I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

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New member
The DNC conspired to throw the election Hillary's way, as the uncovered emails show and as Seth Rich could have verified, if he had not been assassinated just before the emails were leaked. Election fraud is widespread, but hard to prove, which is the way democrats like it and are committed to keep it, even if they have to shoot people down in the streets to keep it that way.

This is priceless. Do you really believe the sensationalist blogger who made up that story? I'm sorry that I didn't realise you were a conspiracy theorist — no wonder you are mixed up on the need for reproducible and unbiased evidence on the other thread.



Well-known member
This is priceless. Do you really believe the sensationalist blogger who made up that story? I'm sorry that I didn't realise you were a conspiracy theorist — no wonder you are mixed up on the need for reproducible and unbiased evidence on the other thread.


I believe what the evidence shows. You also have your own opinions, which may or may not match the facts. I do not resent your opinions, I just disagree with them in some matters.


Well-known member
You must not have read the same article I did. Never mind.
Oh, c'mon. Here are the bullet points from the article, itself:

In past 30 years,

- rules of bipartisan cooperation have dissolved

- use of filibuster is now routine,

- presidential appointments are stalled

- parties are acting as if their only choices are to govern or to oppose (but never to compromise).​

OK, so WHY? WHY is this the case, now, when it was not the case 30+ years ago? The article offered no explanation. Why are our politicians so unwilling to work together on any legislation that is not bought and paid for by their corporate lobbyists? (i.e., any legislation that would improve the conditions of the American people.)

Why do you think?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
American voters, if they are like other nations, have been happy to tell pollsters that they will vote for big changes, but as the polling day draws nearer they will back off from doing something as magnificently stupid as giving Trump the capability of seeing something on Youtube or Twitter and responding immediately in a decisive way by issuing nuclear launch commands before anyone can tackle him to the ground and inject a suitably large dose of sedative.

You should trust the common sense and self preservation of the common people as Trump's silliness becomes a focus over the next month or so.

Like Brexit? I should thank you because it caused the market to drop 900 points in two days, and I bought in low and made a ton of cash! Thank you Brit!!

I think some Brits have a lot of guts. Tell the UN to go their own way.


New member
Like Brexit? I should thank you because it caused the market to drop 900 points in two days, and I bought in low and made a ton of cash! Thank you Brit!!

I think some Brits have a lot of guts. Tell the UN to go their own way.

We didn't vote to leave the UN. :idunno:

(I have also made use of the market drop, but the reduced interest rate is hitting savings)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We didn't vote to leave the UN. :idunno:

(I have also made use of the market drop, but the reduced interest rate is hitting savings)

Maybe you did not vote that way, but I have to say, it was a big surprise!
You might try online banking?


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump vs. the Constitution: A Guide

Trump has a dictator’s impulse to simply make decisions without regard for his potential constitutional role or its limits. When Khizr Khan confronted Trump at the convention, he demanded that Trump recognize those limits when it comes to individual rights. Trump’s impulsive response to attack not only Khan but his wife reinforces the sense that Trump’s personal constitution is deeply at odds with the restraints demanded by the U.S. Constitution.

The prospect of shaking up our political system has excited Trump’s supporters. But many of those same supporters—including Tea Partyers and traditional Republicans, whose party descended from the drafters of the 14th Amendment—purport to value the Constitution. They should wake up to the fact that the presidency that Trump has in mind will undermine the Constitution they claim to cherish.

[. . . ]

Or consider Trump's private meeting with Republican members of Congress, when the candidate expressed his admiration for Article 12 of the Constitution, apparently unaware that there are only seven Articles.​



I tend to think Trump doesn't care much about the Constitution. And I doubt many of his supporters do either. They just want someone who will get what they want done.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Khizr Khan: Allah Is Causing Trump to Make Stupid Mistakes

Jim Hoft Aug 5th, 2016

Allah Akbar.
Sharia supporting attorney Khizr Khan is still making the media rounds.

Khizr Khan who waved a US Constitution at Donald Trump at the DNC Convention was interviewed by Dunya Pakistani News this week.

Khan believes Sharia trumps the Constitution – so the entire premise of his DNC speech was a big lie. Khan told Dunya News Allah is working in this election.

Dunya News reported, via Religion of Peace:

The father of martyred United States (US) soldier Captain Humayun Khan, Khizr Khan, has on Thursday said that the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is unacceptable to the US. He said that Allah makes people like Trump to make mistakes to discredit them in public eyes forever, reported Dunya News.

Talking exclusively to Dunya News on program Nuqta-e-Nazar, Khizr Khan said that he often gets emotional while speaking in public but when nature wants you to do something, words come by themselves. He said his speech was a gift from the God. “I showed the constitution only because I wanted to remind people that nobody could be discriminated against in the name of religion”, said Khizr.​



like marbles on glass

I tend to think Trump doesn't care much about the Constitution. And I doubt many of his supporters do either. They just want someone who will get what they want done.

Trump doesn't care. He's too busy getting mani-pedis. As for his supporters, it's also very much tied into their hatred of Hillary.
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