that is one way to put it.

Astounding? Mind-boggling? Flabbergasting?

I like mind-boggling. Watching them line up like sheep behind this embarrassment of a reality show candidate as if it's the most natural thing in the world is like watching someone eat dirt while trying to convince me it's caviar.


New member
as opposed to hillary? :chuckle:

I would say that I rate Hillary and Trump as equals, but if it comes to a forced choice Trump may be one of the few people who could get me to vote for her. I see that you have felt the Bern. Sanders was my choice since he first hit my radar 5 years ago, and I'm in rural Indiana. A rare honorable man who got to Washington. The Democratic elites are as afraid of him as the Republicans since they are two sides of the same coin, bought by the same people.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I see that you have felt the Bern.

only in so far that a Trump vs Sanders election would be more fun to watch :banana:

i'm afraid that once Hillary's annointed and the gloves come off, I'll actually feel sorry for her when trump makes her cry in front of the nation


New member
apparently during my short absence this thread drifted into a discussion about the glories of investment and wealth. That's the real problem with what we now call capitalism. It glorifies the wealthy and reduces everyone else to a commodity. If it weren't for that darned democracy thing. I guess that is why the U.S., like Russia and pre-WW2 Italy, is becoming an oligarchy. Trump is our Mussolini.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Astounding? Mind-boggling? Flabbergasting?

I like mind-boggling. Watching them line up like sheep behind this embarrassment of a reality show candidate as if it's the most natural thing in the world is like watching someone eat dirt while trying to convince me it's caviar.
It sure makes it clear to anyone with eyes that the GOP has absolutely no integrity at all, anymore. And they are so absurdly invested in their own egos that they can't even muster a half-baked apology to the nation for creating this mess, or even some slight sense of shame.

And the fact that so many modern "evangelical Christians" are busily assembling their 'apologetics' for the Trumpster only more glaringly illuminates the total moral bankruptcy endemic of that movement, as well.


New member
Hall of Fame
Astounding? Mind-boggling? Flabbergasting?

I like mind-boggling. Watching them line up like sheep behind this embarrassment of a reality show candidate as if it's the most natural thing in the world is like watching someone eat dirt while trying to convince me it's caviar.

Rick Perry jumped on board.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i'm so looking forward to eight years of anna and purex moaning about how awful President Trump is :chuckle: