Humility and Sell All Your Possessions and Properties

Eagles Wings

New member
You misuse the scripture. If you cannot discern your own leader's character you cannot discern anyone else's, dear.
Dear, you are non-Trinitarian and have no ability to discern Scripture.

It is my duty and delight as a Christian to pray that, Lord willing, you come to the fullness of faith in Christ, as put forth in the historic creeds of the Christian church.

Please visit the site in my signature.
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Dear, you are non-Trinitarian and have no ability to discern Scripture.

Wow, so you think you possess vacuous woman's character with this kind of attitude?

You only parrot your evil leaders' claims. You don't even know what Jesus teaches.

Jesus did not say you know them by their doctrine, He says you know them by their fruit.

Your fruit is you follow violent phariseeistic leader.

Lazy afternoon

I'm sure that you have sold everything you own and have given it to the common good! After all, you are so humble.

There is no need to be cheeky.

It depends on the circumstances we live in.

You would not know of my past actions, but at one time I left almost everything to serve Christ, and for a time I had almost nothing, having shared what I had with the saints all of whom came out to a new place where we first off built little houses about 16 ft x 12 ft for family of 6 including even a piano but slept in an old caravan.

My sister and brother in the Lord had 6 children.

Hitchikers, even the town drunk were saved, along with many who came out of the cities for two days and nights of fellowship every week for about 8 years,and we grew grapes, beans, potatoes etc.

The Lords presence was great in our fellowship, but many things happened which were very hard, but worth it.

When you forsake all to follow Christ, the rewards are great, but one can not become rich money wise.

I have never been without altogether but close many times in the early years.


Eagles Wings

New member
Wow, so you think you possess vacuous woman's character with this kind of attitude?

You only parrot your evil leaders' claims. You don't even know what Jesus teaches.

Jesus did not say you know them by their doctrine, He says you know them by their fruit.

Your fruit is you follow violent phariseeistic leader.
I didn't say I possessed any kind of character. I simply affirmed Scripture by posting it and mentioning it's importance.

What do you think you accomplish with your drive-by fruiting?

What fruit of the Spirit, who is God, are you showing us common folk?


I didn't say I possessed any kind of character. I simply affirmed Scripture by posting it and mentioning it's importance.

What do you think you accomplish with your drive-by fruiting?

What fruit of the Spirit, who is God, are you showing us common folk?

You have no credibility to give advise or admonishment by following Phariseeistic leader.


New member
Hall of Fame
I am uncircumcised in the flesh, and I know that circumcision avails to nothing, so this scripture does not speak of me. I am speaking of the necessity of "stop sinning". How is it that you do not understand? You must stop sinning.

Its of the heart, you prove you know nothing of the scriptures.

Of works and obedience?:

John 6: 28 Then they inquired, “What must we do to perform the works of God?” 29 Jesus replied, “This is the work of God: to believe in the One He has sent.”…


There is no need to be cheeky.

It depends on the circumstances we live in.

You would not know of my past actions, but at one time I left almost everything to serve Christ, and for a time I had almost nothing, having shared what I had with the saints all of whom came out to a new place where we first off built little houses about 16 ft x 12 ft for family of 6 including even a piano but slept in an old caravan.

My sister and brother in the Lord had 6 children.

Hitchikers, even the town drunk were saved, along with many who came out of the cities for two days and nights of fellowship every week for about 8 years,and we grew grapes, beans, potatoes etc.

The Lords presence was great in our fellowship, but many things happened which were very hard, but worth it.

When you forsake all to follow Christ, the rewards are great, but one can not become rich money wise.

I have never been without altogether but close many times in the early years.


thank you for your testimony.

You are blessed.


New member
Hall of Fame
You cannot be forgiven of your sins if you carry on sinning.

Then I have bad news for you, IF you were EVER saved, you aren't now, because if you claim you haven't sinned since your salvation (if there ever was one in your case) then you are a liar which means you can no longer be forgiven. (according to you)

I'm glad i am saved by the true gospel of salvation, which is good news.

He saved me, continues to save me and has put His Spirit in my heart as a guarantee.

Whatever god you worship in the jw lie of a church, is impotent and cannot save, because you are stronger than he (your false jw god), because you can break his seal.

So, stop worshiping that idol and come to the living Christ in Spirit and Truth and be set free.