Hi Josh... welcome!
Hello everyone. My name is Josh; I'm a Roman Catholic; and Jesus did save me from a life of despair. That was roughly 3 years ago. My goal (mission) now is to develop a very personal relationship with Jesus. I go to Mass; I listen; I pray.
That's fantastic! Jesus
does do personal relationships, so just keep on with communion in the heart. That's where we find Jesus is in the heart. True prayer is of the heart. The heart is the very center & core of our being.
The liturgy of the mass can be tremendously helpful too. Have you found that your participation in the Holy Communion has changed, (felt more meaningful perhaps), over the past 3 years?
You say you listen... I find this intriguing. Can you say a bit more about that?
But my relationship with Jesus, along with my concept OF Him, is very generic. I want to put that generic concept of Jesus- the one that I grew up with- out of my mind in order to get closer to Him.
That is awesome. The realization that a closer relationship with Jesus
absolutely requires the challenging of the old, (and perhaps comfortable), mental boxes into which we so readily try to fit the Christ is a sign of real spiritual movement and growth.
I'm having trouble and thought that maybe someone could point me in the right direction on my journey to truly know Jesus. Maybe somebody has been in my situation.
Thank u & God bless!
The holy scriptures have already been mentioned and there's no question that there is a treasure house of spiritual resource right there.
The Rosary is another thing I would mention... do you feel intuitively drawn to that? I understand that many people do not. The reason I mention it is because it has been immensely helpful to me. However each individual has a unique story and yours will certainly be different from mine. The Rosary does provide a different way to enter into communion with Christ.
Above all I would say that whatever route(s) you take you should be absolutely, 100% convinced that Jesus really IS available to you personally... His living and immediate Presence right in your heart.