At conception, the baby is alive. Abortion kills a baby; it ends his life.
It's a single cell Stripe, it isn't a baby outside your head unless perhaps you claim it has a soul?:think:
You apparently arbitrarily bestow a single human cell with an equal value to an adult woman? :idunno:
Nope. It is not arbitrary to call a living human being a person. It is arbitrary to call a living human being a non-person based on a physical trait — as you do — like size, location, detectable heartbeat, skin color, nationality or religion.
Your accusations are projection; you endorse murder, which makes you as bad as a murderer.
Stripe it is a single cell, get over it.
Sorry Stripe but you really don't get to shrug away your supposed ongoing human tragedy that easily, what a crock.
The shrugging you imagined of the tragedy you admit to ignoring, while endorsing the murder of babies even you would concede are people? That tragedy?
There is no tragedy, the demise of single cells, even human cells are of no demonstrable consequence.
So now you try to dump your own callous and heartless nature onto me with a hastily contrived guilt trip scenario?
Nope. You freely admit that you endorse murder, even of babies you concede are people.
Nonsense, if I ever were to accept the death of foetus that was arguably a person then it would be after due consideration of all the specific circumstances not because it went against someone's dogmatic beliefs on abortion.
However I wasn't talking about a confirmed pregnancy or a later term miscarriage this is still shortly after conception when nobody knows, before the embryo either embeds or more likely fails to. Which for you apparently still involves a "tiny human being" rather than a few cells representing a possible potential human being before it has developed.
So you expect me to take responsibility for that of which I have no knowledge? Who is creating the guilt trip again?
Now you're just being stupid, there is obviously a clear chain of predictable established events here, it's no good pretending you don't know what typically happens just after conception. Two thirds of zygotes will fail quite naturally, which you seem to think are all murder-able babies, but nevertheless you are apparently totally unmoved by their plight, while choosing to accuse me of murder, come on. :doh:
It seems reasonable to me that a person is rather more than just a few albeit human cells.
And it seems reasonable to me that a human being is a person no matter how small. And my position is justifiable, given that I do not run the risk of endorsing murder, while you happily concede that you do condone murder, even for babies that you concede are people.
Then it must be a soul belief then, since there is absolutely nothing else in the material world that might make a single cell function as anything other than a single cell. You presumably think that each zygote has a soul and it's a soul that makes it a baby for you, right?
Then two thirds of them will perish, but you don't worry about that bit of course, it's natural.
It It's about the right for a woman to choose what will happen to her own body, and when she has babies, not my rights nor yours.
You failed biology, right? A baby has his own body. A mother has her own body.
What does a zygote have Stripe?
I do? How did you arrive at that conclusion, are you a mind reader?
Nope. Just a plain old words reader. It's telling that you would accuse me of mind reading, however, given that you did exactly that to accuse me of not caring about babies dying when I would have had no knowledge they even existed.
I just followed your lead on the mind reading bit Stripe, but clearly you don't have any concerns at all for all those countless "babies" that perish naturally, only the odd one or two that you deem to have been murdered.
Yes, there are usually time limits, after which a more justifiable argument will be required, say a medical problem.
And these are the words.
You endorse the murder of babies even after you concede that they are people.
I don't think I ever specifically did any such thing but unlike you I grieve when babies are needlessly lost or indeed if both mother and baby are.
I believe it's much more courageous and justifiable to make tough choices hopefully for the least worst outcome than to feebly cling to a doctrine that you think absolves you from any blame if ever such choices turn out to be bad ones. You simply hide behind your dogma and shout "murder" at people who only have honest and honourable intent as you let countless "babies" perish quietly, un-mourned.

I think it's rather good that these days women no longer have to die because of a pregnancy problem, although one woman did die during pregnancy recently in Ireland where all abortions are banned. If she had lived in England she would be alive today, but you perhaps find it tragic too, but a price worth paying?

The woman, Savita Halappanave, had blood poisoning. The hospital might have been negligent in not delivering the baby soon after the condition came to light — which is what routinely happens in Ireland — but there would never be a need to stop halfway through the delivery of a child to sever his spinal cord.
Your appeal that murder should be allowed because of medical risks is nonsensical. It also ignores the fact that abortion procedures are a grave risk to mothers.
I won't go into the specific details but the above case sparked a considerable abortion debate in Ireland which I hope will result in a relaxation of their abortion laws.
What is nonsensical is to ensure the return of backstreet abortions, at least Irish women can come to England if they want to choose what happens to their own bodies rather than risk that.