Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You have a very weak definition of the word "good" if you think that Donald Trump will work towards it.
Remember that Donald Trump didn't even acknowledge the ultra pro life/pro traditional marriage Republican Party Platform as something that he would work as President to enforce. In fact he slapped the good people who wrote that platform in the proverbial face by inviting a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist to speak at the Republican National Convention.
Pay Pal's CEO, Peter Thiel has a history of LGBTQ bigotry against Christians, from formally investigating and freezing the accounts of Christians who spoke out against the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda, to not moving Pay Pal's corporate headquarters to Charlotte North Carolina because he took offense to legislation prohibiting mentally ill cross dressing males and other sexual deviants from using women's restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms.
Go ahead and vote for the moral degenerate Trump, but please don't insult informed people by saying that he will be for the "greater good" or an already morally bankrupt nation.
Yet you deliberately glaze right over the fact that Cruz mentioned ensuring the rights of homosexuals in his speech as well... If you are going to be consistent on the issue that fact should at least be mentioned don't ya think? :juggle:
I was waiting for someone to bring that up. The first thing that I thought was that Ted Cruz was going after the Ron Paul vote when he runs for re-election in 2 years.
That statement did raise warning flags for me, and I addressed it in a thank you letter to Cruz.
That being said: In the speech you're talking about Cruz made reference to 'gay' Americans and the Bill of Rights. Let's look at what the Bill of Rights entails:
I.Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition
II.Right to keep and bear arms
III.Conditions for quarters of soldiers
IV.Right of search and seizure regulated
V.Provisons concerning prosecution
VI.Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.
VII.Right to a trial by jury
VIII.Excessive bail, cruel punishment
IX.Rule of construction of Constitution
X.Rights of the States under Constitution
Cruz has always said that laws pertaining to homosexuality should be left up to the respective states (and before you go saying Donald Trump has said that as well, I heard Trump say it, right after Ted Cruz said it, and Trump said it in such a low voice that I had to turn up the volume on my tv to hear it).
Now if you think that Ted Cruz is all of the sudden pro LGTQ, the homosexual movement hasn't got the message, as they still HATE him with a passion (try and find a kind word said about Cruz by a LGBTQ activist).
Back to Peter Thiel, Donald Trump's very special guest speaker at the RNC:
Do you think Trump wasn't aware of Thiel's anti-Christian bigotry? (BTW, Cruz spoke out in defense of Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis and the NC "bathroom bill". Care to discuss where Donald Trump stands?
On the NC bill he called it "a bad business decision".)
So much for Donald Trump being a friend of Christians.