ECT I saw a vision...oh yes!

Totton Linnet

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having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, (*Ephesians‬ *2‬:*20‬ NASB)

If these are the foundation, then:

in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (*Ephesians‬ *2‬:*21-22‬ NASB)

The picture is that the next highest gift - teaching and then the rest in keeping with the language of architecture are being built upwards.

The foundation being already laid, scripture is the motive for our faith and the final authority for our lives.

By the way, after next October you will never hear about four blood moons again, no need for an apology either from those caught up in the

- sensational/emotional/sign/reason to believe group.

Stick with what is written.

Scripture is the final authority?

....earnestly desire the higher gifts, especially that ye may prophesy.

Lazy afternoon

The final authority is what Christ speaks to the believer from the scriptures,(daily) Not the reasonings of men from the scriptures.



Well-known member
The final authority is what Christ speaks to the believer from the scriptures,(daily) Not the reasonings of men from the scriptures.


Seek to reinforce those two, LA, not divide them. It is very easy for the isolated believer to become unreasonable and irrational because 'Christ told me this in the passage I read today.'

Lewis used to say he got almost nothing out of 'devotional' speakers or materials. But a good solid piece of historical information set in its proper place energized him for days.


New member


Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more:

the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.


Active member
Absolute and utter nonsense. ''The just shall live by trust'' and this needs not be supplemented by 'visions'.
You are what the NT calls "filled with unbelief".
You probably believe the arrival of the Canon changed everything.

You have been deceived not only by Satan, but by false church leaders
who historically have rejected God's signs, wonders, miracles, etc.

Many of these church leaders were never called by the Lord to be such.
Those many who "choose" the ministry as a profession were never called.
And they reject the spiritual power gifts ... because they don't have any!

The purging of these people from God's church is coming in 2016/2017.
Gee, that's this year! ... Just watch and see.


Well-known member
You are what the NT calls "filled with unbelief".
You probably believe the arrival of the Canon changed everything.

You have been deceived not only by Satan, but by false church leaders
who historically have rejected God's signs, wonders, miracles, etc.

Many of these church leaders were never called by the Lord to be such.
Those many who "choose" the ministry as a profession were never called.
And they reject the spiritual power gifts ... because they don't have any!

The purging of these people from God's church is coming in 2016/2017.
Gee, that's this year! ... Just watch and see.

Are you aware how many times in the last generation this claim has been made and the date passed, by people who disparaged the other Christians just as you have?


New member
You are what the NT calls "filled with unbelief".
You probably believe the arrival of the Canon changed everything.

You have been deceived not only by Satan, but by false church leaders
who historically have rejected God's signs, wonders, miracles, etc.

Many of these church leaders were never called by the Lord to be such.
Those many who "choose" the ministry as a profession were never called.
And they reject the spiritual power gifts ... because they don't have any!

The purging of these people from God's church is coming in 2016/2017.
Gee, that's this year! ... Just watch and see.

1Cor 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
"...and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way" 1 Cor. 12:31.

A more hexcellent way than desiring gifts....earnestly desire love. The gifts of the Spirit work by love.

We see the sick and suffering and we love them earnestly as our own souls...we will desire them to be healed.

We see those in any kind of trouble, we love them earnestly from the heart....God will work through us.

That is Paul's more excellent way.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber


Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more:

the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

Would that it were true....Britain prospers

When a nation prospers but is wicked [as Britain is] that nation is in the greatest danger of all.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
You are what the NT calls "filled with unbelief".
You probably believe the arrival of the Canon changed everything.

You have been deceived not only by Satan, but by false church leaders
who historically have rejected God's signs, wonders, miracles, etc.

Many of these church leaders were never called by the Lord to be such.
Those many who "choose" the ministry as a profession were never called.
And they reject the spiritual power gifts ... because they don't have any!

The purging of these people from God's church is coming in 2016/2017.
Gee, that's this year! ... Just watch and see.

They go only by what they see, they do not SEE miracles so they do not believe miracles


New member
A more hexcellent way than desiring gifts....earnestly desire love. The gifts of the Spirit work by love.

We see the sick and suffering and we love them earnestly as our own souls...we will desire them to be healed.

We see those in any kind of trouble, we love them earnestly from the heart....God will work through us.

That is Paul's more excellent way.

I respectfully disagree.

His point is that the gifts will cease when their intent reaches it's perfection or intended end.

That when they do, only faith, hope and love (charity) will remain because they are the intent that God is working towards via the gifts in these assemblies back then.

That, that being the case (the gifts ceasing one day), the Corinthians would do well to live by those three now, for that was a part of why they had been given, and that was what would remain - faith, hope, and love - as those three are able to hold one fast in the Lord in all things.

As, say, those saints at Thessalonica had.

1Thess. 1

2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;

3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;

I'm well aware that to subscribe to this understanding appears a negative to some.

But it is not.

Due to that more excellent way that replaced the gifts, once said gifts had reached the means by which their intended perfection is instructed in.

Thus, Paul's last words on this means that had once been "we know in part," 1 Cor. 13. 10.

Paul's last word on this issue, now that he had it in his hand - 2 Tim. 3:

2Tim 3:

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Tim. 4:

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

The Scripture is now the means of said perfection in hope, love, faith.

The Corinthians "laboratory" wherein the Spirit had worked those three was in the midst of the Corinthians tendency toward narcissim.

While the Thessalonians' "laboratory" had been the persecutions they had had to endure - in faith, hope, and love.

Each assembly had it's chief, collective issue.

The Galatians' "laboratory" had been the misapplication of Law someone had corrupted their sense of faith, hope, and love through.

And so on...

We learn those three - faith, hope, and love (charity) and then we go out and apply them in our dealings, not only with one another, but with all people.

The problems and temptations one encounters as one attempts to live out the Christian life on the basis of this more excellent way, is the very "lab" in which those three are perfected.

Say we disagree with one another on some point - do we practice those three, or do we bite and devour one another, for example?

The best to you in those three - faith, hope, and charity.
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Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
The church did not become perfect...the church slipped into 1500 years of ever intensifying darkness through Catholicism


New member
The church did not become perfect...the church slipped into 1500 years of ever intensifying darkness through Catholicism

Who said I was referring to the church having become what it already was - perfect, complete, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.

You've confused both standing and state and what they have to do with what I was actually talking about.

But, no one is "perfect" :)

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Yes I understood that distinction even as I posted....The gifts are not to make us perfect [manifestly as well as positionally] the gifts are given to make up the shortfall between manifestly and positionally.

When the perfect is come...we are already perfect, but not manifestly.

Word of knowledge, prophecy is given because although Christ IS our wisdom positionally yet our wisdom is not fully manifest, except to God.


Active member
They go only by what they see, they do not SEE miracles so they do not believe miracles ...
2000 years ago (soon after the NT apostles died off) ...
many of the church leaders had seen (or heard of) God's miracles,
which were given primarily to confirm the Truth of the gospel.

But, since these men of influence were NOT called by God to lead the church,
they were NOT Spirit-baptized and they did NOT have any of the spiritual power gifts
... thus they chose to dismiss all of this as NOT being for today ...
so they would NOT appear to be greatly spiritually-deficient (which they were).
(Even though, IMO, some were born-again with the indwelling Holy Spirit.)

Simply, this disastrous doctrine of cessationism has continued until now.
Only those believers who have the Spirit-baptism and some of the power gifts
have sufficient personal spiritual proof to be vehemently against the historical choiches!

BTW, all of my personal spiritual experiences
have lined up (agree) with everything in the NT!
The Lord has proven to me the absolute Truth of His word.


In fact it is quite a common experience. People when you say vision conjure up pictures of creatures flying through the air and horses with wings etc but visions usually are of everyday things and within our comprehension.

I was at an "Intercessors for Britain" prayer meeting and some dear old Anglican prayer warriors were praying about a scandal which had blown up involving some high ranking politicians, dear old things "Oh Lawd" they cried in their middle class accents, "it is so awful how that these beastly people are trying to destroy the fabric of society, will You not take up the matter and bring about a solution to this situation"

You may laugh, but they were in earnest, I believe God reads the hearts of His people.

While they were praying I saw as it were an old antique sideboard as though I was stood in front of it, I marvelled at it's structure and it's ornate woodwork and design, surely it has stood like that for 200 years and more...solid, ornate, a thing of wealth. Substancial

Suddenly I was looking at it from the side, and I was surprised to see that behind the façade it was held together by very modern looking screws with shiny new heads, they looked out of place on such a grand piece of furniture but nevertheless they seemed more than adequate to do the job they were doing in holding the piece together.

Then suddenly the top screw undid as if by an invisible drill and the thread was visible

It was green with corrosion and rust and rotting away, about to break.

When those screws did break the whole piece would collapse into a heap.

I knew in an instant the true state of British society and how inevitable it's fate. Of course not British society only but Europe....and the United states. When the collapse comes, will YOU be ready?



It is possible if the spirit of God dwells in you

Maybe even if one is not indwelled by the Holy Spirit. It's not about entertainment. It's about getting people saved. If you believe God is trying to speak to you--post the vision or dream here. Maybe we can help members figure out what it means. Or, you had
too much pepperoni last night. :idunno: