I was called a liar. But what would I have to gain from making up this story? if TOL were Pentecostal friendly I suppose but it isn't.
There are folks on TOL who I admire for their theology and their bible knowledge and sometimes their plain good common sense, there are those who I would like to be friends with, there are those who I wish would appreciate me. But because I refuse to lie, which to deny the working of the Holy Ghost and His gifts in my life would be to dishonour Him and lie.
I must testify what I know to be true.
In doing so I lose their esteem, they mock and cajole, this is also true in real life.
Yeah this place can be a wet towel. The reason is because MAD is about justification of the flesh where there is no end product.
You NEVER see MADs talking about walking in the Spirit, because they don't understand what this means. The concept of spiritual warfare to them is alien. Justification is simply theoretical, giving them the legal facts about what it means to be forgiven, and how they are then free to live in the flesh, where self rules without guilt.
So when they meet people walking in the Spirit, there is a conflict between flesh and Spirit. The mocking has to do with the flesh resisting the Spirit because of the desire to feel justified in the natural.
This evil communication will corrupt if you're not careful. Paul says, "do not be deceived". MAD is all about justification of the bond woman, where in reality she must be cast out.
When you're are filled with the Spirit, demonic trouble will find you. We are in a war, and the only option available is to take up spiritual arms. There are times when I've sat down and thought to myself, the things happening to me right now simply cannot be coincidence, this is too weird, and then scripture is quickened. Jesus has uncovered the spiritual realm, and exposed satan and his kingdom to open shame.
A christian cannot stand still in this walk, because the Spirit within us yearns jealously (James 4:5). Interesting that some translators don't understand this, and have therefore not capitalized "Spirit".
The jealousy of the Spirit within us pushing us further into the things of God, will be resisted by the flesh. This is what we see in action by MAD. It is a flesh religion.