I think Bob Enyart takes stupid pills

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Nathon Detroit

elected4ever said:
No I am serious. Just seeking clarity on the subject.
Well this should be easy then.

Bob Enyart teaches that people are saved through faith in Christ alone, no works necessary. In fact Bob wrote an entire book on just that subject, it's called The Plot.

Laws regarding criminal justice are another issue all together.


New member
docrob57 said:
Only to re-establish it as the means of salvation, which no one advocates. But to recodify it would be to acknowledge its legitimacy and, in so doing, strengthen its evangelical purpose.
God's law carries its own codification. God's law is what it is and doesn't need anyone to establish its validity.


New member
elected4ever said:
God's law carries its own codification. God's law is what it is and doesn't need anyone to establish its validity.

Yes in reality, but not necessarily in terms of public perception. For example, adultery is now legal, so it is therefore more acceptable. Adultery went on when it was illegal, but it was stigmatized and people were more apt to think of it as wrong. If it is no longer considered wrong, it loses its evengelistic purpose.


New member
1 question, and I'm actually kind of serious...

If Enyart were elected president, or had his way with imposing whatever laws he takes from the bible... would concubines become legal?


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allsmiles said:
1 question, and I'm actually kind of serious...

If Enyart were elected president, or had his way with imposing whatever laws he takes from the bible... would concubines become legal?


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elected4ever said:

You find it funny that you've started something out of ignorance which now gives opportunity for the wicked to mock the righteous?


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docrob57 said:
Yes in reality, but not necessarily in terms of public perception. For example, adultery is now legal, so it is therefore more acceptable. Adultery went on when it was illegal, but it was stigmatized and people were more apt to think of it as wrong. If it is no longer considered wrong, it loses its evangelistic purpose.
This is the difference in God's law and civil law. I am not demanded to follow God's law in civil law. By the same token though something is legal civilly I am not required to participate in its function. I am not required to participate in adultery by civil law though it may be a legal act civilly.

God's law is existent and self executing regardless of man's opinion of it. The law should be used to bring people to Christ not for the purpose of establishing civil Government. If the government were just like us then our lives and testimony would loose its witness of righteousness. We exist for the purpose of pouring salt into the wound.


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Poly said:
You find it funny that you've started something out of ignorance which now gives opportunity for the wicked to mock the righteous?

I think it's a legitimate question. If our society was rebuilt upon biblical law, would it be legal to have concubines? It was all right for Solomon, who, according to the bible, was the world's greatest pimp and just so happened to be king too.

It's an easy question and I don't ask it to mock, if you feel like you're being mocked than maybe you should take a closer look at what you believe rather than calling those who ask honest, simple questions about what you believe, wicked. :idea:


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Poly said:
You find it funny that you've started something out of ignorance which now gives opportunity for the wicked to mock the righteous?
Before the law came, that was a legal act. Righteousness is not the keeping of the law and you are so stupid its funny. :chuckle:

Nathon Detroit

allsmiles said:
Solomon, who, according to the bible, was the world's greatest pimp and just so happened to be king too.
You are a first class idiot with no clue.

Please try harder, or go away.


New member
elected4ever said:
Before the law came, that was a legal act. Righteousness is not the keeping of the law and you are so stupid its funny. :chuckle:

If you can stop calling Poly names for a minute, can you address the point made in my previous post?

Nathon Detroit

elected4ever said:
Before the law came, that was a legal act. Righteousness is not the keeping of the law and you are so stupid its funny. :chuckle:

That is a completely un-called for comment. :(


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So instead of discussing the issues with me, you resort to a silly thread. Whereby you can get everyone else that I call brothers and sisters involved in some sort of fight. Well, you wanted it, you got it. Congrats Dad!!!! Hope your happy now.
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