How the Gospel Works


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Please explain how you... you... Lon... could even suggest that He didn't die for even those that reject Him.

I don't. Christ and all He has done, is the Chief Cornerstone or the Stone the builders rejected and stumbled over. How?

For a few posts, lets assume you and I are neither one extreme nor the other. We have to simply discuss what we both believe. Let's assume, for the next few posts, I'm Arminian. Here is the beginning of such a conversation:

He only did one thing - taught salvation and provided for it. That blood which 'could' save those who rejected, rejected, they are not saved. Do you have any problem, whatsoever, with a person rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ? (Forget Exhaustive Definite Foreknowledge) He obviously came to save. All? If He came to save all, all would be saved? You nor I believe that. Why? Why don't you believe it? At the end of this, you and I are going to agree and a good many things. In order to be biblical, we MUST agree on a great many things. Let's start here. -Lon


New member
I don't. Christ and all He has done, is the Chief Cornerstone or the Stone the builders rejected and stumbled over. How?

For a few posts, lets assume you and I are neither one extreme nor the other. We have to simply discuss what we both believe. Let's assume, for the next few posts, I'm Arminian. Here is the beginning of such a conversation:

He only did one thing - taught salvation and provided for it. That blood which 'could' save those who rejected, rejected, they are not saved. Do you have any problem, whatsoever, with a person rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ? (Forget Exhaustive Definite Foreknowledge) He obviously came to save. All? If He came to save all, all would be saved? You nor I believe that. Why? Why don't you believe it? At the end of this, you and I are going to agree and a good many things. In order to be biblical, we MUST agree on a great many things. Let's start here. -Lon

Our choices can never save us but they most certainly can veer us off the path God has for our lives. God's job is constant course correction for our bad decisions. Every person in the bible is evidence for this except for Jesus himself. We are not robots!


Well-known member
If He came to save all, all would be saved? You nor I believe that. Why?

Hebrews 11:6, which we like to call a pandispensational truth: always was true, is true now, will always be true. God wants to be believed and deserves to be believed. But men don't HAVE to believe and therein lies their condemnation. Adam should've, didn't. Israel should've, didn't. Many today should, don't. Some want to chalk that up to God's foreordaining them to reprobation. I'll stick with what the Bible actually says.

Sorry to butt in.


Well-known member
Since I brought it up...

Numbers 20:12
Psalm 78:22
John 3:18-19
2 Thess 2:10
Rev 21:8

Either all men have been given the ability to believe God or not, or God is back of every one of those cases of unbelief, which He condemned or will condemn, which makes Him a liar. Pick one.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Thank you for finally clarifying that. For what it's worth, you are now on the top of TOL's honest and consistent Calvinists list, right alongside B57. I may hate your doctrine (and I do) but I respect you for being honest about it.

I do know of any Calvinist who would deny what Nang actually posted. I know I have said it often enough, e.g.,

If you think these sort of statements related to the total inability of the unsaved to aid in their quickening are unique only to hyper-Calvinists, I do not think you actually understand what exactly separates hyper-Calvinists from the historic Calvinist:!&p=4643308&viewfull=1#post4643308



Well-known member

I didn't say no others believed it. I complemented her (him?) for being honest enough to say it directly, briefly and bluntly. We don't get that much here.


Well-known member
Sorry to butt in.
Not butting in and thank you. You are starting to describe something important, at least to me AND I think shared.
Hello, Lon.

Wait a minute.

What does "one He knows isn't going to be saved" mean?

Are you saying that God, in eternity past, looked forward "down the tunnel of time" to see who will and won't believe the Gospel and based election upon that?
As with EE, good enough for right now. It doesn't matter 'how' He knows for this all to make sense. For the most part, it won't matter either way for this discussion. If you agree, to any extent, that God knows who is going to be saved, and who will not, to me, more than half the battle.

Hebrews 11:6, which we like to call a pandispensational truth: always was true, is true now, will always be true. God wants to be believed and deserves to be believed. But men don't HAVE to believe and therein lies their condemnation. Adam should've, didn't. Israel should've, didn't. Many today should, don't. Some want to chalk that up to God's foreordaining them to reprobation. I'll stick with what the Bible actually says.
Last two sentences... 1) do you mean that knowing ahead of time even among Arminians, is not foreordination? There are scripture examples of what God doesn't want, but says "so be it" after stubbornness. For me = foreordination. "Thus will it be" doesn't meant God 'caused' thus, however (I'm thinking of Israel demanding a king by example). It is important that you and I either agree or disagree that this is foreordination (sometimes we get caught up on terms/foreign terms/different-meaning terms). 2) What does the bible 'actually' say? Does it say no foreordination? Does foreordination exist at all? My questions are meant to get you being clear and ensuring my assertion against yours, that we are often more on than same page than not in this thread.

I know that 'looks' duplicitous, but I assure you it is not.

Frustration, I think, comes from me saying things different than others. Don't worry, AMR and Nang freely correct me when I'm wrong and I always appreciate it. If I am going to carry the name 'Calvinist' they have every right to do so. Both have been much longer than I. Generally, Calvinists give me pos reps and thanks, so I'm pretty sure I am representing fair, if not well or clear, but clear is my endeavor else I'd defer to others and just not participate.

In a nutshell, I think, even with disagreement, we 'think' alike, at the least over scriptures a lot more than not.


Well-known member
Okay, are all souls given ears to hear the Gospel?

No, else they 'would' hear and thus be saved. "Ears" in this case is probably important for distinction. Not only people, nearly all animals have ears. Rather, this specifically about one that 'hears' God. The Lord Jesus Christ often said "for him/her' who has ears" (AND) "to hear."

The largest thing someone is looking for is a desire to put blame where it belongs. Blame is a "judge's" responsibility. I endeavor to never give a non-Christian the false-right or false-idea he/she is any kind of judge. It will continue to give them wadding for ears that don't hear and continue to encourage them to think they are the masters of their own universe with every right to judge God or man. Instead, I try to preach His Word over and over again. The Word of God is the only thing that divides joint and marrow. "Fluff" (any banter other than scriptures) allows them to stuff their ears and shut out God's words. For me, I try to speak the scriptures more than 'discuss' with one who 'begins stuffing his/her ears' after hearing the gospel. At the very least, walking away is preferred to watching them do it to themselves. It is sad watching someone spiritually deaf, intentionally shoving more garbage in their ears to avoid my Lord Jesus Christ. I too have cried watching any do it.


Well-known member
You are disagreeing with Mr/Mrs Nang. You are clear on that, yeah?
I am not always sure it is a theological disagreement, but rather a communication disagreement, but correct, I disagree and am clear on that.

Not sure why when a good portion of the world isn't allowed to benefit by it.
Those who reject Christ 'do' think they 'benefit' by their rejection, else they would be saved. John 9:39-41

I find it concise, logical, tidy and neat. Completely lacking in the pettifogging, gray, impenetrably dense walls of stodgy Reformed text, unquestioned assumptions and unexamined consequences of their doctrine.
Yeah, for me, not enough. I don't care about concise and neat, nor even really if, without all 'fuzzy/cloudy' parts it is logical. I care about what is true and am as willing as a Berean to find it.

Um...the universalist says the Way finds everyone, eventually.

Limited by man's refusal? Or God's reprobation? Pick one because you can't have both.
Why? Why Can't "I" mutually quit talking to you, for instance, when you stop talking to me (by example)?

Read back. You basically said God has a right "even 'if'" He decided over salvation. Your 'if' already let Calvinists off the hook as you said it.
God is God. If God chose some to be saved and the rest not to be saved, that is His prerogative as God and none of us would be justified in arguing with Him about it.
Imho? You are a cognitively dissenting Calvinist for the admission. Imho, It puts you pretty much on page with me.


If the Gospel is open to ALL without exception (i.e., if Calvinism is false) then it's an amazing thing to think anyone can be saved by the power of God unto salvation.

If the Gospel is open only to SOME...but I've said it all before.
To me, these to are not 'by necessity' mutually exclusive propositions. I believe them both. Okay, so you think I'm inconsistent or no true Calvinist, right? When you were in a Calvinist church, did you ever have these discussions? Something didn't/doesn't make sense.

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Indeed, the Gospel has the power to save all men who believe.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
That matches perfectly:

1Tim 4:10 (AKJV/PCE)
(4:10) For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

I believe it.


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Since you're here would you please address the continuous Calvin bashing in Pate's threads, even after many admonishments from you?

As a Reformed guest here, are we to sit idly by as truths we hold dear and our personal testimonies of salvation in Christ, are ridiculed and questioned?

Yes, others do this as well, yet for some reason Pate has been given this platform with impunity.


As stated before this is not a Calvinist site and you are not going to get a lot of sympathy from Knight or any of those that own the site. The bias of this site is going to be more toward the Mad and Open side of the spectrum. As a mod I prefer to stay out of debates between Christians. I am no teacher and don't really meet the qualifications to be one. I was chosen by Knight partly because I don't believe belonging to a particular schism in the church or even sitting in a church pew on Sunday necessarily makes a person a Christian. Church pews are full of people that do not know what it means to have Christ in their lives. They play church on Sunday but they have not allowed Christ into their lives. What comes out of their lips and computer keys is most definitely not Christian. My church has a few of those.

I am not really hostile toward Christians of any kind. They can be found in many mainline churches regardless of the name above the door. The words in the Bible are pretty simple when it comes to the requirement to becoming a Christian.

They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." Acts 16:31 ​The qualifier being accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. One is not saved being outside of Christ. Universalism is bunk. It is Jesus that does the saving. Not you.

That being said, I have buckled down on Pate because he is opening too many threads that say the same thing than abandoning them. He is diluting his argument. A few well managed threads would be more effective.

I am happy to see though, that TOL is returning to its roots in a sense where members are discussing topics in mainstream Christian theology.