by the way, if there is ANY subject, topic or group that is NOT fair game on this board, i will be leaving shortly
ye are all subject to the Wrath of IDW...
behold my terror and despair
I am a Tenor.
he said terror not tenor
by the way, if there is ANY subject, topic or group that is NOT fair game on this board, i will be leaving shortly
ye are all subject to the Wrath of IDW...
behold my terror and despair
I am a Tenor.
so how do you prove free will?
Go for a day without sinning...lay down now and die, then take up your life again.
's no such thing s free will
would you like to go a day without sinning?
You prove the point, we all would like to go a day and our whole lives without sinning...that is our will
is it everyone's will?
"The Bondage of the Will"
Luther hit some home runs at times --
but at OTHER times --
Look at all the passages -- all through the Bible -- where GOD HIMSELF
tells people to "choose"
starting with Adam and Eve where "don't eat of this one tree"
implies that they can CHOOSE to eat of it or not --
Joshua saying "CHOOSE this day who you will serve"
Elisha or whoever it was saying "Why halt you between two opinions? THROW DOWN this Jezebel!" -- and they did.
And the queen that Elijah couldn't best - Elisha did
oh, yes, but it was all GOD that did the stuff - yeah
but ya know
there is that theme of
while here on earth
"He has no hands but our hands"
"Sin is crouching at the door" - from Cain's time til now
but Yahweh says we can choose not to let it master us
"CHOOSE, Matthew! Leave the tax collector's table behind and follow me!"
"Choose, Peter and Andrew - do you want to follow me and fish for men?"
God presenting a CHOICE for people runs right through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
A "lack of human free will" is not a biblical concept in any way whatsoever.
Whether it is or not nobody can perform it. Perhaps the outright sinners are just more honest.
I am not saying we can't get victory over sin, but the victory is not in us or by our will or the exercise of our will but the victory is in the cross.
answer the question
is it everyone's will to not sin?