I now disavow "left and right" labels


Hall of Fame
The compass test was broken, apparently. Just choices and an empty screen on the right. :idunno:

I don't agree with the results in my case. I am a moderate insofar that my views are split down the middle depending on the issue.


Well-known member

I didn't like some of the questions...built-in assumptions I wouldn't accept if I had the choice.


Well-known member
To balance that, most of the questions that were framed with an "always" or "never" I didn't agree/disagree with "strongly."

That helped, but there were some political views shaping the way some of the questions were framed that meant you couldn't be sure if you were answering the underlying bias or the question itself. And not answering "strongly" means most people are going to be moderate. Most people are average - that I agree with - but are most people really moderate?


like marbles on glass
That helped, but there were some political views shaping the way some of the questions were framed that meant you couldn't be sure if you were answering the underlying bias or the question itself. And not answering "strongly" means most people are going to be moderate. Most people are average - that I agree with - but are most people really moderate?

First, any online quiz should be taken with a grain of salt, because they're crude. And if it doesn't end up representing where you'd place yourself, go with your own measurements and forget the test. But sometimes (again, with that grain of salt), that test, crude as it is, may catch something you don't yourself realize you think or believe, but it may have picked up on something implicit that you weren't aware of.

Also, any question that's put to me as "always" or "never" without allowing a neutral choice makes me wary. So I was thinking of that all the way through, and because of that I may have skewed my own results. I don't know.

Anyway, there isn't a way to choose a moderate (centrist) answer on this test. For good or for bad, it forces you to come down on one side or the other. How far over is where your choice lies.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I came up with a pretty simple test for where you stand on the Nazi question.

1. When I see Americans marching in the street carrying Nazi flags and wearing swastikas I feel:

A) Waves of anger or contempt wash over me, or nausea pass through me as I consider the sacrifice of so many young Americans who left our shores to fight that mental disease, who died on beaches and in trenches, lay in fields and foreign streets as their lifeblood ran out of them, desperately wanting to be home and safe, to see their mothers and fathers again, to hold their children and sweethearts again, but who never would because of these monstrous things in human form that they gave their last full measure of devotion to stop. I think of Anzio and Normandy, of death camps and slaughtered innocents, and while I support the right of anyone to speak their mind freely in this nation, I reserve the right to hold in utter disregard those who use this right to foul the public square by advancing as emblems of power and honor ideas that are repugnant in their very nature, that advance indecency, bigotry, unreasoned malice, and any manner of ideas contrary to the peace and preservation of our great Republic.

If you're looking for B you already have the answer.

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like marbles on glass
I choose A.

"If you've wondered what you would have done in 1930s Germany or during the civil rights movement, congratulations: you're doing it now."

Matthew Miller


like marbles on glass
I don't know the author of this:

Today, I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole ‘neo-Nazi’ thing.

And I have to take the phrase, 'neo-' out of it. I look at it as Nazism, plain & simple. Nothing 'neo-' about it.

And that bothers the living [ ] out of me.

See, I’m 66 years old. Born in 1951. Six years after the end of World War II.

And, growing up, every kid I knew had a dad that was in the war. Every kid in the neighborhood. Every kid in school. Every friend. Every family. Every house we/they lived in was paid for, in part, by the GI Bill as thanks from a grateful nation for making the sacrifices they made.

And every kid’s father was a hero.

Because they all went overseas, to the Far East or to Europe or to the seven seas.

But they all went.

And they all fought.

Fought to eradicate the greatest scourge in history. A scourge that rounded up millions of people, put them into concentration camps & starved them until it was time for them to walk to their deaths in Auschwitz or Dachau or other places that had gas chambers, where they died horrible deaths by the hundreds at a time….until their numbers reached into the millions.

Our fathers & uncles fought that scourge in forests & in swamps & on beaches & on the high seas. Over three-hundred thousand of those would-be fathers & uncles left their mortal coils in the bloody dirt of those European battlefields in their heroic attempts to erase that scourge.

Monte Cassino. The Bulge. Africa. Normandy. Anzio. Berlin. El Alamein. And thousands of other battles. Our dads & our uncles were there.

And on May 8, 1945, victory in Europe was achieved.

Hitler was gone. The Nazis were gone. The death marches were gone. The Reich was gone. Over & done with.

And our dads & our uncles & came home, knowing full well that their victory was forever. They had vanquished an army of unimaginable cruelty. They had vanquished the scourge of the earth.

And, as kids, we looked up to our dads & our uncles & our friends’ dads & their uncles & all the neighbors & all the school teachers & all the scout leaders & all the others who had gone, quite literally, to save the world.

They saved the world from Nazism.

And, now……now……somehow, that scourge is trying to return. Return in our own nation. Within our very shores. It is trying to return in the very same nation that made the world safe from it.

And I can’t quite believe it.

I can’t quite believe that there are people in this land that admire what Hitler had wrought. And that they want it for the United States of America.

To me & all of those other kids I grew up with, it is unfathomable.

This nation must NOT allow Nazism to exist within our midst.

It must be rooted out, perhaps the same way our dads & uncles rooted it out in Europe.

Those who subscribe to Nazism must be vanquished. Again.

We cannot allow what the Greatest Generation accomplished to be besmirched by this crowd of spiritually-bankrupt trash.

They are not Americans.

They are the enemy among us.

They are traitors.

And they must be treated as such.

They're Americans.

But a white supremacist/white nationalist/Nazi American isn't "fine people."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A big commie international congress from way back. Look closely.
Evil men use any means to power to work their evil. They'll use politics if you let them. They'll use your faith if you let them. Because everything they see is a tool (and a great many of their supporters prove that belief accurate) to be used and discarded in the service of that evil.

If Americans can't band together to unambiguously protest and strive against this particular evil we might as well turn the lights off, lock the door behind us, and move on.
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patrick jane

Economic Left/Right: 0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.54


I don't know that this means anything. I don't even know what my results say


New member
Economic Left/Right: 0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.54


I don't know that this means anything. I don't even know what my results say

Well, this isn' the most in-depth quiz out there but it reads that you are a moderate (almost exactly where I am/centrist) but you fall more on the authoritative end of the spectrum. You want the government to have more control over its citizens whereas I want them to have less control.

On social issues you are slightly more conservative whereas on small government versus more bureaucracy I am more 'conservative' than you. I want a smaller government compared to you :think:

But all in all, it's we're rather close overall.