If it was GOD's will to make it impossible for some to believe, then any Calvinists attempt to covert them is actually opposing GOD's will.
I have yet to find the Calvinist or Reformed person that actually believes they are in the conversion business. Rather to a man, they would all state that they use the ordinary
means God has commanded to achieve His
ends. These means include sharing the things from Scripture they hold dear. The
ends are left to God to work out according to His own pleasure.
Or to put another way, according to Calvinism everyone is believing exactly what GOD wants them to believe this very moment.
What God wants He always gets. There are no unfulfilled desires in God. He is not wringing His hands in the hopes that His creatures will do what He wants. That you posted what you posted was ordained by God. That ordination
includes the ability He granted you, t
he ability to choose according to your greatest inclinations at the moment you so choose. You were inclined to post, you posted. Had you not posted, then
not posting was your greatest inclination. Of course, had that happened it would have been encompassed by the ordaining decree of God from eternity.
When you posted, you felt no constraints, you did not think you were being manipulated like a puppet on a string, etc. Thus is the workings of God's ordination and man's self-determination granted by God to all His moral creatures. That I believe what God ordained I would believe includes the "I" aspect. My own volition. Again, God ordination includes the very freedom we should be claiming. So it is error to make a statement like you have done without including the full understanding of what God's decree encompasses.
And yet, the Calvinists here are trying to get you to have a different view this moment.
Why would they attempt to do that if everyone is believing what GOD wants them to believe at this moment????
Rather, Calvinists are relying upon the
means granted by God and leaving the outcomes (the
ends) to Him and Him alone.
Who is to say that someone at some determined point in time by God will read this exchange and decide rightly? If he or she does so, that too will be the ordination of God.
In truth, the Calvinist cannot even know if he himself is an elect one, because GOD has ordained that some believe a lie that they believe is actually truth.
How can any Calvinist know if they are one of the ones that GOD ordained to BELIEVE a lie?
Even if they claim "know them by their fruits" does not help them because GOD could ordain them to misunderstand the fruit they believe is good.
The true believer is taught from Scripture they may know with full assurance that they are among those chosen by God to eternal life. This infallible assurance is not the
essence of faith, rather it is that a true believer may wait long, and become conflicted with many difficulties, before he partakes of this full assurance: (See 1 John 5:13, Isa. 50:10, Mark 9:24, Psalm 88, Psalm 77:1-12). Yet, being enabled by the Spirit to
know the things which are freely given him of God, the believer
may, without extraordinary revelation in the right use of ordinary
means, attain this full assurance (1 Cor. 2:12, 1 John 4:13, Heb. 6:11-12, Eph. 3:17). Unfortunately, some rely upon
subjective experiences versus the
objective promises of the Gospel. Sadly, the result is that they who were concerned about the welfare of their soul turn attention to
themselves rather than to the word of God, and spend their life in morbid introspection.
That there are those that believe a lie is not a claim that God is the doer of their unbelief. As I have stated, God's ordination
includes the
self-determination of the moral agent, the ability to choose according to one's own inclinations at the moment they so choose. This is the only free will any Calvinist will grant when using the term. That no one is able to fully reconcile exactly
how God pulls this off is no excuse to deny that predestination unto salvation and man's
self-determination are treated as friends in Scripture. Unfortunately, some would seek to know more than they have warrant to know and cobble together all manner of oddities as relates to what God really is and how God really works.
Self-determination is not the so-called
libertarian free will (the liberty of
indifference) that hold persons may do other than what they are inclined to do. No such
arbitrariness exists in moral agents. Yes, and before you would opine, God has a hand in your
inclinations. They are born from your own experiences, education, upbringing, location, and many other factors under the providential care of God. The very fact that you were born in a country with much exposure to the Gospel is certainly a blessing ordained by God. That you were born in New Guinea among the savages and may never hear the Gospel is also ordained by God. Sometimes the place of birth is actual judgment from God who sees fit to leave some in their unbelief, for all are fallen
in Adam. No one is born morally neutral and becomes a sinner who sins. All are born sinners, and sin because they are sinners. Yet no man is without excuse, believing lies, as we know from Romans 1.