I think taxes should be spent to fulfill Matthew 25:31


New member
you are so wrong and you don't even want to find out how wrong you are by studying Catholicism from a Catholic.. so you listen to all the anticatholics instead..

well, that is your choice, to remain ignorant and bigoted

Why are you are ignoring how the Church of Rome apostasized?
Do you love error so much?
Or do you hate truth so much?


New member
I see where you are coming from and agree that all need to be helping the less-fortunate.

However, I believe that one of this country's founding principles was/is that there is a separation of church and state so that the government couldn't impose a state religion. Hallelujah.

But, let's go further than that and think of how that would be handled?

The government is/has not been very efficient with their programs, maybe they are better now, I don't know. I remember in days past that there were people collecting (welfare, food stamps, etc) benefits from several different states.

Would the government be on top it when it came to what you are proposing? I have my doubts.

Then also, I think it is better that the churches continue to help the poor. They are closer to the people, and can actually contribute to meeting the needs of the community.

yes, I agree.

and again, people should take care of their OWN and not pressure the taxpayers into doing it. But again, if all the $$ spent now on entitlements were cut in half and that money saved were spent on... just a simple .. I guess u would call it Poor House? .. buildings where there are just rooms... NOT 2 much to ASK!! and then there could be a communal kitchen and bathrooms. That would NOT cost the taxpayers much and it would NOT be a desirable place for people to live LONG term so it wouldn't incentivize people to stay.. Then on the other hand, some poeople just naturally do not have abmtion for getting ahead $ wise... Do we punish those people? the poets, the "priests"... preachers... Well, I don't know... But I do know that if people had only the option of living in such Spartan accommodations or working, they would usually choose work and if they don't these places would not cost much to run.. and the churches, as you say, could run them, with the gov only taking care of the physical costs... the building itself... maintenance or something...

just ideas I'm throwing out.. Anything is better than over-taxing people... tax and spend, tax and spend... that needs to STOP