I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

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Hall of Fame
Thousands of deleted emails for one, Benghazi and many other disgusting acts

She was cleared. Next? You still haven't explained why Trump is hiding his tax returns from the voters. It's fairly obvious because it is because he DOES have something to hide. Also, I do not like his disregard and mistreatment of women and minorities ... and anyone who dares ti disagree with him. What proof do I have of his mistreatment of women? His two wives and the disrespectful, obscene comment he made about his own daughter.


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Hall of Fame
To be the president today, one has to be completely 'inside", yet able to stand alone. To be like Patrick Henry, and Nathan Hale, willing to die for your country. Hillary Clinton tries to be completely inside, yet she comes up short; she is still too much separated by cultural differences. Hillary Clinton is not tough enough; if she is tougher than I give her credit, then she should be able to cause Donald Trump to have a fit in a speech, and totally blow it! I know I could make him blow his top; I expect someone able to be president to be able to do this and much more.

Donald Trump is about as outside as one can be; he has no connection with the people, none at all! Moreover, Trump is more concerned for himself, he would never lay his life down for his country.

If Hillary Clinton wants my vote, not to say she does, she would have to demolish Donald Trump in a debate. Call him a 'coin toss' decision maker and the first one to run out the back door.

If any Clinton staff member is reading this, here is what it takes to get this old Republican lady to vote for Clinton. You have to depants Donald Trump in a debate, make him blow it so bad he loses half of his own supporters. Do that Hillary, and you would not need my vote!
She was cleared. Next? You still haven't explained why Trump is hiding his tax returns from the voters. It's fairly obvious because it is because he DOES have something to hide. Also, I do not like his disregard and mistreatment of women and minorities ... and anyone who dares ti disagree with him. What proof do I have of his mistreatment of women? His two wives and the disrespectful, obscene comment he made about his own daughter.

No, Hillary being cleared is a farce. She has an in with the Obama Justice Department and weanie FBI sycophants, in fear for their careers. She's in the homo, transgender, give me your guns, Muslim loving, problem with America is the Constitution, elitist cadre of Satanists, looking to enslave you, that are untouchable. She broke the law, many counts of the law.

Had it been a poor slob working at the CIA, taking Top Secret information home, much less running a vulnerable server from home, that person would spend some time under arrest, if only long enough to juice them, like an orange, what they've been up to, and would, with metaphysical certitude, be fired and a pariah, for eternity, in the government community of trust, ineligible to ever have a clearance again and a glimpse at any secret document. This would be the least negative fate, jail time for violation of multiple counts of federal laws much more real a possibility than loose antics you see in state courts. Such a person would also have a hard time running for dog catcher, with it on their record they violated federal laws the likes that spies do, and you believe that is a viable candidate for President?

There are, in fact, two levels of justice, that for the corrupt in Satan's inner circle you cheer and love to vote for, as they bury you and destroy your nation by ever increasing moral turpitude, and this for a lousy mansion, some baubles from Saks and an invitation to the cocktail party or sex tourism resort, and another justice for the normal person, especially dangerous Protestant Christians, guilty of desiring a righteous and ordered society for everybody, a peaceful, wholesome and safe environment for our children, and desiring souls be spared eternal hellfire. You can keep Russia apprised of everything going on at the State Deparrment, but better watch out, if you mention the name Jesus on federal land.

Anyway, I see a vote for Hillary as one against Daffy Duck.


Who cares !
Its just another glaring example of conservatives demanding that others play by a set of rules that they refuse to apply to themselves!

Trump has known for a long time that presidential candidates are expected to make their tax returns public - being a multi-billionaire only increases the likelihood of his having financial "conflicts of interest!

The fact that he is now willfully ignoring his own advice that he gave Romney in 2012 and his repeated demands that President Obama produce his birth certificate merely reinforces the fact that Trump and his "motley crew" of supporters have no honor!


New member
Hall of Fame
She gave a better speech than I expected, and it was a far better speech than the one Trump gave. It'll be interesting to see if the post-election polling reflects that.

Some memorable lines tonight, but these stand out to me:

Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.
I can't put it any better than Jackie Kennedy did after the Cuban Missile Crisis. She said that what worried President Kennedy during that very dangerous time was that a war might be started – not by big men with self-control and restraint, but by little men – the ones moved by fear and pride.
America's strength doesn't come from lashing out.
Strength relies on smarts, judgment, cool resolve, and the precise and strategic application of power.
That's the kind of Commander-in-Chief I pledge to be.

She wasn't my first choice, but she's the best choice right now for this country.

I also thought that was a good line by Clinton. The President needs to be someone cool-headed and thoughtful. Not things that come to mind when considering Trump.
On the other hand, popping off in tweets or a campaign speech or media interview is not the same thing as being rash when making significant decisions. In addition to that, Trump would be surrounded by people helping him make decisions. An important question is how Trump handled his businesses. Was he rash when making those decisions? I can't give a firm answer either way, but I can say it's not a criticism that I've heard to be thrown at Trump. Some of the bluster we see now may not be how he actually leads. But his actions give cause for concern.

I'm less concerned with him impulsively getting us into a nuclear war than I am by his apparent willingness to judge our military actions on what ISIS is doing instead of what our values should be.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump would be surrounded by people helping him make decisions. An important question is how Trump handled his businesses. Was he rash when making those decisions? I can't give a firm answer either way, but I can say it's not a criticism that I've heard to be thrown at Trump. Some of the bluster we see now may not be how he actually leads. But his actions give cause for concern.
he is too self-centered and unbelievable. I do not believe he is committed to service, rather he wants to be most popular. Now that he has great wealth he wants people to perceive him as very powerful. He is very much in love with self-adoration.


New member
Hall of Fame
he is too self-centered and unbelievable. I do not believe he is committed to service, rather he wants to be most popular. Now that he has great wealth he wants people to perceive him as very powerful. He is very much in love with self-adoration.
Sure, I won't argue with Trump having a huge ego. I'm still curious with how he ran his businesses though. Was he rash? Did he spurn all advice and make his own decisions? :idunno:


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Hall of Fame
And I can't imagine how anyone could vote for Donald Trump!

The latest from him:

"I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard," Trump said. "They were really saying bad things about me. I was going to hit one guy in particular. A very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin."

That is because he is a tough guy.:dizzy: He as going to hit someone, and that is how he thinks a president should act? Is this more of his sarcasm?:yawn:
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Well-known member
That's the way he appears on the stump, but not what I hear from reputable people who have met with him in discussion.

I know he's a loose cannon and is unpredictable.

My point is, Hillary is predictable and a total disaster.

Of course, "after all this time, what difference does it really make"?
Either way, we lose.

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like marbles on glass
Either you are twelve years old, or insane.

Gauged by the substantive and mature nature of your reply, and the plethora of prescient thoughts you have to offer, it appears we could all do so much worse than twelve years old and insane, then, presented such a bleak alternative. Not that I don't feel your pain, also.


Now, run along, like every good little, blind sycophant of the devil, and get your bread and circuses.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sure, I won't argue with Trump having a huge ego. I'm still curious with how he ran his businesses though. Was he rash? Did he spurn all advice and make his own decisions? :idunno:

Right or wrong, here us how i see it. Ross Perot was a consummate business executive, meaning he had to do what is in best interest for his company. He was answerable to the stock holders, just as if president, he would be answerable to the people. By contrast, Donald Trump takes risks, sometimes he wins big and at other times, he loses big. then he back-doors himself out of the deal, lets other take the fall, then he starts over again. He has very little responsibility to his stock holders; he wings it in business quite often, although I do admit he is highly skilled at winging it. This will not do for the nation; one big mistake may start a major war, it could be disastrous!

At least Hillary Clinton understands politics. Although I am afraid she hasn't that extra confidence to rule over the heads of the military, something a president must be able to do. if she can, then she should be able to take down Donald Trump by August.

Remember this, as old Bob said, Donald Trump's biggest enemy is his own big mouth!


like marbles on glass
Gauged by the substantive and mature nature of your reply, and the plethora of prescient thoughts you have to offer, it appears we could all do so much worse than twelve years old and insane, then, presented such a bleak alternative. Not that I don't feel your pain, also.

Now, run along, like every good little, blind sycophant of the devil, and get your bread and circuses.

You have issues.
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