I left my heart, and pants in Cuba..Now what?


New member
God has us where He wants us. I am going to suggest that God allowed you to have contact with this 'pants' person for a practical reason. If you can contact him again maybe he knows of others who have needs you can help with as you are able.

But I don't want you walking around without pants!! I will gladly send you a pair of mine. lol
Ha... Thanks for the offer of your pants George! But, I can afford another $18 pair from Costco.

Yes... God has each of us with different gifts, desires...different ministries Etc. I guess, God is in the process of re-directing some of my energies, resources etc. And, yes I still am able to contact the 'pants man'. I have been in contact with a couple different pastors in Cuba since I have returned to "Oh Canada". Not sure, when I can return, but looking forward to it already. Thanks for your comments.


Well-known member
But..... But, Lon.... That is what I am 'arguing' against. You describe what I am struggling with. I have been giving the "extra I have". I already do have a couple 'adopt a child's from 3rd world countries. I do give to a variety of charities in addition to a tithe to my church. But, now..... it just doesn't seem like giving "extra" is what God wants. And, as I said in the opening, I am struggling with it, because I am not sure what the answer is.
Yes, me too. When I was single, it was a LOT easier and a no-brainer. I simply gave my checks away when I could. Your heart is a beautiful thing, never lose it. I drink a cup of coffee and feel guilty that someone, beyond those I'm helping, is dying. You are exactly right and there can be no bad thing from a kind of love that sacrifices. That said, Jesus did not at all rebuke Mary Magdalene from spending a year's worth of wages on a bottle of perfume. John 12:1-8 In order for one who has two cloaks, to give one away, he/she first has to be able to own/purchase two cloaks. Keep following your heart, but remember that pain is still against 2 Corinthians 9:7 IOW, don't guilt yourself into action but move as love moves you. I love your heart over this matter. -Lon


Well-known member
Thanks for your comments and great links. (I was not aware of them). As those links mention, there are Christians in Cuba who do not have a Bible. There is also a spiritual hunger in Cuba, and all the cults are there in addition to Christianity. Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but I was amazed at the openness...the thirst in Cuba. One morning, our waitress for a table of 4 must have overheard our conversation. As we were about to leave she said, 'I am not a Christian, but I would like a Bible if you have one.'

I wish you all God's blessings in your divine destiny, whatever that may be.


New member
So..... I left my pants in Cuba 2 years ago... Heading back there for the 4th time next week and will again be leaving pants, medical supplies, toys etc. (Staying with various friends, various towns there...not resorts)

We are soooo blessed with material things like … food and clothes...or are we? The Cuban Christians often depend on God daily for their needs. They literally trust God to supply their needs...and they seem to have such a rich relationship with our Savior. For example... The one young pastor family I will be staying with for a day, gets very little income from their church. To support his wife and two young boys he buys a fish at the market, then removes all bones with eyebrow tweezers; then cuts it into one pound packages and walks the streets trying to sell fish. His wife tells me the only clothes they ever have, is used clothes others donate. And yet the joy of life expressed by this family (and others similar) is amazing. They think nothing of sharing what they have, no matter how little they have. Hmmmmm….. always a dilemma for me... How to justify my 'wealth' when my Cuban brothers and sisters live on about $30. But, then I realize that in many ways, these people have a wealth that we miss out on.

Gary K

New member
So..... I left my pants in Cuba 2 years ago... Heading back there for the 4th time next week and will again be leaving pants, medical supplies, toys etc. (Staying with various friends, various towns there...not resorts)

We are soooo blessed with material things like … food and clothes...or are we? The Cuban Christians often depend on God daily for their needs. They literally trust God to supply their needs...and they seem to have such a rich relationship with our Savior. For example... The one young pastor family I will be staying with for a day, gets very little income from their church. To support his wife and two young boys he buys a fish at the market, then removes all bones with eyebrow tweezers; then cuts it into one pound packages and walks the streets trying to sell fish. His wife tells me the only clothes they ever have, is used clothes others donate. And yet the joy of life expressed by this family (and others similar) is amazing. They think nothing of sharing what they have, no matter how little they have. Hmmmmm….. always a dilemma for me... How to justify my 'wealth' when my Cuban brothers and sisters live on about $30. But, then I realize that in many ways, these people have a wealth that we miss out on.

I just saw this thread for the first time tonight. I have to say, 6days, you are restoring my faith in Christians. Not Christianity/God itself/Himself. Those I believe in without any doubts. It's a great thing to see Christian principles in action and the self-examination that Paul said we need to undergo. We see so much profession and so little living of the Gospel that this thread and your self-examination is a real breath of fresh air.

My recommendation is just take this to God in prayer. Open your heart to Him as your best friend and ask Him to lay out your duty very clearly to you. He will do it. He's waiting for each and every one of us to do this type of thing, for this is the type of thing that will bring God's power back into the church.


Well-known member
I'm very glad to see this thread. A welcome and important break from the usual topics here.
In our (Jewish) tradition, there are a number of concepts regarding charity:
  1. One is expected to give a tenth of ones income to charity (a type of tithe)
  2. One should take care of local poor first
  3. One should not give away so much that one becomes poor oneself. The usual 'limit' that is discussed is a sixth of one's income.

It is not a simple matter. People are literally starving all over the world, and those of us who are more fortunate worry about when we will replace our old cellphone.


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Am I to really sell all I have and give?

Well, in the first place, why first sell all you have? Instead, just give all of it away, in the first place, and then you won't need to bother about the question of whether or not to sell it.

Also, would not the recipient(s) of all you once had, and have now given away, be--since your donation to them--in exactly the same quandary you're presently in? Would they not (or, at least, should they not), themselves, now be tearfully asking whether they should sell/give all that they've received from you? Where would/should such a cycle end?

(PS: Hopefully what I wrote, here, does not sound like I'm trying to make light of your concern. I definitely am not trying to do that at all, as I can empathize with your concern.)
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